Head's Highlights
November 2, 2023
Where Learning Comes First
Principal's Post
Dear Head Community,
We had fun at Head on Fall Dress Up Day. The smiles on the students' faces Tuesday were priceless. Tomorrow is a Digital Learning Day. There is more information about this day in the newsletter below. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend - STAY WARM!
PTA News You Can Use
We are no longer using memberhub for memberships. We are now using Totem for memberships. Here is the new link( https://jointotem.com/ga/lilburn/r-d-head-es-pta/join/register)
We are looking for a yearbook lead. If you are interested please reach out to the PTA president at president.heades.pta@gmail.com.
Holiday Shop is right around the corner! Students and parents are invited to come to the R.D. Head Gym on Saturday, November 11th, 2023 from 10AM – 3PM to find gifts and treasures for their friends and family!
We need a lot of volunteers to make this fun and festive PTA event a success. Please sign up to volunteer using the SignUp Genius link below! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45AAA928A4FDCF8-44615682-rd
This is not a TRICK! It's a TREAT!
Yearbooks are for sale! If you order yours by October 31, you will get 10% off!
2 Custom pages are included in each yearbook, where pages can be personalized for each student.
Get your order in before the discount window ends!
Spelling Bee: The spelling bee is for 4th and 5th graders, but there are spelling lists for all grade levels if you want to practice. The classroom spelling bees will be held before Nov 13, and the school wide bee will be on Thurs. Nov. 30. So, start studying now. Here is how you get to the study lists.
Go to the student portal
Choose e-class
Choose Media Center (not media arts)
2024 Spelling Bee
There are lists for the classroom bee and the school-wide bee The top two students in each 4th and 5th grade class go to the school-wide bee.
Did you know that GCPS partners with the Gwinnett County Public Library (GCPL) to provide Tutor.com as an online tutoring resource for students?
Students can get one-on-one tutoring in any math, science, social studies, and English subject. Tutor.com covers 40 subjects, including AP courses. Live tutoring support is available daily from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Learn more here: https://bit.ly/gcps_Tutor10-23
Digital Learning Day - Friday, November 3
Friday, November 3 is the next GCPS Digital Learning Day. All students will learn from home, completing work assigned by their teachers. This newsletter provides you with some guidance and reminders as you prepare for DLD.
We encourage you to make sure your child is ready for DLD before November 3. This will make the morning of the Digital Learning Day smoother for everyone!
- Has your child joined the necessary Google Classrooms?
- Most of our students have done this in their regular classroom.
- Parents cannot join a GCPS Google Classroom.
- If your child is using a home device for DLD, have they logged into their Student Portal and Google account prior to DLD?
- Have you added your child's GCPS Google account to any personal devices?
- If planning to use a tablet (iPad, Kindle, etc...) for DLD, have you downloaded all the necessary apps?
Veterans Day Program
Head Elementary's Annual Veterans Day Program will be held on Friday, November 10 at 9:30 AM.
We invite any Veteran or active-duty service member to attend our program and be honored with a medal, certificate, and a gift bag. Our chorus will perform patriotic songs and there will be a slideshow of Veterans from our school community.
If you would like to send in a picture of a Veteran or active service member for our slideshow, please send images to ashley.petric@gcpsk12.org. If you sent in a picture last year, you do NOT need to resubmit it.
All pictures and RSVPs must be submitted by November 3. Veterans Day RSVP Form
Live Stream Option
Our annual Veterans Day Program is Friday, November 10 at 9:30 AM in the Head Elementary Gym. If you are unable to attend in person, a live stream option (via Zoom) is available.
Veterans Day Program Live Stream
Friday, November 10, 2023, 09:30 AM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting:
Connecting With the Community
Looking AHEAD
Upcoming Events
November 3 - Digital Learning Day
November 5 - Daylight Savings
November 8 - All Pro Dads at 7:15 AM
November 10 - Veterans Day Program 9:30 AM
November 11 - Holiday Shop 10AM - 3PM
November 16 - Beans & Butter Poetry Night
November 16 - Dogwood Pizza Night
November 17 - Color Stable Dress Up Day
November 20-24 - Enjoy your Thanksgiving Break!