Panther Print for Parents 🐾
Below are the instructions to complete the registration/enrollment process for the new school year.
Step 1: Set up a PowerSchool account. If you do not already have a PowerSchool account, you can set up one by doing the following:
A. Open the Internet browser on your computer.
B. Type https://watervlietpowerschool.berrienresa.org/public/home.html into the address bar.
C. Click on the CREATE ACCOUNT tab. You must create a parent account.
D. Fill in the information requested for your desired username and password. You will need to confirm your email before you move to the next step.
If you already have a parent account, log into it and select ACCOUNT PREFERENCES and add student on the student tab. Their Access ID and Access Password will also need to be ttyped exactly s it appears on the welcome letter.
If you forgot your username or password, click on Forgot Username or Password on the parent portal sign in screen.
Step 2: Complete Enrollment Forms
In PowerSchool, select the student you are enrolling and click on the FORMS link with the left navigation menu. Click ENROLLMENT. You will navigate through several forms. Please make sure that you complete all forms.
Step 3: Provide Documentation
If you are unable to upload documentation vis the document upload elements on the form, please bring the following documentation to your school office from 7:30 AM -3:00 PM.
If you have questions, please call the school office at 269.463.0730 between 7:30 AM -3:00 PM, Monday -Friday.
MONDAY, AUGUST 28th is the first day of school for all high school students. Students can enter the cafeteria starting at 7:45 AM. Students only enter through the cafe side of the building.
Breakfast is served free to all students in the cafe from 7:45 AM -8:10 AM.
At 8:00 AM, students will be allowed to leave the cafe and head to their lockers and class.
Monday is a half day of school. Students will attend all classes.
Teachers will be distributing syllabi and talking with students about classroom expectations for the year.
All 3rd hour teachers will be reviewing the technology and ChromeBook expectations for the year. Once your child signs and a parent signs the technology use agreement that comes home Monday night, your child will receive a ChromeBook from his/her 3rd hour teacher.
We will dismiss at 11:40 AM. Students are encouraged to pick up a sack lunch on his/her way out of the building. Breakfast and lunch are provided FREE to all students all year.
Please pick up your child on the cafe side of the building. No student pickup is allowed in front of the high school building.
Teachers will inform students of the supplies needed for their particular class on the first day of school. This information in included in each teacher's syllabus.
Mrs. Girton US History: pencils, spiral notebook
Mr. Linderman US History: binder or folder, notebook, pencils or pens
World History: binder or folder, notebook, pencils or pens
Personal Finance: folder, notebook, planner, pens and pencils
Algebra 1: spiral notebook, mechanical pencils, pensTI-84 graphing calculator
Geometry: spiral notebook, folder, pens, pencils
AP Computer Science: Folder, Notebook; pencil/pen
Earth Space Science: composition notebook, pack of colored pencils or markers
Marine/Freshwater Science: composition notebook, 1 pack of colored pencils or markers
AP Environmental Science: 1 graphing composition notebook, scientific calculator
Astronomy: scientific calculator, pens, pencils, composition notebook
Chemistry: scientific calculator, pens, pencils, notebook, one 2 inch 3 ring binder with pockets
Biology and Biology 2: pens, pencils, lined paper, 2 inch 3 ring binder, colored pencils or markers
English 9: spiral notebook, black pens
Mrs. Simmons' GRIT: spiral notebook, black pens
Speech: spiral notebook, black pens
English 10: notebook, pencils, pens, highlighters, sticky notes
English 11: notebook, pens, pencils
Mr. Macha's English 12: notebook, pens, pencils
Mrs. Riedinger's English 12: pens, pencils, notebook or composition book
Mr. Meschino's Transitions: pencils, 3 ring binder with paper
Mrs. Girton's Transitions: pencils, 3 ring binder with paper
Ceramics/Sculpture, Basic Art, and Advanced Art: $25 for cost of all supplies
Choir: pencils
Jazz Band: uniform, instrument, pencils
Band: 3 ring binder, instrument supplies, uniform
Spanish: 3 subject notebook
Woodworking: pencils
We will be reviewing the key expectations in the student handbook with your child in his/her English class next week. The slides below represent the most frequent student-related issues at the high school. Please review these expectations with your child so that your child has a successful year!
