The Navigator Newsletter
Sycamore Junior High's Parent Communication
AUGUST 19, 2022
News from the Administrative Staff
Students and Families,
This week I was able to see many of you and your families at schedule pick-up! Thank you for spending time with us. I am excited to have you in the building and bringing your energy and excitement to learning. We are going to have a memorable year!
I also wanted to take this week to encourage all families to utilize the Sycamore busing options as much as possible. However, I know that some families may still opt for or need to drop-off & pick-up. Please see the drop-off/pick-up line detailed map for car riders. Please know that due to limited space there will be back ups on Cooper Road and in the parking lot. We do appreciate your patience and understanding. (This is a good problem!! We're getting a brand new space!) Doors do open at 7:40am. Breakfast is available for purchase in the cafeteria. Starting at 7:55am, all students will need to enter through the main entrance. School starts at 7:57am.
As always if we can do anything to support you please reach out!
Have a fantastic week!
Mrs. Schunk (pronounced Shunk)
Events Coming Up
- August 19: Student Schedules available on Blackboard
- August 22: Welcome Back SJH Teachers, 7:15 am - 7:40 am (see flyer below)
- August 29: First Day/Transition Day - 7th Grade ONLY
- August 30: First Day /Transition Day - 8th Grade ONLY
- August 31: All Students in school
September 13: Open House: In-Person or Virtual (video) option
Bell Schedule for 2022-2023
Please note the changes in the counseling assignments going forward:Mr. Ben Brenner ( - Students' last names A-G
Ms. Kristen Suter ( - Students' last names H-N
Ms. Rachel Morris ( Students' last names O-Z, and ESOL students
2022-2023 Supply Lists/Backpacks
As you start shopping for supplies for next year, please refer to our GENERAL SUPPLY LIST and TEACHER-SPECIFIC SUPPLY LIST.
Chromebook and Computer Issues
The Ohio Department of Health requires all students prior to entering the 7th grade to have (1) dose of MCV4 (meningococcal) and a Tdap (Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis) booster.
Proof of immunization from the doctor’s office must be given to the school before the start of 7th grade.Immunization documents can be brought to schedule pickup, dropped off, or mailed to the JH, emailed to the JH Nurse Amy Bonham at or faxed to (513) 792-6192. If immunization records were previously given to EH Greene another copy will not need to be sent.
Questions regarding immunizations may be directed to the school nurse, Amy Bonham at
Sycamore Athletic Booster Memberships and All Sports Passes on Sale Now
Support the mission of the Sycamore Athletic Boosters by purchasing a membership at the Green, Aviator, or Gold level. Follow the below link for more information about how the Boosters support Sycamore Athletics and how to join.
Adult and Student All Sports Passes are available for $103 and $28 respectively. Family Passes offer a discount and are available to Booster Members. These athletic passes allow entry into all Sycamore high school and junior high home athletic contests during the regular season, but not tournament games or post-season play.
SJH Sycamore Select Singers to Travel to Carnegie Hall!!!
Sycamore Junior High Choir students have a very unique and exciting opportunity this school year. We have been invited to perform at Carnegie Hall, March 22-26, 2023!! The “Sycamore Elite Singers'' will be a select choir of approximately 44-48 students. Students who audition must be in one of our choral ensembles. (Concert Choir, Chorale, Treble Tones, Boy Choir or SSC) A parent meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the choir room. The parent meeting will provide an opportunity for parents to learn about the trip, trip costs, rehearsal obligations and audition information. Students interested in auditioning must attend one of two meetings- Tuesday, September 13th and/or Friday, September 14th at 7:15 a.m. in the choir room. Students will receive all audition materials at this time. Students considered for this trip must be in good academic and disciplinary standing. All other pertinent information about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will be presented at the parent and student meetings. Interested students should join the Google Classroom with code drhy7pj for all meeting and audition details. Questions concerning the Carnegie Hall trip should be directed to either JH choir director, Deborah Stein, or Jesse Callahan,
It's a Fundraiser, it's a celebration, it's a party!
It’s a fundraiser, it’s a celebration, it’s a party!
Did you hear you can enter your child into a $100 Amazon Gift Card???
