RPS Update
Special Edition, Back-to-School, August 25, 2023
Dear Families, Faculty, and Staff,
Welcome, welcome, welcome! We kicked off the school year at Convocation this past Wednesday with high levels of enthusiasm, excitement, and the energy that our students and educators deserve. While this event is celebratory, its purpose is also to be focused on the work of the District. “RPS Levels Up”, the District’s new theme, unites us on intentional and continuous growth and development. For RPS, this means we are leveling up the work that has been built over the past few years, and determining our “next play.” In September, we will present our District Priorities to the Board of Education- look out for RPS’ plan to Level Up!
K-9 students will join their teachers officially on Monday. Our classrooms are set up and beautiful. Our new faculty and staff, as well as School Security Officers can’t wait to meet everyone. My colleagues and I will be welcoming many of our students on the school bus, and look forward to meeting them! If you see us, don’t hesitate to say hello.
For our new families and faculty, you can expect an update from me each Friday unless noted otherwise. I encourage each of you to spend time reviewing the update as it may contain important information about your school, as well as the District. We pride ourselves on our commitment to transparent and comprehensive communication and that is available through many different modalities. For our families, if you have questions or concerns, we kindly ask that you reach out to your school first rather than to social media. Our schools will share accurate information with you as efficiently as possible. Ridgefield is a “District of Choice”, and how we communicate and partner with each other matters. We are here for you!
May you have a wonderful start to the school year. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Dr. Susie Da Silva
Quote of the Week
“My greatest skill was that I was coachable. I was a sponge and aggressive to learn.”
—Michael Jordan (shared by Cory Gillette)
Photo Caption: RHS Cheerleaders with Superintendent Dr. Susie Da Silva and Assistant Superintendent Cory Gillette at Convocation.
Important District News and Reminders
Branchville Cuts Ribbon on New Playground
Today, Friday, August 25, Branchville Elementary opened a new fully accessible playground during its Back to School Bash. The photo above shows the essential parts of this successful collaboration—RPS, administration, the Branchville PTA, and the Town of Ridgefield. In the photo from left, BES Principal Keith Margolus, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Liz Hannaway, PTA leader Angela Rice, Superintendent Dr. Susie Da Silva, Town Safety Director Jake Muller, and First Selectman Rudy Marconi. The students are Tommy Bishop, Charlie and Henry Daubar. We look forward to sharing more about this exciting playground project where everyone can play in a forthcoming issue.
School Hours, Dismissal, and Emergency Contacts
School hours for grades K-12 can be found here. The PreK will begin its half-day and extended-day program hours on Tuesday, September 5. The early dismissal schedule and information about weather-related procedures is here. Please check your emergency contacts and update if necessary, and review plans with your children if there is an unexpected early dismissal.
The full district calendar can be found here.
Board of Education Meetings
We wanted to let new parents and staff know and remind RPS returners that the Board of Education is a nine-member committee committed to working with the administration and town on behalf of Ridgefield students. The BOE's role is to oversee governance, policy, and budget, as well as support the mission and vision of the District. Questions related to day-to-day operations should be directed to the Superintendent and/or Administration. The BOE meets in person every other week during the school year on Mondays at 7. However, this Monday's meeting will start at 7:30 and the second meeting in September will be on Tuesday, September 26 because of the Monday holiday. The BOE is also engaged in committee work, and a schedule for these meetings will be forthcoming.
Meetings are open to the public with times for in-person Public Comment near the beginning and end of each meeting. Meetings are also available live and recorded on the BOE's website, where agendas, minutes, and more are posted. For information on last year's BOE, please view the End of the Year newsletter here. Contact the BOE by email.
Meeting Location
BOE Conference Room
90 East Ridge Road, Ridgefield, CT 06877
District Organization Chart and Communication
What's for lunch? You can find lunch menus with prices on the Food Services page..School lunch will be available from the first day of school. This summer, RPS transitioned away from LunchTime software to MySchoolBucks for families to fund student lunches and rolled over any balances. Payment and balances available on the PowerSchool Portal through MySchoolBucks. Information about Reduced Lunch for eligible students is also available here. In short, students eligible for reduced lunch will be provided free lunches in grades K-8 for the 2023-24 school year. Please contact the Business Office with questions about the Free School Meals for Children grant. Questions in regard to school MySchoolBucks can be directed to Eric Nickelson, RPS Food Service Director at 203-894-5550 x1127 or enickelson@ridgefieldps.net
Join the PTA!
RPS PTAs provide a vital link between families and schools, offering enrichment, teacher appreciation, support, and joy. This year's PTA Executive Council Co-Presidents aim for increased enrollment among both parents and teachers with easy, fun, low-cost ways to get involved. As some parents in the district both celebrated and grieved their oldest child leaving the nest for college, they remind us of the fleeting nature of time. Thank you for any time you have to give back and get involved. Most of our PTA leaders work full or part-time. Please find a link to the PTA Council that links to each school's PTA here.