Saturday, August 26
9:00 AM WHS Varsity Volleyball Tournament at Home
Monday, August 28
5:00 PM Varsity Soccer at Constantine
Wednesday, August 30
4:45 PM Girls HS Cross Country at New Buffalo
5:25 PM Boys HS Cross Country at New Bufflao
5:00 PM Varsity Soccer at Bridgman
6:00 PM JV Football Home vs. Dowagiac
Thursday, August 31
7:00 PM Varsity Football at Dowagiac
MONDAY: Senior Sunrise 6:45 AM
Review of technology and ChromeBook expectations in all 3rd hour classes.
Bring back a student and parent signed technology agreement to receive your ChromeBook from your 3rd hour teacher.
WEDNESDAY: Student handbook reviewed in all English 11 classes
Bring back a student and parent signed technology agreement to receive your ChromeBook from your 3rd hour teacher.
7th hour required dual enrollment meeting for all dual enrolled students this semester
THURSDAY: Bring back a student and parent signed technology agreement to receive your ChromeBook from your 3rd hour teacher.
Student handbook reviewed in all English 10 and 12 classes
FRIDAY: No school for students or staff
For PANTHERS in grades K-8
These students earned this academic honor because of their GPA of 3.5 or higher and outstanding performance on the PSAT/NMSQT®, PSAT™ 10, and/or AP® Exams. They can now list this honor on applications to stand out to colleges.
Awardees (as of August 17) at Watervliet High School are listed below:
• Kaitlynn Cockrun: NRSTA
• Susannah Weckwerth: NRSTA
• Tia Caldwell: NRSTA
• Wyatt Epple: NRSTA
National Rural and Small Town Award (NRSTA)
Each week of the school year, our staff will be reviewing with your child expectations for a specific area of the building. To start the school year, our emphasis is on our ChromeBook and technology expectations. Please review these with your child and reinforce them positively at home. Students who are CAUGHT following these expectations in the building, may be issued a "caught in the act" ticket, which can be redeemed in the office for a treat!
WHS has a PBIS team that includes parents, teachers, students, and staff. PBIS is a system of positive behavior and supports in the building that define expectations for kids and guide their decision making and behavior. The team meets on the last Monday of the month at 3:15 to review, update and add to our PBIS plan in the building. We are currently looking for additional parents to add to this team for the 23-24 school year. Our next meeting is Monday, September 25th at 3:15 PM in the high school media center. If you would like to join the team, or just come to learn more about it, please email Ms. Powers at cpowers@watervlietps.org or Dr. Mosher, who serves as the chair of the team at donya.mosher@watervlietps.org.
Wednesday, December 13th, WHS is hosting a career fair for all students. We are in the planning stages now and looking for parents and other community members who be interested in speaking about their perspective careers. Speakers would talk to multiple sessions of students for 20 minutes at a time for the morning only. We are looking for a wide assortment of careers from which to be able to present to our Panthers. If you have interest, please reach out to Ms. Powers at cpowers@watervlietps.org or Dr. Mosher, who is organizing the event at donya.mosher@watervlietps.org.
3 and a B remains the same for 23-24
You may know that WHS has an attendance incentive that is open to all students 9-12 and there is no better time than the first day of school for your child to start his/her positive attendance streak! The practice remains the same this year as it was last, although this practice will be new to our incoming freshmen class. At the end of the semester, any student who ends up with an 80% or higher and 3 or fewer absences (for any reason) in any class is eligible NOT TO TAKE the final exam in that class. Some students will end up being exempt from all exams, while others will get to miss some or 1. We do not want to see any student have to take ALL exams. For that to happen, your child will want to get in the habit now of being in school and on time, everyday unless seriously ill. There is no better feeling than to get to skip some or all of your exams at the end of the semester. Set a goal now with your child to be able to accomplish this challenge.
I will update students with their number of absences throughout the year if emailed.
2023-2024 individual event admission for Watervliet Public Schools and all other SAC schools has been set at $6 for high school events and $4 for middle school events. Watervliet will admit students free to middle school games.
This is the first admission price increase since 2006. Officials’ fee Increases and other operating cost increases throughout the league have necessitated the price increase.
For home games, we continue to encourage Panther fans to purchase athletic passes in advance. If you attend games regularly, these passes can save you a significant amount of money. As always, Senior Citizen passes are issued free of charge, and preschool children are admitted to events for free. Passes are available in the athletics office located in the high school building. They may also be available at the gate at some events.
All individual ticket sales for Panther Athletic Events will be electronic. Fans may purchase tickets in advance of events at www.gofan.co or at the gate with a credit or debit card. There will be NO CASH TICKET SALES!
