ASASP Union Times
Friday, July 7, 2023 Follow-Up XXIII
Friday Liberal Leave Policy in full effect for summer of '23
Supervisors Don't Trip......
Please don't try to make more out of this than what it is, use your leave on Friday as you please. If you feel weak on Thursday use that sick leave on Friday, but you have to wait until Thursday to know how you feel. Check out the policy below from H.R. Have a great summer take a trip but don't trip over the small stuff.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chief HR Office <chro@pgcps.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 9:16 AM
Subject: Reminder: 2023 Summer Workweek and Professional Learning Blackout Dates
Beginning Monday, June 26, 2023, through Friday, August 4, 2023, PGCPS will allow school and central office employees to exercise liberal leave on Fridays for six weeks. Liberal leave means employees are allowed to use their annual, personal, or sick leave as they see fit during this time. As a reminder, the leave type selected must be in compliance with the language of the applicable negotiated agreement. For example, there are specific uses of sick leave identified in each contract.
Employees are encouraged to submit all Friday leave requests by Friday, June 16, 2023, to their supervisor for approval. This will allow supervisors adequate time to create plans for office coverage and to ensure employees are able to manage their workloads while exercising the liberal leave option. Also, there shall be no meetings or collaborative workgroup agendas on Fridays during this time. It is expected that Fridays will be used to plan and assess for the upcoming week.
Professional Learning Blackout Dates
Please note that mandatory professional learning shall not occur Monday, July 17, 2023, through Friday, July 21, 2023. Those who need to schedule large group training sessions or other such meetings during the summer, with required attendance, should make the necessary adjustments to work around these dates. The blackout period does not speak, in any manner, to when staff can or should take annual leave during the summer. As always, leave requests should take into account individual needs and the needs of the office.
Stress Relief brought to Suitland High School Administrators.
Cora Rice Elementary Administrators masked up..
Highland Park Elementary Community School Coordinator all smiles.
Summer Office Hours at ASASP Office
Central High School administrators kicked of the year in mask.
Fairmont Heights administrators showing their Hornet Pride.
The face of Cora Rice Elementary brighter than ever on Ms. Dunn.
Pay Increases Kick In This Month
D. Salary table for FY 2023 improved as follows: - 5% COLA effective July 1, 2022 applied to the base salary. - One Step increase on July 1, 2022 applied to the base for all eligible employees. Eligible is defined as a Unit member who has served in the Unit for at least one calendar year. - All permanent employees for PGCPS as of June 1, 2022, who are still permanent employees as of September 16, 2022, will receive a $1,000 one-time retention bonus. This payment will be made by separate payment no later than October 21, 2022
E. Salary tables for FY 2024 improved as follows: - 4% COLA effective July 1, 2023 applied to the base salary. - Add an additional Step ( top of the scale lane expansion) to each Grade. - One Step increase on July 1, 2023 applied to the base for all eligible employees. Eligible is defined as a Unit member who has served in the Unit for at least one calendar year.
F. Salary tables for FY 2025 improved as follows: - 4% COLA effective July 1, 2024 applied to the base salary. - One Step increase on July 1, 2024 applied to the base for all eligible employees. Eligible is defined as a Unit member who has served in the Unit for at least one calendar year.
Negotiations will open for FY25 for language, any additional compensation and future years of the negotiated agreement.
Drums Please!!
Don't Ask Don't Tell.......
Nevertheless, when we get letters in our office about your involuntary transfer usually for no good reason, we usually DON'T ASK, and most people DON'T TELL us, because they may be embarrassed, intimidated, or afraid to involve the union.
Well because of our concern for you as a member of this union, we are going to contact you and ask you how you feel about your situation? Too often things happen on the job and people feel they have no one to run to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvFQ43AVMJ0 or turn to, but the union is here to protect your rights as an employee.
When we call we you, you may confide in us and we will keep your conversation in confidence and support whatever decision you make about handling your situation.
We only want you to know that we are here to support you 100%. When one of our members rights are violated, we are here support but you also have to support each other.
When one of your colleagues, members of this union rights' are violated and they're disrespected, demoted with total disregard to the evaluation process or any progressive disciplinary procedures, that should be a problem for all of us.
Whether we know the individual or not, like the individual or think highly of their work or not, everyone of us deserves due process and we must stand together to protect our rights. Everyone thinks that this can't happen to them, or that the person must have deserved what happened, until it happens to you. It's happening to our members with 1 year on the job or 20 years on the job. It doesn't matter. Just like Dorothy found out everything is not always like home and some is out there waiting to get you .......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ_g6NOo7yo, and eventually they will come for you too.
I know you thought this Don't Ask, Don't Tell piece was about something else. It's ok, I wanted to catch and keep your attention this matter.
We can talk about things that need to be addressed and have a little fun at the same time. I hope you enjoyed the clips, cause you know we don't own the rights to any of them. Call us anytime!
Payroll Issues Causes Members Angst
This letter does not apply to most of you receiving this correspondence.
Some 57 of you were impacted negatively on your paycheck this week. This office has been in contact all day with payroll to clear this matter up. Unfortunately, for some reason they did not get the notification letter out to those individuals that were impacted.
Payroll has informed us that there were 57 individuals who were charged union dues that far exceeded their normal bi-weekly dues.Since this office doesn't have the 57 individual names, this email is being sent out to all members.
Although this is not something that the union has control over, I am forwarding to you the bold printed letter that was approved and should have been sent out earlier from payroll to inform those impacted members only:
Good afternoon,
There was an issue with the processing of your ASASP Dues payment on your paycheck dated July 7, 2023 for the pay period starting June 17 and ending June 30, 2023.
Payroll has reviewed all ASASP dues payments for accuracy. You will be receiving a refund on Monday, July 10, 2023 for the amount over your dues payment via the same method you received your paycheck.
Please accept our apologies for this situation.
Thank you.
Sherriel J. Sullivan, MBA, SHRM-CP
Prince George's County Public Schools
Supervisor of Systems and Analysis
We don't own the rights to this clip either. This situation was out of my hands, nevertheless I am sorry for the inconvenience and I apologize........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP7FTdx-ywA
Thank you,
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP