District 103
School Board Highlights
November 1, 2023
Illinois Report Card
Each year, the State of Illinois publishes an interactive report card for each school and district. The report card provides extensive information on academic progress, district and school environments, demographics, and finances. Dr. Scott Warren, Superintendent, shared with the Board that all three District 103 schools received a commendable rating from the State of Illinois. D103’s student proficiency is high, academic growth exceeds the state averages, and the district’s finances are in a healthy range, Dr. Warren said, sharing the results of the recently released Report Card data.
5Essentials Results
The 5Essentials Survey Report is part of the State Report Card and provides an annual update about climate in each Illinois school. The 5Essentials is a survey that parents, staff, and students complete. Questions are asked about the following:
Ambitious Instruction
Supportive Environment
Involved Families
Effective Leaders
Collaborative Teachers
Overall, the district received strong marks in these areas.
Preliminary Tax Levy
The Board reviewed the 2023 preliminary tax levy of $37,510,000. Patrick Palbicke, Assistant Superintendent for Business, explained to the Board that there was no new property tax information that changed this preliminary number. The levy assumes an increase of 5 percent over last year’s levy based on the Consumer Price Index plus new growth. A public hearing for the final levy followed by a board vote for approval will occur at the Tuesday, November 14, Board meeting.
Tentative School Fees
School fees for the 2024-2025 school year were discussed by the Board. The fees align with the increase in the consumer price index.
2024-2025 School Calendar
The Board reviewed the school calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. The calendar draft is similar to past calendars in regards to breaks, institute days, and teacher conferences. Most teacher inservice days are scheduled around breaks due to more student absences on those days and to provide as many consistent five-day weeks as possible. Much of the D103 calendar breaks align with Stevenson High School’s schedule with the exception of the start and end dates. The tentative calendar shows the first day of school for D103 students as Wednesday, August 21, 2024, and the last day of school as Tuesday, June 3, 2025.
Board of Education Meeting
The next Board of Education meeting will occur at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 14. The notice and agenda can be found on the District 103 Board meeting website page. D103 board meetings will be live-streamed each month on our YouTube Channel. Members of the community should attend the meeting at 111 Barclay Boulevard, Lincolnshire if they would like to make a public comment. The public can also contact the Board at board@d103.org.
The Learning Fund Foundation is a group of volunteers who collaborate to bring innovative learning programs and experiences to students across all D103 schools. We welcome you to check us out and learn more at one of our monthly meetings. Contact us at lff@d103.org for more information.
The D103 PTO is a completely volunteer-run organization, dedicated to enhancing and enriching the educational experience of our students. Please visit the PTO store to become a member.
Calendar of Events
Leaders in Learning
Email: ask103@d103.org
Website: www.d103.org
Location: 111 Barclay Blvd, Lincolnshire, IL 60069, USA
Phone: 847-295-4030
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