Panther Talk
November 13, 2023
District News:
$50 Million Bond Passes!
Thank you Mart ISD voters for never failing to put our students first! All 3 bond propositions passed. Stay tuned for more information on our first major project - expanding and renovating the elementary campus! #PANTHERFamily #ItTakesAVillage
Thank You Veterans!
Friday, November 10, Mart ISD honored all who served with their annual Veterans Day Program. The program was student-led and featured several special tributes. Boy Scouts began the program with a Presentation of Colours. 6th grade student, Dani Rasco, read a patriotic poem. Wyatt Pankonien played the Star Spangled Banner on his banjo. 2nd grade students sang "America the Beautiful" with student Vida Quintero singing a beautiful solo. To conclude, Mart ISD students and staff made their way to the floor to thank the Veterans in attendance. Those in attendance were invited to a small reception after the program.
This year's program recognized Veterans who were able to attend and those who were unable to attend but had their names submitted by students and staff.
List of Veterans: https://www.martisd.org/article/1334678
Rain or Shine the Panther Band Brings Entertainment
The Bi-District playoff game Thursday night was a rainy and dreary game. Mart scored 41 points in the first quarter and ended the game 58-0. Most bands would be huddling under umbrellas, but at halftime the Mart Panther band made lemonade out of lemons. Woodwind players who were unable to get their instruments out due to weather grabbed signs from the cheerleaders and led the crowd in some of their favorite stand tunes.
The band also has some spiffy new uniforms. They wore them for the first time at the last district game of the season vs Hubbard. Stay tuned for pictures in their full regalia - new uniforms with hats and plumes included!
Texas High School Coaches Association Academic All State Teams
Only seniors with a GPA higher than 92 can be nominated for this award.
Mari Blood - 2nd Team Volleyball
Abry Osburn - Honorable Mention Volleyball
Mari Blood - 2nd Team Cross Country
Feature Families
Senior Calendar Fundraiser
Help the seniors raise money by picking a day on the calendar and making that donation. You can purchase up to 30 $1 donations.
For instance, if you choose November 5, please add 5 $1 donations to your cart to donate $5.
To make a donation, see a senior for their personal calendar, or follow this link: https://martisd.revtrak.net/fundraisers/
This Week
Monday - 5th & 6th Grade GT after school
Tuesday - JAM 1st - 3rd after school
Wednesday - Canned Food Drive Ends, Gear Up Event @ Extraco, KidVenture at First Baptist, 6pm-7:30pm
Thursday - ES Thanksgiving Luncheon, JAM 4th - 6th after school
Friday - College and Career Day @ HS, 12:30 Release, Thanksgiving
No school November 20 - 24 for Thanksgiving Break.
Looking Ahead
November 29 - 5th & 6th Grade Field Trip to Theater
November 30 - Band Concert, 7pm
December 6 - FAFSA Night
December 8 - GT Field Trip
December 13 - 12:30 Release, Christmas Break
December 14 - January 2 - No School, Christmas Break
January 2 - Staff Workday
January 3 - Beginning of 3rd 9 Weeks
Gear Up Events
November 15 - "Get Your Future in GEAR" Event at the Extraco Event Ctr
November 17 - College & Career Day at MHS
November 29 - Seniors visit state capitol in Austin
January 30 - English 4 classroom presentation "Scholarship Tips" by Karen Denney (Scholarship Lady of Central Texas)
January 31 - English 3 classroom presentation "Career & College Search" by Karen Denney (Scholarship Lady of Central Texas)
NFHS Network
Hey Panther Fans,
All home athletic events will continue to be streamed live through NFHS network. If you can’t be there in person make sure to tune in at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com and watch your favorite athletes!
Mart I.S.D.
Email: betsy.burnett@mymartisd.org
Website: www.martisd.org
Location: 1100 JL Davis Ave., Mart, TX, USA
Phone: (254) 876-2523
Facebook: facebook.com/MartISD
Twitter: @MartSchoolDistr