OCA Family Connect
January Edition
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17
Back to School/2 Hour Delay
Jan. 6th/7th - Drop off 9:45-10:05, Classes start at 10:05, No HS classes Jan. 6th. No elective classes.
Inclement weather reminder
Check WSET and ClassReach announcement/email. A decision will be made by 6:30am the morning of Inclement Weather.
Walk-In/no carline
Jan. 8/9 - no carline. Please walk-in the gray gym doors with your child to their classroom. Make sure to stop off on your way out to enjoy some coffee and fellowship with other parents in the gym.
Christmas Elective Showcase Videos
Christmas showcase videos to share with family and friends who couldn't come. Please do not share on social media or public platforms. M/W T/Th
It was great to see all the students show their hard work through performances, art work, and baked goods. Mrs. Bricker's yearbook class put on a great lunch. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped make the performance run so smoothly.
Onward Basketball
Practice Schedule:
- M/W 4th-6th team(HHBC league) Wednesday @ 3:15
- JV Boys (mix of cohorts) M & Th @ 3:15
- JV Girls (T/Th only) T & Th @ 3:15
Class Photos
Mrs. Bricker has received the class photos. If you placed an order, the photos will be distributed to your child.
MLK Jr. Observance
Jan 17 M/W Half day homeschool- only math (K-4 only math or LA)
Jan 20 T/Th Half day homeschool - No HS math/science classes on campus - only math (K-4 only math or LA)
M/W has school in person on Jan. 20th
Monday, Jan. 13th (K-4)
Tuesday, Jan. 14th (K-4)
Wednesday, Jan. 15th (5-8)
Thursday, Jan. 16th (5-8)
Location: Music Room 216
Time: 8am-8:30am.
If you have a desire to speak at one of this year’s chapels, please reach out to your principal. We would love to hear from you this year as we explore identity in Christ!
Art contest and Teacher winners
Parent Book Club
Book Club will resume in February - come join us even if you haven't read Habits of the Household by Justin Whitmel Earley.
Feb. 5th/6th - chapters 5 & 6
High School Transcript & Dual Enrollment Tutorial Meeting
Need help understanding and completing your high school student’s transcript? Questions about enrolling your high school student in dual enrollment classes? Need clarity on the high school completion plan? If you answered yes to any of these questions then mark your calendar for Tuesday, January 21st from 3:30-4:30 pm at the high school building. Bring your high school student with you
Mark Your Calendars:
2024-25 Academic Calendar T/TH
Looking Ahead:
- Reading logs due online - Jan. 14
- 2nd Quarter ends - Jan. 15/16
- 2nd semester classes begin/new spring electives begin - January 20/21
- Progress reports go live - Jan. 24
- Valentines Day Musical Singing Candy Grams coming in early Feb.
About Us
Website: https://www.onwardchristian.org/
Location: 11452 Wards Road, Rustburg, VA, USA
Phone: 434-515-1495
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onwardchristian