IP is Back! Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022
IP Registration & Lowell Appreciation Party
Iskwelahang Pilipino Community Invitation, September 2, 2022
You are Invited to Celebrate!
All are welcome to join the IP community as we kick off the new school year by celebrating the success of IP's Philippine Food Booth at the 2022 Lowell Folk Festival!
We'll begin by opening registration for the 2022-2023 school year. We look forward to sharing what's new at IP with you!
Event Information
IP Registration & Lowell Appreciation Party
Sunday, Sep 11, 2022, 01:30 PM
Iskwelahang Pilipino, Mudge Way, Bedford, MA, USA
Registration & Party Schedule
1:30 Registration opens for 2022-2023 School Year with a showcase of this year's theme
3:00 Potluck party begins, tailgate style, in the parking lot behind IP
IP Students Need You!
Consider volunteering on IP Sundays!
IP welcomes vounteers to help IP Sundays run smoothly!
- In the classroom as teachers, assistant teachers, and classroom helpers
- Outside of class as hallway monitors, setup and AV team members, merienda coordinators, office and check-in/attendance volunteers.
For more information email Tita Michelle or Tita Myra.
Mark your calendars with the following IP dates for September to December 2022
All sessions are Sundays in person, unless otherwise indicated.
- 9/11
- 9/18
- 10/2
- 10/16
- 10/23 Upper School FAHM Outing (tentative)
- 11/6 Online Family Workshop 1
- 11/20
- 12/3 Sat - IP Tiangge/Holiday Bazaar (tentative)
- 12/4 Online Family Workshop 2
- 12/11 or 12/18 IP Pasko Celebration (TBD)