November 19 - November 25, 2023
Upcoming Dates
11/20/23 - 11/22/23 - Spirit Week
11/20/23 - Bridging the Gap 40th Anniversary
11/21/23 - Deck The Halls
11/22/23 - End of Term 1
11/22/23 - Early Release 12:30 and Pep Rally
11/23/23 - No School Thanksgiving #GoWitch
11/24/23 - No School
Term 1 Ends 11/22/23
It is important that scholars complete all assigned work as well as any reassessments. Scholars should meet with their teacher and schedule this time after school or during crew on Tuesday.
Spirit Week
a. Monday: Pajama Day
b. Tuesday: Dress as a Class
Deck The Halls:
Areas and Themes:
c. Wednesday: Dress School Spirit and Pep Rally
Tardy to School Procedure
To be counted present, students must attend the required number of hours each day. Therefore, students who are tardy or leave before the end of the day must be present for at least one half of the instructional day, excluding lunch to be counted for the instructional day.
Listed below is the progressive discipline cycle for tardy to school that will restart at the beginning of each term:
1st tardy: Warning
2nd tardy: Warning
3rd tardy: Administrative Detention
4th tardy: Administrative Detention
5th tardy: Parent Meeting and Student Success Plan
*If there is a hardship creating a barrier to attending school on time please reach out, gburns@salemk12.org . Salem High School will look to create a plan that removes as many barriers as possible.
Join Winter Colorguard
Salem High School Clubs / Activities
Community Office
LEAP For Education - College Success Program
Free college access program for juniors and seniors after school at SHS through LEAP for Education’s College Success Program.
For questions, contact Norma Ramirez, Site Coordinator, at nramirez@leaap4ed.org or 978-414-5383.
Sign Up Now: https://leap4ed.formtitan.com/high-school-registration#/
LEAP for Education - Homework Help
Completely free after school program for students grades 9-12 where you can get homework help, try different activities, go on fun field trips, explore your career interests and meet new people! We are a drop-in center therefore you can come whenever you are available, perfect for those who have a busy schedule as well!
If you’re interested or you have questions, contact Ivana Buenopena, Teen Center Manager, at ibuenopena@leap4ed.org or 978-228-1196.
It's A Great Time to Be A Witch!
Be About It!
Winter Sports Registration
Winter sports registration at Salem High School is open. Winter sports at SHS include:
- Basketball: Varsity, JV, Freshman (Boys & Girls)
- Gymnastics: Varsity, JV
- Hockey: Varsity, JV
- Indoor Track & Field: Varsity, JV (Boys & Girls)
- Swimming: Varsity, JV
- Wrestling: Varsity, JV
- Cheer: Varsity, JV
- Unified Strength & Conditioning: Varsity
Congratulations Kim Parker
Salem High School has made great strides over the last few years to engage our scholars and support them in reaching their academic and personal goals. These goals can not be reached without our wonderful families and incredible staff. This evening I received notice from MassInsight that Mass Insight is recognizing Salem High School's AP Literature teacher, Kim Parker, as 2024 Partners in Excellence Teacher Award.
Mass Insight Notice:
Congratulations! Mass Insight Education & Research has named Kim Parker, an AP Literature teacher at Salem High School a 2024 Partners in Excellence Teacher Award recipient for her exemplary work in the Advanced Placement (AP) STEM & English Program.
She is among 15 Massachusetts AP teachers being recognized for outstanding contributions to student success during the 2022-2023 academic year.
Congratulations Mrs. Parker and thank you for all you do for our scholars!
Salem High School Athletic Hall of Fame
SALEM (Nov. 6, 2023) – The Salem High School Athletic Hall of Fame will induct 11 former athletes, coaches, administrators and dignitaries on Tuesday, Nov. 21 (6 p.m.) at Salem State University’s Veterans Hall, Director of Athletics Reilly Christie announced Monday.
Tickets cost $50 and can be purchased via GoFan.com.
The SHS Hall of Fame Class of 2023 drew 28 nominations. The list of inductees includes:
- Jasmine Bryant (2011), Soccer, Basketball, Track & Field
- Jamaal Camah (1996), Basketball
- Chris Felton (2001), Football, Wrestling, Baseball
- Jana (Mroz) Gauthier (2000), Soccer, Softball
- Robert J. Geswell, Director of Athletics, 1986-2003
- Bethany Greenblatt Goodrich (1995), Soccer, Gymnastics, Track & Field
- Stephen Ingemi (1963), Football, Hockey, Gymnastics & