Weekly Update
August 28-September 1

WEEK OF: October 16-20
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
- Monday, Oct 16 - 1st Period Senior Class Cap/Gown & Graduation Announcement Meeting, please make every attempt to attend. Seniors to meet in auditorium.
- Monday, Oct 16 - Friday, Oct 20: HOMECOMING WEEK 2023
- Friday, October 20: Two-hour early dismissal & Homecoming Pep Rally
- Saturday, October 21: Homecoming Dance at LHS
- Friday, October 27: Two-hour early dismissal - End of MP1
Check out the Career Center Information below to see dates for upcoming college visits!
Come cheer on your fellow Raiders!!
Click here for the LHS SMAC Schedule
Click here to buy tickets for athletic events
Click here for the LHS Marching Band Schedule
No Food/Drink Deliveries
Due to safety concerns and the demands on the main office, we do not accept food deliveries of any kind. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Important PSAT Information
All 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will have the opportunity to take the school day digital PSAT on Wednesday, October 25th. The PSAT builds on skills and knowledge to help students succeed in college, junior college, or technical schools. The test measures reading, writing, and math skills, and links to personalized SAT practice through Khan Academy. Additionally, students can opt in to qualify for scholarship opportunities. There is no make-up date for the PSAT.
Students, please keep the following in mind as you prepare for the 10/25 PSAT:
Review their testing locations. Students with accommodations should look for an email from Ms. Bridges about their testing locations.
Make sure they have a school-issued laptop and charger on those days. Students cannot test on a personal device.
Charge their laptop the evening before.
Review the PSAT Student Guides
PSAT/NMSQT (for 10th and 11th graders)
Reminder for Parents/Guardians - Student Drop Off
Parents who are dropping students off at school in the morning should use the parking lot lane closest to the building. Please do not park in in a space and wait to drop your student off. Unfortunately, parking is very limited for both students and staff. Utilizing extra parking spaces for this purpose can create an issue where there is nowhere for staff or student drivers to park. Additionally, please do not drive down the middle parking lot lane in order to drop a student at school. We appreciate your help!
Congratulations to the Senior Members of the Cross Country Team!
Homecoming - Next Week - Oct 16-20!!
2023 Homecoming Ticket Information
Homecoming 2023 Dance
A Night Out on the Town
October 21 at LHS
General Information
Homecoming tickets are on sale now through October 18, 2023 on GoFan.co
Tickets must be purchased via GoFan.co - NO cash will be accepted.
Tickets are 20.00 each.
All LHS students must buy their OWN ticket. Your access code is your student ID.
Tickets will be purchased on a first come first serve basis.
There are 1300 tickets available and approximately 2100 students - you should purchase your tickets early to ensure that you can attend the dance
Guest Tickets
LHS students buying Guest Tickets should wait until the Dance Guest Form paperwork [on the left] is completed to buy their ticket
The LHS student will get a promo code for their guest with a completed guest form.
LHS students must turn in a completed guest form to the LHS financial assistant, Ms. Mushrush, to receive a promo code.
LHS students should not buy a Guest Ticket for another LHS student. In other words, all Guest Tickets should be non-LHS students.
Ms. Massie's Physical Science in the Environment Class
Ms. Massie's Physical Science in the Environment class debated the best form of energy: wind, solar, or natural gas. Students conducted research to build their arguments and addressed topics such as cost, environmental & economic impacts, and longevity of each resource. Students were professional and respectful and showed great Raider STRONG qualities during their first class debate.
Freshmen Academy visits the Charlotte Hall Veteran's Home
The Freshman Academy students have been visiting our Charlotte Hall Veterans Home to learn about our local vets. This week, they conducted recorded interviews to learn more about the veterans and their life stories. They will return on October 30th to share nonfiction narratives they've written for the vets. They are building relationships and lasting memories with these hometown heroes!
Raiders Helping Raiders
A huge thank you to the LHS Boys Soccer Team for stuffing the SMPCS PPW car
with cereal for our local food pantry!
LHS Teams Step Up and Volunteer at Sleep In Heavenly Peace!
Our Field Hockey, Girls Soccer, and Volleyball Teams helped sand and build beds for The Sleep and Heavenly Peace Organization! This Organization helps provide beds to children in need. Way to be Raider STRONG girls!
School Improvement Survey
The Student Leadership Counsel is working to target issues in the school to create a better learning environment for the student body. We want to hear from you to know what you think should be improved about the school, so we can take your thoughts and concerns into consideration. Click here to take the survey.
