Wild Rose Elementary
August 14, 2023
This newsletter at a glance:
- Arrival and Dismissal
- Oberweis Fundraiser
- Organic Life is Hiring
- Community Backpack
Arrival and Dismissal
After further consideration and consultations with transportation it is in the best interest of our students to postpone the implementation of a new/arrival and dismissal plan for this school year.
Tomorrow we will do as we have done in the past. Car riders in the front of the building and bussers on the west side. walkers will be out of door 22. For car parents MUST remain in their cars for car drop off. If you are pulling into the parking lot you MUST park in a parking spot to walk your child or children across the cross walk.
We will not allow for parents to park for convenience.
Please have your child exit the right side of the vehicle.
We plan to meet on the black top tomorrow morning. With grade level staff holding a sign with their name on it for students to line up. Parents may join us on the blacktop, no parents will be allowed in the building.
If it is in climate weather we will have students gather in the gym for grades K-2 and 3-5 will be in the community room. Unfortunately due to capacity parents will not be allowed in the building if we move to an indoor arrival in the morning.
Thank you,
Theresa Solomon
Wild Rose Dates to Remember
Monday, August 14 - First Day of School 2023-2024 School Year
Friday, August 18 - Restaurant Fundraiser - Oberweis
Friday, September 1 - NO SCHOOL for Students - Institute Day
Monday, September 4 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day Holiday
Wild Rose Elementary School
Email: Theresa.solomon@d303.org
Website: wildrose.d303.org
Location: 36W730 Red Haw Lane, St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: (331)228-3000