OHES Principal's Message
Swinging into Spring!
Orchard Hill Families,
As we move into our Spring Recess, we wanted to reach out and wish everyone a safe and relaxing break! Orchard Hill students and staff have conquered the long winter months and are excited to take a breath, knowing that we will come back rested and ready to finish off the school year come April 17th.
March was a jam-packed month, with students experiencing engaging learning opportunities both inside and out of the classroom. We welcomed guest authors for Pre-K, Kindergarten and 2nd grade, hosted a career fair for first and second graders run by MHS peer leaders, and celebrated Read Across America with special guest readers from the community.
Mrs. Caudill and I continue to burst with pride when we see students head out to our buses sporting “Cubs Core Value” stickers. Make sure to ask your student about how they earned their sticker, and reinforce that positive behavior every chance you get! With the help of our PTA, we just completed a new school wide assembly from singer/songwriter Jared Campbell who helped to reinforce our Cub Core Values through his songs about respect, kindness, and responsibility. To learn more about Jared Campbell and the work he does with schools, click here.
We look forward to many more school wide events coming up after Break that will help us round out the year as a school community, culminating with our annual “Fun Day” in June. Please continue reading for important updates and info as we move into the final months of the school year.
Mr. Van Hise
1st and 2nd grade Career Fair
April is Autism Acceptance Month!
Read Across America Week
Instructional Update
The weather is finally warmer and our K-2 readers and writers are blooming at Orchard Hill! As we enter the final quarter of the 2022-23 school year, it's a great time to think about ways to continue to support your child as a reader and writer through the rest of the school year and into the summer. If you're feeling stuck on the best way to go about this, please take the time to watch some (or all!) of this collection of videos from the experts at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project.
To keep the momentum going in fun, kid-friendly ways over Spring Break, check out some recommendations below:
The Somerset County Library System has TONS of free activities and events at the Montgomery and Hillsborough branches. Check out this link and sort by location, age group and date range to explore what is offered during the break!
Play Sight Words Memory! Below are links to cards you can use, or create your own by having your child write the words. Remember to include two of each word to find matches!
Get outside!
Practice writing letters, sight words or words with familiar spelling patterns with sidewalk chalk.
Go on a nature walk! Give your child a notebook or paper and a clipboard and encourage them to record their observations about the world around them. What can they see, hear, smell, touch?
A tiny topics notepad is a great way to collect small ideas to inspire poetry. Children can jot down what they notice... a tiny caterpillar stomping across a leaf, a butterfly fluttering its wings, clouds in unusual shapes. These small observations can become springboards for original poetry.
There are many benefits to being outdoors, from a daily dose of Vitamin D and fresh air to improving mood and focus. Springtime provides a great opportunity to close the Chromebook, put down the iPad and get outside with a good book.
Straight from the Health Office
Greetings from the Orchard Hill Nurse’s Office!
As the weather gets warmer, please make sure that your child comes into school with a water bottle every day! As they run around more with some extra time outside and the increased temperatures, it can be easy to get dehydrated so the more water they drink the better!
Many students are affected by seasonal allergies which can make it uncomfortable for them during play time outside. With that in mind, if you know your child has seasonal allergies, please consult with your child’s health care provider regarding if/when to start antihistamine treatment. These medicines can take some time to build up so it may be best to start prior to showing uncomfortable symptoms. If your child also suffers from asthma, please make sure we have a current copy of your child’s asthma action plan as well as your child’s inhaler in the health office. Sometimes seasonal allergies can set off a child’s asthma so it is best for us to have the medicine ready to go as soon as symptoms arise instead of waiting until the medicine is brought when the child is already symptomatic.
As the end of the year draws near, keep on the lookout for communication regarding medication pick up at the end of the year! Please keep in mind that any medication left after the last day of medication pick up must be discarded.
Please feel free to contact me at 609-466-7605 ext 1600 or at if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you and Happy Spring!
Wishing you best health,
Rachelle Hanna, BSN, RN, CSN
Kindergarten Orientation Coming Up!
To register for our new full-day program, please click here.
Jared Campbell "Rocks" OHES!!
Updated Policy #5512: Harrassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
This is a reminder that Policy #5512 was updated at the February 28th Board of Education meeting. If you have not done so already, please be sure to acknowledge your review of the revised policy via Forms in the Genesis Parent Portal as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Two Parent Reminders
2nd grade families: Music concerts are fast approaching! Dr. Hackel and our second grade musicians will be performing their interpretation of the picture book The Mitten. Concerts are scheduled for May 15-May 21st. Specific dates and times for your student's class will be coming your way after Spring Break!