Senior Information CO 2024
There will be a Cap & Gown and Graduation announcements presentation during 1st period on Monday, October 16. Please make plans to attend.
Homecoming and Pep Rally information will also be shared.
Class of 2024 will be collecting for Harvest for the Hungry to help those in our local community. Every $1 equals 8 pounds of food. You can bring cash or check donations to the Cap & Gown meeting. We will also collect any nonperishable items at this meeting.
Donations can also be accepted in Room 2E05 at lunch or before 1st period through Wednesday, October 18!
Seniors, lets help out our community and show our Senior Spirit!
Class of 2025, it is your time to order your Class Ring!
You can also place your order directly online at jostens.com.
Your Ring will be delivered at school in December.
Information packets are available in the main office.
Feel free to contact Jostens with any questions during this process: Phone: 1-800-567-8367 or Email: lindsey.glamp@jostens.com
Yearbook Updates!
Order a Yearbook
If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook, please visit the Jostens site. We are in the second tier of our pricing, so order before December 15 before the price goes up again!
Grad Ads
Senior parents interested in creating a grad ad for the yearbook can do so through the Tribute Ads website. The deadline for creating an ad is Friday, December 15, 2023. Please visit the Tribute Ads site to create an ad honoring your senior.
Pictures Needed!
We are in need of pictures for some of our spreads! Click here for specifics regarding what pictures we still need. Please upload pictures directly to our Yearbook website using ReplayIt. Please do not submit screenshots of pictures or pictures with filters. Please make sure all students featured in the pictures are identified with first and last name and grade level. Please make sure that the pictures are from this summer and this school year!
Senior Portraits
Legacy Studios will be here on the dates below for senior portraits in the auditorium.
October 27
Seniors MUST sign up for an appointment by clicking HERE. Information about different portrait sessions available can be found on the Legacy site. Please note that Legacy does provide the tux, drape, and cap and gown for portraits. Seniors, if you wish to be included in the senior section of the yearbook, you must have your picture taken by Legacy in a tux or drape with a blue background and no props. Portraits that do not meet this requirement will not be included in the senior section of the yearbook.
If you have any questions regarding portraits or sittings, please contact Legacy at 716-512-6336 or customercare@legacystudios.com or yearbook adviser Heather Page at hmpage@smcps.org.
2022-2023 Yearbooks
The 2023 yearbooks are here! Students may pick up their yearbooks in the main office during regular school hours (8:00-2:45).
Fall Team & Marching Band Pictures
Fall athletes and marching band members who were photographed have the chance to purchase team and/or individual pictures. Please visit the Legacy website and use code 4572E24.
Impact Aid Forms
Our schools are heavily impacted by federally connected students – those parents/guardians who work on federal property in Maryland, live on federal property in Maryland, and/or are active duty military personnel. Because of this impact, we receive federal grant funds to operate and maintain our schools and enrich school programs. To receive these funds, the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) requires us to survey each student to determine eligibility. SMCPS is encouraging all parents/guardians to please take the time to access and complete the Impact Aid Survey Form online, located in the Home Access Center (HAC). Once logged in, directions to access the online form can be found HERE. A video with instructions is available HERE. The form can now be accessed in Spanish by clicking on the Globe in the top right-hand corner once the form has been started. The deadline for the online submission of Impact Aid Program Survey forms is November 14, 2023.
Your cooperation in completing the survey no later than Monday, November 14, 2023, is greatly appreciated. The more surveys that are submitted, the greater amount of funds will be available to our students in St. Mary’s County Public Schools.
- If you have any questions about 9th/10th grade forms, please contact Ms. Stofferahn (mastofferahn@smcps.org).
- If you have any questions about 11th/12th grade forms, please contact Mr. Myers via email (bdmyers@smcps.org).
Academy and ROTC Personal Fitness Assessment
Congratulations on your decision and good luck in your pursuit. To best serve you we are holding a PFA day at Leonardtown High School on Friday, October 20th. Warm-up and check-in will begin at 1pm in the Main Gym. This will be the only opportunity for assessment this fall. Candidates are asked to bring with them a hard copy of the scoring sheet and their candidate ID#. Upon completion it is asked that all candidates leave LHS and not congregate in parking lot or common areas. If you have any questions contact Mr. Raley waraley@smcps.org
Counseling Corner
Counselors are working on sending transcripts and letters of recommendation in Naviance. Please be patient as this is a busy time of year for college requests.
Counselors pushed into senior classes on 10/4/23 please make sure to check with your senior for their senior letter which will contain graduation requirements. Please click here to see the presentation to review what we went over.
