Puketapu School Newsletter
Week 9, Term 1 2021 - 31 March 2021
Empower All People to be Healthy, Lifelong Learners
Kia kaha - do your best * Kia māia - be courageous * Kia manawanui - have a heart
From our (Acting) Principal
Kia ora Koutou,
It has been a delight to lead our kura while Matua Ngatai has been away spending precious time with whānau.
I am so proud of our kura, tamariki, kaiako, whānau and all those who help make Puketapu a wonderful place to be.
I would like to wish you all a happy Easter break. These few days will be wonderful to reconnect as a family and take some time for looking after our wellbeing.
Some of you will be familiar with the Te Whare Tapa Wha model for health and wellbeing:
Enjoy taking a look at the different aspects in these models and see if over the weekend you can try them out. I would love to hear how you got on.
Ngā mihi
Corinne SattlerKia kaha - do your best
Kia māia - be courageous
Kia manawanui - have a heart
Thank you to everyone who has been reading and replying to our Hero messages this week as part of our competition. We have been very pleased with the response and also with the messages and feedback we have received.
Competition winners so far are:
- Monday - Samantha Ferris
- Tuesday - Kowhai Teddy
You still have two chances to win - it's not too late to enter today, simply respond to the competition question using the app and you are in the draw.
Tomorrow's question is your last chance to win.
If you haven't downloaded Hero already, do it today!
Have you seen how cool the office looks? Thanks for our decorating fairies that helped us blow up balloons and make streamers to help advertise the Hero app.
We had to mention this lovely moment: After asking about the balloons in the office and being told they were for a Hero competition, Nevaeh replied right away
"I already know my Hero. My Mum is my hero".
New Staff in Term 2
We are delighted to announce that following our recent application and interview processes, we have some new staff for Term 2:
Newly qualifying teacher Becky Wells will join us as the teacher in Totara 2. Becky has been completing her teacher training with a placement in our Kauri team and we are delighted to be able to keep her at our kura.
From Waiuku Primary School, Lois Rushton will join us, teaching in Totara 1. An experienced teacher, Lois and her whanau are relocating to New Plymouth as her husband is taking up a teaching role at NPBHS so Lois is doubly excited to join our team.
Currently at Puhihui School in Papatoetoe, but last year teaching at Lollipops New Plymouth, beginning teacher Prishlena Lawerance will join us in the Rimu team as our roll of new entrants expands at the start of Term 2. Prishlena is also very excited to join us.
It is hugely appreciated that Amanda, our AP, could travel to Auckland last week to observe Lois and Prishlena teach and make sure they will be a good addition to our kura and community.
We are looking forward to making our new staff feel welcome and have a strong sense of belonging in our school, hapu and community.
Keaton Feather-Smith, Vidyasri Vathada, Erika Asai and Connor Scholtz
Totara 3 have been using their imaginations and writing some amazing Easter stories.
Aurelia Takerei is very proud of her Easter story and picture
kowhai year 4 & 5 activity week
Greta Phillips, Kowhai 5
kowhai year 6 camp
Year 6's waiting for the bus to go on their adventure!
Nancy Chen balancing through the ropes course
Parekaiuru Tuturu o te Atiawa eyeing up her target
Team work makes the dream work
Who had more fun??? The parents or the students?
Doug Keith & Ian Walthew showing our school values
Some big smiles from Melanie Keith & Kim Sowman
Ian Walthew showing the kids how it is done
There were a lot of other schools there. One of the first exercises we did was to share our school values with all the other students. It was really interesting hearing what other school values are.
This training was based on Student Voice and how we can make our opinions and ideas heard as students. We brainstormed some issues facing our school at the moment and what we can do to address those issues.
We chose one issue and looked at solutions then decided on a solution. We looked at what our next steps would be to try and implement our idea.
Because we had taken 10 students we sat at 2 separate tables and when we exchanged sheets we found that we both had exactly the same idea so we can't wait to get together at the next student council meeting to discuss this further.
Leaders Shaun Galiste, Shay Coomey, Achille de Bruyn, Kade Davis and Marley Sutherland
Another highlight of the day was the pizza and wedges for morning tea. It was YUM!!!!
From the tech hub
On Monday the ākonga who are part of the Green Team had the opportunity to work with Toni Snooks.
Toni is training to be an architect. She brought in some architectural drawings and talked about how to draw plans. We then took her to our proposed Rubbish Refuse space. We measure up the area and then draw some plans of what we would like to have there. Hopefully, Toni will return and help us finish up our drawings which we will then propose to Mr Walker and the Board of Trustees.
It was a really great experience to be able to talk to a professional and understand better what is involved. Toni did mention that maths was really important!
Planning our Rubbish Refuse space with Toni Snooks
Winter Sports:
What fantastic season of sports we have ahead of us. We have 3 miniball teams, 4 basketball teams, 9 netball teams and 3 hockey teams.
Miss Sowman says she has never known of so many winter school teams in her time at Puketapu! This is about 160 children involved in school organised sports.
To make all of this run smoothly each team needs an adult to take responsibility for gathering the team, warming up, being the key person on the sideline and sharing information with whanau. We have had some amazing coaches and managers step up into these roles but there are still a few gaps:
Coaches still needed for:
Years 0-2 x1 coach
Years 3-4 x2 coach
Years 7-8 x1 coach ( teams confirmed after trials. See notice from Mr B)
Year 7-8 x1 coach
Year 3-4
There is 1 team that needs a coach/manager. We have some of our intermediate players who are keen to support these teams however an adult needs to be responsible for the team.
Year 5-6
There are 2 teams that need a coach/manager. We have some of our intermediate players who are keen to support these teams however an adult needs to be responsible for the team.
If you have a child registered in these teams and are able to help can you let me know asap please.
All team notices will go out in the next two weeks. If you have registered your child then they will be in a team.
Touch Tops and Fees
Just a reminder that borrowed Touch Tshirts should now be returned as we will need them for winter sports. Please make sure they are washed and in good condition for the next person.
Also, if you have not yet paid for Term 1 Touch, please do this asap. If you are not sure if you have paid or not you can check on the Hero app.
Hockey Fun Sticks in Term 2
The Fun Sticks programme is developed for children in year 1 & 2 at school and 4 - 6 year olds who are ‘new players’ and relatively new to the game of hockey. It is an introduction to hockey with an emphasis on being a fun experience. This is an opportunity to develop fundamental skills, players to learn by self-exploring with full involvement for all participants.
A positive and quality coaching environment with regular changes of activities to maintain enthusiasm and interest within a safe environment.
Duration: 8 sessions (8 weeks)
- Starts: Saturday 8th May 2021
- Finish: 3rd July 2021
- Time: 9 - 10 am (Saturdays)
- Venue: NPGHS Tennis Courts on Mangorei Road
- Costs: $35 per child
Click here to register
poster competition
wet weather is here
hoodie order
Keep an eye out in next weeks newsletter for more information.
Lost Property - Last Call!
There are swimming bags (with togs and towel), shoes, jandals, jackets, hoodies...
Please check for your child's lost items.
Anything left at the end of next week (Friday 9 April) will be donated to the Hospice Shop.
Lost property is in the foyer of the Whare Kai. Please come to claim yours or it will be donated to charity.
A different kind of playground
This past week their playground has looked a bit different for some of our ākonga...
Do you recognise any of these muddy monsters?
Duffy Star Damian
Great reading Damian! Damian celebrated getting a Duffy Award for his great reading by choosing another book - Disney's Maleficent.
Damian Paora with his Duffy certificate and new book
Drevious Te Kura has been showing Kia Kaha
Keisha Lowry has been working hard on her maths problems and trying her best showing Kia kaha and Kia māia.
Rynal Prasad and Slade Walker have been showing Kia māia. Well done Rynal and Slade.
Better Start Literacy afternoon tea for Rimu 1 & 2 parents
Dear Rimu 1 & 2 Whānau,
Our class is using a newly available, research based, way of teaching reading and spelling.
It is called the Better Start Literacy Approach. www.betterstartapproach.com
You are invited to come and hear about this approach and learn about how you can support the reading journey for your child at home.
Day and Time: Wednesday 07 April at 3.15pm
Place: Rimu 1 & 2
RSVP: To your teacher
More info to come via Hero - keep an eye out for the notice.
- Teone Mundt
- Marlia Cooper
- Kobe Liddicoat
- Daetin Taylor
- Evelia Allen
- Elijah Sowter-Retter
- Jakaila Hori
Dates for your Diary
Did you know you can see What's On any time with the Hero App? Check out Term Dates or the Events Calendar whenever you like.
Here are some of the main items on our school calendar for this term. More information will follow closer to the time:
Still to come this week...
Thursday 1 April
- Weetbix Tryathlon (replacement date)
Friday 2 April:
- Good Friday / School Closed
Week 10
Monday 5 April:
- Easter Monday / School Closed
Tuesday 6 April:
- Easter Tuesday / School Closed
Wednesday 7 April:
- Interschool Swimming year 6-8 (Bell Block Pool)
- Rimu 1 & 2 'Better Start Literacy Approach" afternoon tea 3.15pm
Thursday 8 April:
- Rippa Rugby (Kowhai) 11:10 - 3:00pm
- Kauri over night at school & walk to Bell Block beach
Friday 9 April
- Gumboot Friday (Wear your gumboots, gold coin donation optional)
- 10.00 Whanau Wā
- 11:45 Maria Gill Duffy Role Model presentation at Northpoint Church
Week 11
Monday 12 April
- Kapa Haka (Year 4-8) - 1130 - 1230
Tuesday 13 April
- Year 7/8 Immunisations 11.15am
- Rimu Trip To Brooklands Zoo & Pukekura Park 9.30-1.30
Wednesday 14 April
- Tony Kemp Cup Rugby League (Year 5&6 )
Thursday 15 April
- Rippa Rugby (Kowhai) 11:10 - 3:00pm
Friday 16 April
- 10.00am Whanau Wā
- Kowhai Ranui Colour Run - 1:30 - 3:00
- Last day of Term 1
Term 1 ends on Friday 16 April
Term 2 starts on Monday 3 May
Community Notices
Have Your Say: NPDC long term plan consultation survey
Tired of sewage issues when it rains?
Worried about water?
Keen for the Multi Sports Hub or more outdoor walkways?
Click on the link to complete the survey - you have just a few more days to have your say - closes 5pm April 6.
Family support consultant needed
Maximising Abilities Expo
Puketapu School
Email: office@puketapu.school.nz
Website: www.puketapu.school.nz
Location: Dillon Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Phone: 06 755 0973