Elmdale School
October Newsletter
Principal's Message
We made it through the first month! It's been fun to watch the kids arrive at school and get settled into their classrooms. Many Green Slips have been handed out. Buckets have been filled. Books have been read. Questions been asked. It's definitely a fun time of year!
Thank you to all the families who came to school for the Come and Meet Your Teacher event that took place on September 4. We had 91% of our students visit that evening! Wow!
Another highlight was our Summer Reading Program Lunch. I enjoyed having lunch with all of the students who handed in their Reading Bingo Sheets. A big thank you to parents who supported the reading at home and to Boston Pizza for sponsoring this event. Also a big thanks to Mrs. W. Thiessen and Mrs. Reimer for organizing the event.
Our Terry Fox run was also a success. The weather didn't turn out as we had hoped, and I can safely say for many of us this was the first time we ran in the snow, but we tried to keep warm and ran anyway! We met our goal of $400 which will be donated to the Terry Fox Foundation for Cancer Research.
We are looking forward to October with our Health and Wellness days, skating for the grade 3 & 4's and all of the other activities going on.
Mr. Vince Hiebert
Principal: Elmdale School
Email: vhiebert@hsd.ca
Twitter: @elmdalehsd
Terry Fox
Loose Parts
Summer Reading Lunch
Picture Day
A Walktober Note From Mr. Fast
Hi Everyone,
As we enter the fall season, I would like to say thank-you to the Elmdale School community for the warm welcome that you have extended to me as the school year has begun. It has been a pleasure to join the learning community at Elmdale School, and I look forward to what the coming year will bring as we journey together.
October is sometimes called ‘Walktober’, as many schools across Canada promote active transportation to school during this month. For some, riding the bus or getting a ride to school is necessary. For others, using active transportation (walking, cycling etc.) is an option. During October, there will be a poster with a trail map on it, on the Phys.Ed. bulletin board. Students can add a sticker to the trail map for each day that they take active transportation to school. Our goal is to work as a school to get our stickers to the end of the trail. Here’s to an active October!
-Mr. Fast
School Planning Priorities
Please follow this LINK for to see a copy of our School Planning Priorities for 2018-2019.
Family Parking
"Soup's On" School Lunches
Bus Times, Routes & Address Changes
Please check our website for the bus pick up times and location near your house.
If your address has changed, please call transportation at 204-320-2347 to make sure that your children are riding the correct bus to and from school.
Elmdale Early Years School
Publisher: Mr. Hiebert
Email: elmdale@hsd.ca
Website: http://elmdale.hsd.ca/
Location: 160 Elmdale Street, Steinbach, MB, Canada
Phone: 204-326-3325
Twitter: @elmdalehsd