Superintendent Community Update
January 26, 2024
Superintendent's Message
Dear JUHSD Community,
I hope you were able to stay dry this past week as January storms swept through the Bay Area!
ACSA Superintendents' Symposium
This week, I attended the ACSA (Association of California School Administrators) Superintendents' Symposium in Indian Wells, California. During this annual event, superintendents from around the state gather together for two days of professional learning, networking, and advocacy.
Keynote speakers Heather McGee, author of the New York Times bestselling book "The Sum of Us," and Pedro Noguera, distinguished Dean of the USC Rossier School of Education were two of my highlights!
I was humbled to have been honored as a bold and courageous leader, alongside Parvin Ahmadi, Superintendent of Castro Valley Unified and Diann Kitamura, Deputy Superintendent in the Sonoma County Office of Education. ACSA's Sr. Director of Equity, Inclusion, Tracie Noriega invited us to speak on a panel, entitled Protecting the Frontline Against Attacks on Student Centered Programs. We shared our ongoing work toward improving an inequitable educational system by supporting administrators and teachers and staff through Equity work, Ethnic Studies, LGBTQ+ protections, and more.
Serramonte Del Rey Neighborhood Project
Our Serramonte Del Rey (SDR) Neighborhood Project proposal has been postponed and was not presented before the Daly City Council for approval at the scheduled meeting on January 22. Despite the delay, we in JUHSD express our gratitude to those who were prepared to attend the meeting and demonstrate their support for the SDR Project and the district as a whole. We look forward to receiving approval for this plan from the Daly City Council at a future meeting and will keep all informed.
Have a great weekend and know that my door is always open.
In Community,
Toni Presta
JUHSD Superintendent Toni Presta takes a photo with fellow panelists Diann Kitamura (Sonoma County Office of Education), Parvin Ahmadi (Castro Valley Unified School District), and moderator Tracie Noriega (ACSA), as they discussed Protecting the Frontline Against Attacks on Student Centered Programs at the 2024 ACSA Superintendents' Symposium.
CTE Featured in SMCOE Spotlight
A shout out to JUHSD's CTE (Career Technical Education) Program for being featured in this month's San Mateo County Office of Education's Spotlight!
As stated in this newsletter, The Jefferson Union High District has developed a high-quality CTE program that includes 11 pathway options, partnerships with local businesses and higher education including Skyline College, a robust CTE website, and dual enrollment opportunities. It has promoted CTE at all levels of the district and recently collaborated with the County Office of Education to provide new administrators and counselors with an overview of CTE and how it helps students become more confident and prepared for college and career while meeting both academic and CTE standards. Way to go, JUHSD CTE!
Save the Date - Mission Fusion at JHS, February 8-10!
Free Tablets and Internet Access Opportunities
Along with offering this opportunity with the JUHSD Adult School Division, it was confirmed that families of our high school students are also eligible to apply, too. A distribution of these tablets will take place in the library at Jefferson on Monday, March 11, from 6:00-8:00 pm. Further details will be provided closer to the date and please click on the below fliers (In English and Spanish) for additional information.
EHC Meets This Thursday
The JUHSD Educational Housing Corporation will hold their next board meeting this coming Thursday, February 1, in the JUHSD Board Room, 699 Serramonte Del Rey, Room 223, 6:00 pm. As this is a public meeting, anyone is invited to attend. For additional information, click here.
Staff Shout Out: Reyna Meafua, JHS
JUHSD gives a special SHOUT OUT to JHS health aid, Reyna Meafua, as she, along with the Daly City Pacific Islanders Together organization, received a special commendation at this past Monday's Daly City Council meeting.
As stated in this commendation, the Pacific Islander's Together program, founded in 2012 by President Reyna Meafua, emphasizes the importance of bringing the community together while delivering support through existing and influential programs, including their monthly food drives held at Jefferson High School; JHS received special recognition for this, too.
JUHSD thanks Reyna, and the countless volunteers from Pacifica Islanders Together, who make this community a better place in which to live. Click here to see the official commendation from the Daly City Council. Way to go, Reyna! #juhsdproud
Free Homework Help For The New Semester
This is your moment to be Daly City's NEXT Youth Poet Laureate!
Deadline to apply is next week, January 31!
Scroll Below for Events, Opportunities & Resources from Local Organizations and Community Partners!
CalKIDS Savings Program
The California Kids Investment and Development Savings Program (CalKIDS) was launched in 2022 to help California children and students prepare financially for the costs of postsecondary education. The program automatically funds savings accounts with $1.9 billion for eligible low-income public school students enrolled in grades 1-12 and all California newborns, regardless of income.
Some JUHSD students may be eligible to use these funds to pay for tuition, fees, books, supplies, and certain room and board costs. They can use CalKIDS funds to pay for tuition, fees, books, supplies, and certain room and board costs.
To begin this process of retrieving these funds, guardians should visit www.calkids.org. Accessing an account is easy and requires only a few pieces of information, including the student's Statewide Student Identifier (SSID), which can be found through the StudentVUE/ParentVUE portal. If a guardian needs support in finding their child's SSID, please click here. To learn more about this program, watch the below video.
Look for JUHSD at this event!
Honoring Black History Month
National Black History Month, honored during the month of February, is an opportunity to learn more about Black history and culture, address racial injustice towards the Black community, and celebrate the African American educators in our community. This year, we celebrate African American artists – including poets, writers, visual artists, and dancers – who have historically served as change agents through their craft. Learn more about Black History Month on the County Office of Education’s website.
JUHSD's Equity Statement
Contact JUHSD: communication@jeffersonunion.net