Photo Caption: BOE Chair Tina Malhotra and Superintendent Dr. Da Silva with PTA Executive Council Co-Presidents Kelly Debald (second from left) and Angela Rice (far right)
Technology Resources
RPS prides itself on thoughtful consideration of technology use and digital citizenship instruction. Some of the department's considerations this year are AI and the impact of programs like ChatGPT on instruction and academics as well as giving more media creation opportunities to our students. Like last year, 4th, 6th, and 9th graders will be given new Chromebooks for the duration they are in a school. Our Library and Media specialists are the go-to people with student tech concerns. Email questions or problems with services, logins, and/or devices to helpdesk@ridgefieldps.net
There are inevitably more questions at the beginning of the year so we ask for patience as we go through tickets and requests as quickly as possible.
Transportation Reminders: Bus Routes, Concerns, & Help!
The RPS Transportation Department works all summer to prepare for the start of school. Policies, registration for the GPS Bus Tracker, and FAQs are available on the Transportation Page. For example, did you know students should be at their bus stops five minutes before pick-up? Families can find their bus assignments on the Parent PowerSchool Portal. Inevitably, there are bumps in the road despite the meticulous work of this department. If you do have a transportation concern, please fill out the Transportation Inquiries form.
Please remind your students to treat bus drivers and classmates with respect.
Obey all traffic laws around school buses. Thank you for your partnership and patience in keeping our students and drivers safe!
Photo Captions: Kindergarten bus orientation.
Save the Date: RPS Sings at Carnegie Hall, January 2024
Save the Date: RPS to perform at Carnegie Hall on Sunday, January 7, 2024! We look forward to sharing more information soon.
RHS Lacrosse Players Named to National Lacrosse Team
RHS juniors Grace Winkler (photo above left) and Gabby Laurentani (right) earned spots on the USA National Lacrosse team. The team selected only seven players from Connecticut for the U18 and U16 so to have two from RHS is incredible. Read more here. Congratulations, Grace and Gabby!
Photos from the Week
RPS Levels Up: Convocation 2023-24
On Wednesday, RPS levelled up with a rousing Convocation that welcomed back faculty. Convocation has purpose and intention as outlined in the Superintendent's letter, and it is a party, and that means food, entertainment, decorations, and party favors. Costumed school mascots mingled with new and veteran staff during the breakfast. Ridgefield High School Student Body President Hannah Yu was the Emcee for this high-energy kick-off. Everyone was delighted to see retired Farmingville music teacher Dr. Nora Marrinan who was back to lead her select chorus.
Who's Got Game?
Even the "non-gamers" brought their A-Game to Convocation. Superintendent Dr. Susie Da Silva talked about the start of a new year as a "reset" and considered what leveling up might mean for her. "Ridgefield Imagines" will always be a part of the fabric of RPS, and now it is time to level up. Assistant Dr. Liz Hannaway reflected on Cal Ripken Jr.'s amazing 2,632 consecutive games streak and what motivated this famed baseball player to come to the Park and play his best at every game.
A New Reign...RPS TOY 2022-23 Gives Up Her Reins to This Year's King
2022-23 Teacher of the Year (TOY) Jess Margiotta gave a reprise of her hilarious speech last year to introduce this year's TOY Andy Maccabe. Ms. Margiotta's photoshop skills matched her comic timing and delivery as she described the doors that opened up because of her selection. The veteran East Ridge English teacher described a year of greats including winning the Superbowl and performing along-side Rihanna at the game's half-time, a role in the Coronation of the British monarch, a partner to Taylor Swift during the Era's tour, and more. Mr. Maccabe quipped that following Ms. Margiotta was like a dumpster fire, one of many references to Mr. Maccabe's other vocation as an assistant fire chief in Weston, CT. #Englishteachers
Putting Out Fires Since 2000
Many of the 2023-24 TOY Andy Maccabe's RHS colleagues wore shirts that said, "Andy Maccabe: Putting Out Fires Since 2000" in reference to his dual role as fire fighter and RHS Dean. He gave a powerful speech about collegiality and collaboration. Below Mr. Maccabe is dressed in black surrounded by his RHS colleagues.
New Elementary School Security Officers
Director of Security Josh Zabin (left) introduced the new elementary School Security Officers
Welcome, New Teachers!
Together, We Can Accomplish So Much
Welcome, New Students!
New Kids on Our Block
On Monday morning, East Ridge Middle School counselors and some returning students rolled out the red carpet for ERMS students starting in RPS this year. In every building, RPS strives to make new students feel welcome. Please note that there is no pool on the third floor of ERMS:)
RPS Gets Ready
Rites of Passage; Notes of Appreciation; Bulletin Boards of Inspiration
Third-grade teacher Deborah Colon set up her cheerful classroom last week. Amongst the new books and boxes are old keepsakes from students, including post-its from a former student (who is off to college next week). Below are bulletin boards from across the district.
We would love to hear from you! Families and staff can submit stories, comments, or corrections to RPS Communications. Please follow us on Social Media with links below.