Did you miss our information at schedule pick-up?
This is our FUNDRAISER for the SJH PTO this year and we need your help!
Or use these instructions:
Using your computer’s Brower:
· Go to
· Click “Not Registered For This Year’s Event”
· Enter your name and email address, then click “Submit”
· Follow the instructions on-screen to register Participant(s) and add family and friends
Using your Android or Apple phone or tablet:
· Go to the Apple App Store on IOS or the Amazon App Store on Android and search for “PledgeStar” to download the Family App, or go to
· On the home screen enter your event code: “SycamoreJrHigh” to locate your event
· Click “Not Registered For This Year’s Event”
· Enter your name and email address, then click “Submit”
· Follow the instructions on-screen to register Participant(s) and add family and friends
When you finish, the system emails pledge requests to your family and friends, and allows them to make secure credit card donations online. You get notified each time a pledge is made, and you can track your pledge progress online.
Call 1-888-598-7510 if you need help.
IF YOU SIGN UP AND SEND OUT 5 PLEDGE REQUESTS TO YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS BY MIDNIGHT ON 8/18, YOUR CHILD WILL BE ENTERED IN A DRAWING FOR A $100 AMAZON GIFT CARD (to be announced on Friday 9/2). You do not need to notify us if you completed this, we will monitor the pledgestar website for this information and to enter your child into the drawing.
Keep looking in the SJH Newsletters for more information/updates on the Glow-A-Thon. The fundraiser will run until Oct 21 - when the SJH will have their “Glow-A-Thon” Event.
Want to help volunteer on the planning committee or at the actual event? Please email
This might sound familiar as the PTO trialed a Fun-a-Thon in May of last school year to see if this would be a successful option to replace our main fundraiser of Flightfest. The decision was made to switch from the Flightfest Fundraiser to having an annual A-Thon fundraiser in the fall. So here we are! Our hope is to increase the funds raised while decreasing the amount of work for our volunteers, and still have a fun event for the students to attend.
Free and Reduced Price Meal Applications
During the last school year, children and families benefited from no-cost school meals for all students, made possible by special permission from the United States Department of Agriculture. Unfortunately, these permissions have expired. Sycamore Community Schools and the Ohio Department of Education cannot extend the permissions for no-cost meals for all students.
School meals will still be available to all students; however, they will not be free to all students. Eligibility for free and reduced-price lunch is based on federal income guidelines or participation in other programs such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Ohio Works First.
To complete a Free and Reduced Price Meal Application online go to You will need to create a username and password if this is your first time filling out an application. Please keep this information for your records as you will reuse this annually. You will receive immediate approval/denial if you complete and sign the electronic application.
Translated forms and other information on filling out a free and reduced meal application can be found here.
Breakfast is served daily in each school at the cafeteria 15 minutes before school starts
Menus can be found HERE or through the Sycamore Community Schools App
Menus should be live by the week of August 22rd
Food Allergy Notification Form
The school’s Food Allergy Notification form and additional information can be found HERE
A form does not need to be filled out yearly, only as information changes BUT does need to be on file for a notification to be placed on the student’s school meal account
Contact with any specific questions on food allergies
Online Payments
Money can be placed on students' accounts if they wish to buy meals, a la carte entrees, snacks or drinks. LOAD MONEY ON ACCOUNT HERE or send cash or check in with your student to school. Checks can be made out to the Sycamore Child Nutrition Department.
Setting up Meal Restrictions on Student Meal Account
CLICK HERE to learn more about how to set up meal restrictions on your student’s meal account.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with our department, daily menus and more! @SycamoreCNS
Speak Up/Save Lives
By calling or testing the statewide hotline
- 844-SAFEROH -
- 844-723-3764 -
you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering you, your friends or school.
Are you new to Sycamore Schools and need some help? We are here for you!
Besoin d'aide? ¿Necesita ayuda? Нужна помощь? Yordam kerakmi?
お手伝いします. 你需要帮助吗? 도움이 필요하세요?
Learn more about the Sycamore JH Ambassadors:
Sycamore Junior High School
Location: 5757 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 5136861760
Twitter: @sycamorejrhigh