If you would like a parent teacher conference with one teacher please contact the teacher directly through email to arrange. If you require all teachers for a conference please contact your students counselor. Please note that 10/9/23 is a virtual day reserved for parent teacher conferences, if needed.
If you need a letter of recommendation from your school counselor, make sure to submit the Letter of Recommendation Request form (which is available in Guidance) and please allow 10 business days.
Make sure to know your counselor!
Hensel: A-Da - jahensel@smcps.org
Wolcott: De-Ha & GIS - rrwolcott@smcps.org
Neitz: He-Mc - lkneitz@smcps.org
Guidry: Me-Se- lcguidry@smcps.org
Sawyer: Sh-Z -- wnsawyer@smcps.org
Career Center Updates
ATTENTION Seniors: the Common Application is now open!
Common Application
The Common Application, which is accepted by more than 900 schools, helps streamline an essential part of the admissions process for students. Through the platform, first-time applicants can apply to multiple colleges at once. Students will only have to fill out details that most schools require, including name, address and extracurricular activities, one time. Click here for the Common Application Link
If you are applying to colleges via Common App, please do not request any documents from your teachers/counselors via Common App. All document requests must go through Naviance.
New Scholarship Added to Naviance:
Heisman High School Scholarship 2023
To view all scholarships, login to Naviance via Clever. Click Colleges >> Scholarship Search.
Monday, October 16th
Towson @ 8:55 AM
Tuesday, October 17th
Washington College @ 8:55 AM
The Navy Recruiter will be visiting over lunch.
York College of Pennsylvania @ 1:15 PM
Wednesday, October 18th
Bridgewater College @ 8:55 AM
Coast Guard Presentation @ 9:30 in the Career Center. Register Here
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) @ 10:30 AM
Allegany Community College @ 1:15 PM
Thursday, October 19th
Stevenson University @ 8:55 AM
University of Mary Washington @ 10:30 AM
If you would like to attend a college visit, please Register Here.
CSM Dual Enrollment Virtual Information Session
October 25th @ 6PM
MCAP Scores & Score Report Guides
If your student took an MCAP assessment in Spring 2023 (ELA 10, Algebra or Geometry, or LS-MISA), they will be receiving their score reports within the next week or so. If you have questions on how to interpret the scores, please utilize the resources below.
Need help finding out where to go for lunch? Click the button above to see open classrooms and club offerings for each day of the week.
Click here for the one-lunch information presentation that was present to all 9th graders last week. You can find club information and much for!
Use this document to plan where you will go for lunch each day!
Reminder: Students, make sure your laptop is charged each day!
Students, please make sure your laptop is charged each day. Bring your charger to school in case your battery runs out.
Need to purchase a laptop charger?
You can do one of two things:
- Go the the Media Center in your School. They can assess you a fine so that you can pay using My School Bucks.
- Go directly to the DELL store. You can purchase directly from their website and have it shipped to your home.
Ensure one of these links are being used:
www.dell.com/mpp/smcps (click Shop Recommended Solutions to get to the discounted power cords)
www.dell.com/mpp/smcps-chargers (leads directly to the purchasing portal)
More helpful links for technology can be found at the bottom of the newsletter!
Need Raider Gear?
Spirit items are available on MySchoolBucks. Please make sure that your student is added into your profile and click on the School Store link. You will want to Browse all Items.
Items can be purchased and then picked up in the School Bank or during Open House. Items will also be available for purchase, in person, during open house.
Check out www.MySchoolBucks.com Go to "My School Store" and hit "Browse".
Learn how to create a MySchoolBucks account: click here.
Helpful Links!
Bus Information
Bus passes should only be requested when students have a change in physical address or when there is an emergency situation and a student needs to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop. Bus passes will not be granted for students simply wanting to go visit with a friend.
Need to obtain a bus pass?
Visit this site to submit a request electronically, or parents can write a note or send an email to Ms. Revis at btrevis@smcps.org. All relevant information must be included in the written request.
Bus Information includes: Student name, address, parent phone number, existing bus stop to be used, bus #, date, medical concerns, destination address, destination phone # and reason for the pass.
SMCPS Mental Health Website
Teen Mental Health & Wellness
Parent/Guardian Mental Health & Wellnesses
SMCPS Help Desk Ticket
LHS Tech Help
SMCPS Resources & Accountability
Leonardtown High School
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/lhs/
Location: 23995 Point Lookout Rd, Leonardtown, MD 20650, USA
Phone: 301-475-0200
Twitter: @LHS_SMCPS