This year we will have students attending the Van Buren Tech Center both in the morning and afternoon. Students taking WPS bus transportation to the tech center for the morning session, need to be at school and ready to board the bus BEFORE 7:50 AM. The morning bus will leave at 7:50 AM. Students attending the afternoon session will be dismissed from 4th hour at 11:45 and the bus will leave at 11:55.
It is never too early for your senior to start completing scholarship applications. Each week, I will share in this newsletter all new and updated scholarships that we are aware of. They all have deadlines. The scholarships attached to this link each have a deadline in August or September. Sit down with your senior and go through these links. Identify which ones fit your senior. Some may not apply to your particular child's interests or qualifications. We will hold a scholarship night in January to provide more information regarding scholarships and what to expect. Many of these scholarship applications take only minutes to complete. Free money is always good. Free money adds up and can pay for the cost of books, tuition, housing, and other needed supplies.
All sophomores are invited to take an optional PSAT on October 12th during the school day with the rest of the Junior class.
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is more than good practice for the SAT, and the scores are more than just a number. With your results you can see your progress, and set a target. Additionally, students who take the PSAT/NMSQT and meet other program entry requirements specified in the PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide will enter the National Merit Scholarship Program, an academic competition for recognition and scholarships conducted by National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC).
This information has been emailed to all sophomores. If you want your child to participate, please direct your child to go to the link below and sign up. The deadline to sign up is August 30th so that we can order materials for your child.
We are looking for parent volunteers to be on the committee, help with fundraising, brainstorm on new ideas for venue. And someone that would be interested in taking the event over after this year.
It’s not much time involvement - but any help would be appreciated!
A general meeting will take place on September 21st at 6 pm in the high school media center. Please join us if you have interest in learning more and/or helping out this year !
For more information email Shelly Chisek cschisek@hotmail.com or Nikki Priebe priebenikki@gmail.com.
On Thursday, September 7th from 6-8 PM, I will be hosting my annual Service Academy Informational Session for high school students interested in attending one of the United States Service Academies. The event will be held at the Portage Zhang Senior Center at 203 East Centre Avenue, Portage, MI 49002.
This is the perfect opportunity for students to hear from representatives from the various United States Service Academies. My staff will also be presenting on how the academy nomination process works.
I have included a copy of the event flyer below. If you have any questions, please contact Krista Umanos at Krista.Umanos@mail.house.gov or 616.251.6741.
The United States Service Academies include:
The United States Military Academy in West Point, New York
The United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland
The United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado
The United States Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut
The United Stated Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, New York
Bill Huizenga, Member of Congress
Why is College Important--Presentation for Spanish speaking families
My name is Anthony Perez, Assistant Director of Admissions at WMU. My primary role is focused on multicultural recruitment and outreach. One of the outreach events that I am looking to coordinate is an informational night that will be conducted in a community area that is accessible to Watervliet, Coloma, Hartford, and Bangor for their Spanish speaking families.
We are looking at hosting this event on September 25, 2023 from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
at Coloma High School.
WMU will be paying to cater dinner – giving locally owned Mexican restaurants priority – and providing information on the college search and application process.
For more information contact Linda Stofko at linda.stofko@watervlietps.org
We want all of our parents to be able to access their child's grades and progress in Canvas at any time. Please follow the directions below in order to access Canvas for your child this year !
