Bordeaux Elementary School
Weekly Update - January 2, 2024
Dear Bordeaux Families -
Happy New Year and welcome to 2024! It’s time to get back to school tomorrow and the staff and I are eager to see all of our wonderful students. This month Bordeaux is focused on structures and routines. We will be revisiting our Bulldog expectations for the building and the classrooms. This is also a great time to re-establish the structures and routines within your household that can help support your child’s education. Breaks are wonderful for relaxing, spending time with family and friends, and letting go of some of those student responsibilities. However, we’re going to be heading into a long, important stretch of the year. Do you have a quiet time during the evening for your student to complete homework or read? Do they have a specific location to do this? Are the alarms set to provide enough time in the morning to get everything done without rushing out the door? Have backpacks been emptied and cleaned out? Are lunch containers clean and ready to go? (I won’t even describe the moldy mess I was presented with from one of my daughters. I don’t even know what food the now science project used to be). Is the bedtime routine ready to be put back into place? Structures and routines are important to provide consistency, reliability, and to make clear the expectations.
I know it will be hard for many of our teachers and students to rise and shine bright and early tomorrow, but soon the hallways will once again be filled with smiling faces and we’ll be quickly back into the swing of things. As always, it’s a great week to be a Bordeaux Bulldog!