The Primary Connection
Primary Family Newsletter - December 1, 2023
Notes From the Office
I was thrilled to see more students showing up in winter gear this week! The only problem I have detected is that the student's coats, snow pants, boots are not labeled with the student's names. Unfortunately, we have many pairs of black snow pants that all look the same! Many students have the exact same pair of boots in the same classroom. It is very helpful if you could write your child's name in these items. I am a good detective at many things, but I can not always decipher who's clothes belong to which student. Thank you for your help!
Mark Your Calendars!
December 1st - ELF Holiday Play, 7:00 PM
Deceomber 2nd - ELF Holiday Play, 7:00 PM
December 3rd - ELF Holiday Play, 2:00 PM
December 5th - PTO Meeting, 4:00 PM
December 8th - 1st grade field trip to the Nutcracker Ballet
December 18th - Board of Education, 7:00 PM
December 18th - 22nd - Count Down to the Ho Ho Holidays (Dress Up Days)
December 22nd - Santa visit and Sing-a-long
Food Service Newsletter
Elf the Musical
Count Down to the Ho Ho Holidays!
Weather Outwear Guidance
Cold weather is here, and it is going to get snowy soon enough. We do have a small supply of items that students can borrow, but not enough if a lot of students do not have the proper outdoor clothing. I have attached some guidance to help you understand the expectations for being outdoors at school.
Edwardsburg Primary School
Office Hours: 7:45 - 4:15PM
(Regular office hours begin September 5, 2023)
Location: 69100 Section Street, Edwardsburg, MI, USA
Phone: 269-663-1037
Elementary Principal at Edwardsburg Primary School