Here is the direct link too. https://www.watervlietps.org/o/wps/page/canvas-resources
Aug 28 First Day of School; ½ day
Aug 30 REQUIRED meeting with Ms. Powers for all dual enrolled students--7th hour
Sep 1 Labor Day Break; No School
Sep 4 Labor Day Break; No School
Sep 6 SAC Meeting 7:30 AM
Sep 15 MCTI Field Trip for students with an IEP
Sep 18 Constitution Day
Sep 19 Blood Drive
Sep 20 Early Release Day
Sep 20 Parent Presentation: IEP Informational Night 6 pm
Sep 20 SAC Meeting 7:30 AM
Sep 21 Picture Day
Sep 21 After Prom Meeting 6 pm
Sep 25 College Admissions Night for Spanish Speaking families in Coloma hosted by WMU 6 pm
Sep 26 PAC 6 pm
Sep 29 Michigan Works! Lunch time visit for students
Sep 29 Progress Reports
Oct 2-6 Homecoming Week
Oct 4 Early Release Day
Oct 4 SAC 7:30 AM
Oct 6 September Student of the Month Breakfast 8:15 AM
Oct 6 Manufacturing Day
Oct 10 Flu Shot Clinic
Oct 11 PAC (Xello) 6 pm
Oct 11 Early Release Day
Oct 12 PSAT/NMSQT for 10th (voluntary) and 11th graders (ALL)
Oct 16 College Admissions Informational Night 6 pm
Oct 18 SAC 7:30 AM
Oct 19 Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-7 pm
Oct 20 ½ day; College Fair
Oct 20 9th Grade Career Pathway Day Berrien RESA
Oct 23 Fall Band Concert
Oct 25 Early Release Day
Oct 25 Picture Retake Day
Oct 26 Fall Choir Concert
Oct 27 End of MP 1
Nov 1 Early Release Day
Nov 1 SAC 7:30 AM
Nov 3 October Student of the Month Breakfast 8:15 AM
Nov 15 Early Release Day
Nov 15 SAC 7:30 AM
Nov 16 Military Informational Night 6 pm
November 23/24 Thanksgiving Break
Nov 27 FAFSA Informational Night 7 pm
Nov 29 Early Release Day
Nov 29 PAC 6 pm
Nov 29 SAC 7:30 AM
Nov 30 Blood Drive
Dec 1 Progress Reports
Dec 1 November Student of the Month Breakfast 8:15 AM
Dec 6 Early Middle College Informational Night 6 pm
Dec 13 Early Release Day
Dec 13 Career Fair
Dec 13 SAC 7:30 AM
Dec 14 Winter Band Concert
Dec 18 Winter Choir Concert
Dec 20 PAC 6 pm
Dec 25-Jan 5 Winter Break
Jan 8 Return to School
Jan 10 Early Release Day
Jan 10 SAC 7:30 AM
Jan 12 December Student of the Month Breakfast 8:15 AM
Jan 17-19 Half Days for Exams
Jan 22 Start of Semester 2
Jan 24 Early Release Day
Jan 24 SAC 7:30 AM
Jan 24 Senior /Scholarships Informational Night 6 pm
Jan 31 Early Release Day
Jan 31 PAC 6 pm
Feb 2 January Student of the Month Breakfast 8:15 AM
Feb 5-9 Winterfest Week
Feb 7 SAC 7:30 AM
Feb 8 Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-7 pm
Feb 9 Half Day Start of Mid Winter Break
Feb 12 No School Mid Winter Break
Feb 15 Pre Festival Band Concert
Feb 19 MCTI/Project Search Informational Night 6 pm
Feb 21 SAC 7:30 AM
Feb 22 Pre Festival Choir Concert 6:30 pm
Feb 23 Progress Reports
Feb 28 Early Release Day
Feb 28 PAC 6 pm
Mar 1 February Student of the Month Breakfast 8:15 AM
Mar 6 SAC 7:30 AM
Mar 12 LMC Accommodations Informational Night 6 pm
Mar 13 Early Release Day
Mar 20 SAC 7:30 AM
Mar 21 Van Buren Tech Informational Night 6 pm
Mar 27 PAC 6 pm
Mar 27 Early Release Day
Mar 28 End of MP 3
Mar 29 Good Friday No School
Mar 29-Apr 5 Spring Break
April 11 Work Keys testing for Juniors
Apr 12 March Student of the Month Breakfast 8:15 AM
Apr 17 Early Release Day
Apr 17 SAC 7:30 AM
Apr 18 SAT for JUNIORS, PSAT for 9th and 10th Graders
Apr 19 MSTEP for Juniors (Science and Social Studies)
Apr 22 Dual Enrollment Informational Night 6 pm
Apr 24 PAC 6 pm
May 1 Early Release Day
May 1 Decision Day 10 am (Seniors)
May 1 SAC 7:30 AM
May 3 Progress Reports
May 3 April Student of the Month Breakfast 8:15 AM
May 9 Blood Drive
May 11 PROM 7-11 PM; place TBD
May 15 Early Release Day
May 15 Senior Awards Night 6 pm
May 15 SAC 7:30 AM
May 16 Spring Band Concert
May 22 PAC 6 pm
May 21-23 Senior Exams Days
May 23 Spring Choir Concert
May 24 Seniors’ Last Day
May 24 Car Parade
May 27 Memorial Day; No School
May 29 Baccalaureate 6 pm (Seniors)
May 29 SAC 7:30 AM
May 30 Senior Picnic/School visits and grad practice
May 31 May Student of the Month Breakfast 8:15 AM
May 31 Graduation 6:30 pm
June 3 Underclassmen Awards; time TBD
June 4-6 Half Days for Exams
June 6 Last Day of School