SRES Eagle Times
March 31, 2023 - Issue No. 28
Inspire, Create and Grow a Community of Lifelong Learners
Happy Friday SRES Families!
Our Music Concert and Art Show were absolutely amazing!
I am so proud of our students - their skills, enthusiasm, participation, and behavior were outstanding!
Thank you to:
- our families and community for your support - we had a full (and engaged!) house last night!
- Mr. P - the display of student art you created was stunning and really showcased our students' dynamic art experience!
- Mrs. Daigneault - the concert was incredible. The way you built-in audience participation and showcased our students and their learning - pure joy!
Report cards
- Report cards are coming home today!
- Please check your child's folder
- Please reach out with any questions; we would love to talk with you!
Friendly reminders about spring outdoor clothing:
- First, spring is a tricky time of year weather-wise
- It's better to be prepared with more items than you need
- We have limited items to borrow; if a student asks for something, we will try to provide them with it
- We will assume that what students come to school with is what families would like them to wear outdoors
- Boots and a change of shoes help to keep the mud/dirt at a minimum
- Thank you for your support!
Looking ahead:
- April 10-14: No School; April break
- April 17th: School resumes
- April 19th: Early Release; 11:45 am dismissal
- April 20th: Relocation drill (we will practice walking to one of our relocation sites)
- April 20th: SRES joins VA for its Earth Day celebration in the afternoon!
- April 28th: Cliff Sunflower comes to SRES for a day of learning about BEES!
Have a wonderful spring weekend as a family!
Your partner in education,
Laura Hazard
Mrs. Stephanie Fuller
Nurse Jenn and I are using the Second Step Child Protection Unit to teach all students important safety rules. Here is a snapshot of what we have covered so far:
Students have learned the "8 Never Never Rules" and the " 3 Ways to Stay Safe" which are:
1. Recognize (Is it safe? What's the Rule?)
2. Report (Tell an adult)
3. Refuse (Use words that mean no in an assertive voice).
Students practiced using the ways to stay safe with a variety of scenarios. Ask your child if they can name the 8 never never rules?
Students in K-2 also watched a short puppet show about medication safety starring Puppy (pictured below) and Nurse Jenn!
Girls on the Run
Children's Dental Health Project
A huge thank you to North Star Health for coming to SRES! We have been lucky, for the last two Tuesdays, Lisa Watson a dental hygienist has been at our school providing some dental care to some of our students. It isn’t too late to get your child signed up for a free dental cleaning and assessment. Please reach out to Nurse Jenn if you need a consent form.
Dental Health Lesson
Your child should stay home when:
- They have a fever
- They are vomiting
- They have diarrhea
- They have COVID-19
- Temperature is 100.4 or higher
- Vomiting within the last 24 hours
- Diarrhea within the last 24 hours
- When they test positive
Your child can return when:
- They are fever free for 24 hours without the use of a fever reducer.
- They are free from vomiting for at least 24 hours.
- They are free from diarrhea for at least 24 hours.
- They have completed a 5 day quarantine and they are fever free for 24 hours and symptoms have improved.
Free Dental Day
May 12, 2023
8:00-3:00 pm
Bowman Dental is offering free dental services. Please visit their website for more information!
Mrs. April Putnam
We have made it through March! Kindergarten is ready for warmer days and less snow. The concert last night was amazing! They all were all ready to lead our All School Meeting this morning.
Last week we began Book Buddies. We get to partner up and read with someone from another grade. This was a fun experience and we will be doing this every other Friday.
In Math we have begun working with subtracting a part from a whole. They are working on identifying the whole number and being able to use it to begin an equation.
We also began Reading Groups in ELA. They have really enjoyed this and are getting the new routine down. We are currently focusing on the short /a/.
Please remember to send your student in with their water bottles.
Mrs. Jillian White
☆ Reading: During Reader’s Workshop time we learned about the message that the author gives in Interactive Read Alouds such as “Two Eggs, Please!” by Sarah Weeks and Betsey Lewin and “The Name Jar” by Yanksook Choi. Ask your first grader what the message of these books were! Next, we are learning about how authors use playful language to make a story sound interesting or funny and reading poetry for National Poetry Month.
☆ Fundations: In Fundations time, we learned about new glued sounds -ank, -ink, -ung, and -onk. We learned new trick words: put, too, also, two, very. Ask your child to write these words and mark the part they need to know by heart!
