The Pioneer Press
November 9th, 2023
What's Happening in English/Language Arts Classes
6th Grade- 6th grade ELA is finishing our Greek Mythology unit. We did readers theater where students showed their dramatic flair while practicing reading fluency. They also showed their style in a Zeus drawing tutorial. We are celebrating our super hero students who just completed their first formal 5 paragraph essay in middle school!
7th Grade- 7th graders have been learning about the elements of plot and exploring suspense techniques through a collection of spooky stories to close out the month of October. November will focus on imagery, word choice and figurative language devices. Students will study the art of the written word through poetry and vignettes.
8th Grade-Students in Mrs. Marrero's 8th grade ELA classes practiced their "found poetry" skills by creating spooky themed blackout poetry. Blackout poetry is created by taking a piece of text from a book and narrowing down the existing words to create a new piece of poetry. The writer draws attention to the words he/she would like the reader to see and redacting the ones that should be eliminated.