Gahanna Lincoln High School
A Message from Mrs. Williams
It is great to have our GLHS Lions back in the building! The energy has been electric and our students showcased many moments of PRIDE during our first two days of school. Here are some tips for helping your Lion make a smooth transition to the new school year.
- Click here to check out the school calendar and put important dates on your calendar at home (e.g. family conferences, holidays, professional development days.
- Help your Lion get organized by encouraging them to put papers in the appropriate folder, charge their Chromebook each night, and clean their book bag regularly.
- Be positive and enthusiastic about the new school year, and do what you can to help your Lion get the year off to a great start.
We are excited to have you and your student as part of our school community!
Open House
We will host our annual Open House at GLHS on Thursday, August 24. Families and students of all grade levels are welcome to visit the building from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM.
Open House is an opportunity for families to visit each of their student's classes and hear general information about the course. All teachers will be on main campus for the Open House.
Click here to access the form you should bring with you to Open House so you know what teachers your student has for class.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal Updates
Infinite Campus is our parent portal and student information system. This site will allow parents/guardians to access school information electronically. For example, Infinite Campus will allow you to update email addresses and other important information regarding your child as well as view your child's report card electronically.
ALL Families (either new to GLHS or returning families) need to update your information in the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus. Directions for how to update Infinite Campus are linked below:
Log into the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus at: https://gahannajeffersonoh.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/gahanna_jefferson.jsp
Click MORE from the left hand column
Click on ONLINE REGISTRATION from choices on the right
Click START next to "Existing Student Registration"
Go through each step to complete the registration
If you need assistance, please call the main office at (614) 478-5500.
Updated Food Service Information
Lunch is $3.00.
Breakfast is $1.50.
Families are again asked to complete and submit a 2023-2024 Free/Reduced-Priced Meal Application (PDF) if they believe they may qualify. If approved, the completed application will cover the student for the entire 2023-24 school year, and no other steps will be necessary unless there is an income change during the school year.
Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools Food Service Department is committed to assisting families and making this transition back to normal operations as easy as possible. Please feel free to contact Food Service Supervisor Megan Schweller if you have any questions.
Food Deliveries
Students are not permitted to have food delivered to GLHS from UBER eats, Grubhub, Door Dash, etc. These delivery drivers will not be permitted to enter the building to deliver food, and our office staff will not accept the deliveries.
Encourage Your Lion to Get Involved!
We have OVER 40 clubs/activities and 27 sports at GLHS! Being involved in the PRIDE offers so many benefits, such as:
- Improves academic performance
- Allows students to explore interest and create broader perspectives
- Increases social opportunities
- Builds essential life skills (time management, goal setting, teamwork)
Click here to see our growing list of clubs/activities and sports, and encourage your Lion to get involved at GLHS!
Volunteer Process
To increase safety and security protocols, all GJPS volunteers who may have the potential to interact with students in an unsupervised setting or may have access to confidential information will be required to complete an online application that includes a background check. The district will provide the background checks at no cost to the volunteer. Background checks are required EACH school year. If you completed a background check last school year, you will need to complete the process again for the 2023-2024 school year.
Please contact Mrs. Williams (williamsje@gjps.org) for the link for the Volunteer Application.
Support Our GLHS Lions
Gahanna Lincoln Athletics uses an online platform to sell tickets for all home athletic events. Click the button below to purchase GLHS Athletics Tickets.
Upcoming School Events
Mark Your Calendar
August 24 Open House
September 4 Labor Day No School
September 12 Family Conferences
September 21 Family Conferences
September 23 Homecoming Dance
September 25 Teacher PD Day No School for Students
October 20 End of 1st Quarter
October 23 No School
October 24 Teacher PD Day No School for Students
140 S. Hamilton Rd.
Gahanna, OH 43230
(614) 478-5500