☆ Math: The first graders wrapped up their data collection unit. We worked on interpreting graphs with two or three choices, and answered questions about the data using the terms “fewer than” and “more than”. Next, we will be working on decomposing numbers within 100 to begin our adding and subtracting two-digit numbers with place value unit!
☆ Writing: Students began our opinion writing unit! We talked about what the difference is between a fact and an opinion, and talked about sharing our own opinion and stating at least one reason to support our opinion. We will be continuing to work on this in writing time.
☆ Social Studies: During our social studies time, we started a new unit on goods and services. We learned about needs and wants, and goods and services that we pay for in our community. Save the date for our First Grade Marketplace which will be held on Tuesday, May 9th from 2-2:30! More details about this will be coming soon.
Ms. Jennifer Herman
Second Grade Readers are learning how to identify the main idea and details from a nonfiction text. They are practicing using a top down graphic organizer to take notes.
These writers are finishing up their rough drafts of their nonfiction books. They are practicing editing and revising their writing in order to be ready to publish.
Second graders have learned a new syllable type: open syllables! They are practicing how to read and spell multi-syllabic words with open, closed and vowel-consonant-e syllables. Students are also working on accurately reading and spelling the following trick words: eight, large, change, city, every, family.
Second Grade Mathematicians were challenged to help Scientist Sam to see if they can use addition to solve all subtraction problems. They are learning to use the open number line, place value blocks and series of equations to show their understanding.
In Social Studies students are wrapping up their unit on maps and how to use the compass rose and map key to navigate on a map.
Ms. Bethany Williams
Math: The third graders have been working on story problems with all 4 basic operations. They have focused on the language in the problem to focus on what is being asked of them. They have also started to work on story problems that involve multiple steps.
Reading: Students have been working on homophones and compound words. They have also continued to develop their knowledge of both fiction and non-fiction genres.
Writing: The third graders have been working on fantasy stories. They brainstormed ideas for their stories that are only possible in one’s imagination. They created a setting, characters, a conflict and a resolution for their stories as well.
Science: The third graders have been working on food chains and the transfer of energy between living organisms. The students completed an activity where each student was either the sun, an arrow or an organism. They needed to organize themselves in the correct order without talking.
Mrs. Jaimie Douglass
Hello From Fourth Grade!
In math we are continuing our exploration of fractions. This week we have compared fractions to ½ using number lines, models, and equations. We have also started to practice multiplying fractions by a whole. Next week we will be finding equivalent fractions, and ordering using unlike denominators.
In our reader’s workshop we are using evidence from the text to build comprehension. This week we have incorporated our social studies unit on the American Revolution into our reading. Earlier in the week we explored the lost city of Pompeii and I was able to share images from Mount Vesuvius from my trip to Italy.
In writing we have been continuing our work on our Wax Museum Projects. Many students have started putting their finished pieces onto their poster board and compiling pictures. Next week we will create timelines and begin working on our speeches.
Social Studies has us learning about the American Revolution, beginning with the Boston Tea Party. We have learned about the first and second continental congress, famous Americans such as Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere, John Adams, and George Washington. We also learned about the first 4th of July and the creation of the Declaration of Independence.
Sneakers are needed every day!
Jackets and/or heavy sweatshirts are needed for the fluctuating spring temperatures.
Water bottles!
Focus on Writing
Developing good writing skills can also strengthen vocabulary, comprehension, and spelling skills. Writing allows children to express their thoughts and creativity. Learning to write will also help children to be better readers! Here are a few activities to help your child practice their writing skills.
Play “Tell Me How”: In this activity your child will write to a space alien who doesn’t know anything about our culture. The alien will do everything exactly as it is written. Your child’s job is to choose an everyday task, like brushing teeth or making a sandwich. Then write step-by-step directions about how to do the task for the alien. When they are done, you get to be the alien and try to follow the steps exactly as they are written.
Play a writing game called Fortunately: To play, take a piece of paper and write a sentence beginning with “Fortunately,” such as “Fortunately it was a sunny day. I wanted to play outside.” Pass the paper to the next player, who will add an “unfortunately” sentence, such as “Unfortunately, I had to clean my room.” Keep going with these two starter words until the story is too silly to continue.
Family letters: Help your child write a letter to a relative or friend. Be sure to send your child a letter or card once in awhile too.
