Fox Family Focus
Week of September 10, 2023
Fox Family Updates for the Week...
Good Evening Fox Families, this is your principal Anita Roane with this week’s announcements and reminders. I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable weekend.
Thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed Grandparents and Grandheroes Day and our Den Fun Run and Cookout. Please see our Facebook page and below in this newsletter for lots of photos. We appreciate your support and continued partnership.
Constitution Day activities will take place on our asynchronous day and you should have received a flyer about that. Students are asked to wear red, white, and blue on Friday, September 15th.
On September 22nd we will have our much anticipated Kindergarten Den Reveals. Students in grades 1-5 should wear their den shirts to school on this day.
A message from Mrs. Amy Mack, PTA President.
Thank you to everyone who attended our Den Fun Run and Cook-out! We had a great turnout and loved watching everyone have fun. Great job to all of our runners who ran hard and with big smiles on their faces. An extra congratulations goes to Emery Pancham and Nicolas Stanton who ran the most laps in their age group, and to E'marione Mack who ran the most laps of the entire school, with 22 laps. Wow! A big thank you also goes to all of the parents and staff who helped make this night a success. Thank you!
Don't forget that this week is the last week you can join the PTA for only $5. If you haven't already, please fill out membership forms and turn them in to the school. Also, don't forget that our first Movie Night RSVP is due by the end of this week. Don't miss out on joining the PTA meeting and watching the movie The Angry Birds with your family. It should be a great night.
With Fox Pride,
Anita Roane
Your Proud Principal
Here's What's Happening in the Fox Den!
September 12th - Chorus Rehearsal
September 13th - Asynchronous Learning Day
September 15th - Wear red, white, and blue for Constitution Day (celebrated on the 17th)
September 21st - Family Movie Night
September 22nd - Kindergarten Den Reveal (grades 1-5 wear your den shirts)
September 22nd-29th - Book Fair
Resources for Parents
The Mission and Vision of Moss-Nuckols Elementary School
The mission of Moss-Nuckols Elementary School is to collaborate with families and community members to foster independent, life-long learners in a safe and nurturing environment.
Our Vision...
-Provide standards-based instruction
-Foster community engagement
-Provide a positive and inviting school climate
-Establish clear communication
-Provide highly qualified teachers
Stay Connected
Email: roanear@lcps.k12.va.us
Website: https://mnes.lcps.k12.va.us/home
Location: 2055 Courthouse Road, Louisa, VA, USA
Phone: 540-967-1347
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Moss-Nuckols-Elementary-School-379561668781237/
Twitter: @MNES_Roane