CSD Weekly Staff Update: 4/20/23
Happy Thursday Colonials!
WE hope everyone had a great Spring Break! We have several events next week we hope you can come out and support. Have a great weekend.
- The CSD Communications Department
Previous updates
See all previous staff updates at http://www.colonialschooldistrict.org/employees/your-employment/staffupdates/
Dates to know
- 4/25: Safety and Security Summit
4/28-29: CSD District Art Show
5/1: WP Plant Sale
5/2: Teacher Appreciation Day
5/2 at 6 pm: Equity Speaker Series
5/4: Nutrition Services Appreciation Day
WE got Jokes
Weekly Words of Wisdom
Available Positions
Check out some of the newest opportunities to join the Power of We!
- Lead Secretary - Carrie Downie
- More positions at https://www.applitrack.com/colonial/onlineapp/
Colonial School District Sisters Score Big for Upcoming Phillies Game
New Castle, DE- At the Thursday, April 20th Phillies game three sisters, all honor roll students at William Penn High School will sing the National Anthem at opening ceremonies. Yancey Hollis and her twin sisters Madisen and Makayla were asked to sing at the game designated to be a tribute to Jackie Robinson. Joining the girls at the game will be Ronald Whittington, a nationally known Black history storyteller who will be dressed wearing a uniform like Robinson’s. Whittington, who graduated in 1967 from the former DeLaWarr High School, which is now the Colonial School District’s McCullough Middle School, heard the girls sing the National Anthem on Facebook at the Boys DIAA State Basketball Semi-final Championship game held last month. While William Penn came in second place, the Hollis sisters scored a home run with the committee organizing the tribute game.
“Out of all of the other performers considered, these young ladies blew us away and we want to share their talent with Phillies fans at this special tribute game,” Whittington said. Yancey, a senior, plans to become a maternal-fetal nurse practitioner after graduating from college. She is now considering several offers. Her sisters Madisen and Makayla, both juniors are also making college choices now and plan to become teachers. Thursday’s game will begin at 6:45 PM at Citizens Bank Park. William Penn High School is located at 713 East Basin Road, New Castle, DE 19720.
Open Enrollment
The 2023 Open Enrollment period is May 1 – 17, 2023.
(Plan Year July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024)
Unless you experience a qualifying event, Open Enrollment is your only chance to enroll, cancel coverage, or change plans for yourself, an eligible spouse, or dependent children. Participation is mandatory. Here are your first three assignments.
Open Enrollment will take place on May 1 – 17, participation is required. There are plenty of changes, please see What’s Changing Quick Reference Chart. Stay on top of Enrollment by keeping the following schedule:
- During Week of April 10th – Make sure you can access Employee Self Service via my.delaware.gov. If you cannot access Employee Self-Service please use the 2023 Open Enrollment Help Desk Support Chart; it directs you to the proper group for help.
During week of April 17 – review the What’s Changing Quick Reference Chart in addition to July 1, 2023 Rate Changes with Stipend
- During week of April 24 - Complete any research for any benefits you may want to change via https://www.colonialschooldistrict.org/employees/benefits/2023-open-enrollment/
- During May 1 – May 17, complete your enrollment process. If you need assistance, please read the Help Is Available Newsletter This newsletter includes information on various workshops, benefits perks and computer assistance.
If you have any questions, please email Deldra.Gregory-Colvin@colonial.k12.de.us us or call 302- 400-7560
Open Enrollment Perks
Here are a few things that I would not miss out during this Open Enrollment:
Free Money - The State will provide a one-time Flexible Spending Account (FSA) plan year contribution of $125 for each Fiscal Year 2024 FSA participant.
Life Insurance with no health assessment - Although you can enroll and/or make plan changes throughout the year, during Open Enrollment you can enroll and/or increase your coverage in the State Group Universal Life (GUL) Insurance plan without having to provide proof of good health. This is sure to save you money!
This is a good time to enroll into the DEFER program. This program is similar to the 401(k) plan. Delaware Defer program offers a 403(b) and 457(b)
If you have any questions, please email Deldra.Gregory-Colvin@colonial.k12.de.us us or call 302- 400-7560
Join in our District Wide Equity Expression Through Foods in our Cafes!
Every last Tuesday of the month, Colonial Nutrition Services highlights the heritage of global cuisines by offering our students new and diverse foods to explore. Tuesday, April 25th, we’re presenting our students a taste of Butter Chicken. Butter Chicken originated in Northern India, specifically New Delhi, in 1948. This dish is traditionally known as murgh makhani. It is a curry that has a beautiful, bold flavor profile of onion, garlic, ginger, tomato, chili powder, cumin, and garam marsala spice blend. Explore diverse foods and open up conversations beyond the monthly recognition of a particular people with your students!
Equity ERA: Engage-Reflect-Act
Engage: Check out this podcast episode where Dr. Terrance L. Green shares what racial microaggressions are, their impacts on students and what you can do to confront them. 3 Ways to Confront Racial Microaggressions in Schools
Reflect: Have you heard microaggressions recently?
Act: Which strategy will you try to address microaggressions?
Special Education Certification Program!
Student Services is excited to announce the fourth cohort of the Special Education Certification Program! In order to be eligible for the program, you must hold a current teacher certification in any area. We are having an interest meeting to share information and learn more about the Colonial School District’s partnership with Wilmington University. Please join us on Tuesday, May 16th at either 3 pm or 4:15 pm. https://colonial-k12-de-us.zoom.us/j/3793050505
If you are not able to attend and want information, please contact Nicole Markey.
A Wilmington University and Colonial Collaboration
(Masters in School Leadership)
Are you interested in earning your Master’s in School Leadership? Colonial School District and Wilmington University have created a Master's of Education in Educational Leadership program tailored to our district. The program is designed to focus on the critical aspects of leadership aligned with the CSD Leadership Framework while ensuring that participants graduate with their M.Ed. and are eligible for certification as a School Leader in Delaware and surrounding states.
If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities of this cohort experience and the costs of participation, please complete this form and join us on Tuesday, May 23th at 4:00PM via Zoom. A link will be shared with those registered prior to the session.
Another chance to order staff CSD apparel! New products added!
We know many of our staff have requested to purchase CSD apparelsuch as jackets and polos. The Store is LIVE from now until May 4th at https://apexadv.tuosystems.com/stores/colonialschooldistrict .
How it works:
Place your order and pay at https://apexadv.tuosystems.com/stores/colonialschooldistrict by May 4th.
Once the ordering window closes (5/4), orders will be processed within 1-2 weeks and delivered to district office.
Once delivered, we will distribute items to your school for delivery.
We will offer this store again the fall, with new products for each season. If you have suggestions for products you would like to see added, email Gabriel Phillips at gabriel.phillips@colonial.k12.de.us , and we will take your suggestions into consideration. Please note that for now, these are CSD-branded products. School staff stores with school logos may be entertained in the future.