Ms. Dianne Clouet
Spring has arrived Vermont style with warm days mixed with snow storms and cold wind! Springtime in the library this means turning my attention to next year and the SRES library book collection.
I have been keeping notes on books that are “hot commodities” to see if I can gather similar books that would interest the students. There has been lots of interest in dragons, so that is a category I am looking into. Our library copies of Dragonology and Monsterology are always out, so I am looking into additional books from the “_ _ ology” series. Pet care books are ever popular, so I am looking to update these titles. Our non-fiction books about dinosaurs also need refreshing. I have a growing list of books to order, and I am always tweaking it!
Please feel free to contact me if you know of a topic or series that you think would be a good addition to the library. Family input is most welcome! ~ dianne.clouet@wnesu.com
Mr. Benjamin Pickard
Mrs. Alisa Daigneault
I would like to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to all of our family and friends for attending our Spring Concert and Art Show last evening. It was an incredibly inspiring and AWESOME event for our entire school!
I am SO proud of our students! Their focus, positive energy and hard work during the dress rehearsal and concert was amazing! Students put a lot of thought into their song and dance choices to present to the audience. This process was a wonderful learning experience. I am impressed with their final selections that you saw last night.
We obviously have the most wonderful audience around. I LOVED hearing you sing and participate in our songs. It made the evening even more fun for us.
Thanks to the entire SRES community. Parents, students and staff all came together for this awesome event.
Way to go, SRES!
Mrs. Daigneault, Music Educator
Mr. Jay Palmisano
Thank you all for taking the time to come out and celebrate our wonderful artists here at Saxtons River! Here are some pictures of the artworks displayed at the amazing concert! Thank you again and I am excited to see the amazing works these artists will create in the future!
Thank you,
Mr. Palmisano
After School Program
This was another week of fun here at ASP!
Monday: Stem Club
Tonight we made butter! I hope you were able to taste some of the butter that went home with each ASP students
Tuesday: Choice Club
Our choices tonight were Legos and coloring mandolins.
Wednesday: Craft Club
We had so much fun making Lorax windsocks and hand prints.
Thursday: Dance Club
We continue to work on our dance for our performance on April 28th. Ask your ASP student what new steps they learned tonight.
Friday: Board Game Club
Tonight we played Sorry, Life, Uno, Candy Land and many more. We also had two fourth graders lead a paper Cricut activity. What was your ASP student's favorite?
Friendly reminders:
It is getting to that time of year where layers are needed. Please make sure your student comes to ASP with a jacket or sweatshirt. It is getting warmer but still cold out for afternoon recess.
Please send in winter boots or mud boots for outdoor play. Our playground still has snow, but also has a few spots of mud starting to show.
Looking forward:
Our dance performance will be Thursday, April 27th starting at 4:30 pm. All families are invited to attend this short dance performance. Our ASP students are excited to show off what they learned.
On May 1, 2023 ASP sessions 5 will start. We will be offering Keeping Memories Club, Gardening Club and the Grafton Nature Museum will be back on Thursday.
More information to come on these new clubs.
As always free feel to reach out to me at:
Tina White
SRES ASP Site Coordinator
The Windham Northeast Supervisory Union is excited to announce our Summer Program plans for 2023! To learn more about dates, scheduling, activities, and how to be considered for a Summer Program slot, please read this Summer Programs Letter that includes the sign-up link. We will not be sending a paper form home with your child this year. Please complete this process by Friday 3/31/23. We will not accept sign-up information past this date. Completing this form indicates an interest in a Summer Programs (1st-8th) slot; placement in the Summer Programs is not guaranteed. This year there are no fees for familiies for the 2023 WNESU Summer Programs. They are funded through ESSER funds. This grant is considered a one-time funding opportunity.
If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Doran, Director of Summer & After-School Programs.
Are you interested in working for the WNESU Summer Programs for 5 weeks?! Please use this WNESU Summer Staff Sign Up Link. By completing this form, you are indicating that you are interested in being considered for a WNESU Summer Programs position. Employment in the Summer Programs is not guaranteed. Please complete this online application process by Monday 4/3/23. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Doran, Director of Summer & After-School Programs.SAXTONS RIVER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
Email: laura.hazard@wnesu.com
Website: https://sres.wnesu.org/
Location: 15 School Street, Saxtons River, VT, USA
Phone: (802) 869-2637
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sresvt