Global Learning & Engagement
Weekly Newsletter
Updates for Monday, September 25th - Sunday, October 1st
If you would like to promote an event from your club or organization, please submit your request to Michelle Wynn at mwynn@uca.edu by Thursday, to go out in the following week's newsletter.
We have a winner!
Congratulations to Luciana Subirana Justiniano our trivia question winner!
The answer we were originally looking for was Oslo, Norway in the northern hemisphere and Apia, Samoa in the southern hemisphere, but Luciana was also correct with Ankara, Turkey in the northern hemisphere, and Apia, Samoa in the southern hemisphere. Well done!
Looking for on campus employment?
There are 24 student worker positions posted on Human Resources website! Go here! You will need to apply for jobs that are "Non-Federal" positions.
Monday, September 25th
Tuesday, September 26th
Friday, September 29th
September Shuttles
Tuesday nights at 6PM
Hispanic Heritage Month
Looking Ahead
Trivia Time
Mount Ida, Arkansas, USA is known as the __________________ Capital of the World. What other country has shares this distinction?
The first student to email mwynn@uca.edu with the correct answers will receive these beautiful bracelets from Peru!