It's Fall, Y'All!
Resources for Teaching about Autumn, 2023

Hello October!
Dear Havlicek Families
The Fall season brings with it a sense of transformation, and within our school community, we are embracing change, growth, and progress.
Our faculty and staff have been hard at work, dedicated to providing your children with an enriching educational experience. As we delve into a new season, our goal remains unchanged: to foster a nurturing and inspiring environment where every child can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Throughout the Fall, we have a range of exciting events and activities planned, designed to enrich your child's educational experience and strengthen our school community. From parent-teacher conferences to a Fall dance, we look forward to your active participation and collaboration in making this a successful school year.
In the spirit of unity and partnership, I encourage you to stay connected with us. Our doors are always open, and we welcome your feedback, questions, and ideas. Together, we can ensure that this academic year is one of growth, achievement, and memorable experiences for our students.
Warm regards,
Happy fall! 🌰 🍂
Are you interested in our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)?
It is our top priority to ensure the safety of all students during their time on school premises. Teachers do not start duty until 8:15 am.
We kindly ask that you accompany your child to the playground and actively supervise them before 8:15 am to ensure your child's safety and well-being.
Es nuestra máxima prioridad garantizar la seguridad de todos los estudiantes durante su tiempo en las instalaciones de la escuela. Los maestros no comienzan a trabajar hasta las 8:15 am.
Le pedimos amablemente que acompañe a su hijo al patio de recreo y que lo supervise activamente antes de las 8:15 am para garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar de su hijo
Important Dates/Fechas Importantes
Monday, October 9th / lunes, 9 de octubre
Indigenous Peoples' Day - No School
Día de los Pueblos Indígenas - No hay clases
Wednesday, October 18/ Miércoles, 18 de octubre
Havlicek Unity Day/día de la unidad
On October 18, 2023, we will be celebrating Unity Day. Unity Day is a day to spread kindness, promote acceptance, and encourage inclusion to prevent bullying. Teachers will be communicating the week's events.
El 18 de octubre de 2023 celebraremos el Día de la Unidad. El Día de la Unidad es un día para difundir la bondad, promover la aceptación y fomentar la inclusión para prevenir el acoso. Los maestros comunicarán los eventos de la semana.
Social Emotional Learning ~ Aprendizaje Social Emocional
We want your child to be successful in school and that means supporting and encouraging their whole development. While excelling in academic classes is important, children also need skills to take on learning challenges, make good decisions, manage strong emotions, and get along with others. Click here for more information on your child’s Second Step lessons.
Queremos que su hijo tenga éxito en la escuela y eso significa apoyar y fomentar todo su desarrollo. Si bien sobresalir en las clases académicas es importante, los niños también necesitan habilidades para afrontar desafíos de aprendizaje, tomar buenas decisiones, manejar emociones fuertes y llevarse bien con los demás. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre las lecciones de Second Step de su hijo.
Take a look at our Eagles at lunch!
Students have different options each day! Yum!
Our Eagles love lunch time!
Entry & Dismissal Safety / Seguridad de entrada y salida
We want to ensure that all students are safe during drop off and pick up time. If dropping off by car, please please refrain from double parking, blocking others, or stopping for too long. Please remember that the crossing guards are here to keep all of the kids safe. You can do your part by by listening to and respecting the crossing guards and not going around cones! We want all our Eagles to make it to school smoothly.
Queremos asegurarnos de que todos los estudiantes estén seguros durante la hora de dejar y recoger a sus hijos. Si deja a su hijo en coche, por favor, absténgase de aparcar en doble fila, bloquear a otros, o detenerse durante demasiado tiempo. Por favor, recuerde que los guardias de cruce están aquí para mantener a todos los niños seguros. Usted puede hacer su parte escuchando y respetando a los guardias de cruce y no yendo alrededor de los conos. Queremos que todos nuestros Eagles lleguen a la escuela sin problemas.
School Hours & After School Club Pickup /Horario escolar y después de la escuela
Time of Arrival 8:15 a.m. Tardy Bell 8:25 a.m.
Hora de Entrada 8:15 a.m. Campana de tardanza 8:25 a.m.
Time of Dismissal 3:05 p.m.
Hora de Salida: 3:05 p.m.
Students will dismiss through the same doors where they enter. After 3:10, students not picked up from the assigned doors can be picked up from the doors closest to the playground. All afterschool programs will dismiss from the playground doors.
Los estudiantes saldrán por las mismas puertas donde entran. Después de las 3:10, los estudiantes que no son recogidos de las puertas asignadas pueden ser recogidos de las puertas más cercanas al patio de recreo.
Todos los programas después de la escuela se descartarán de las puertas del patio de recreo.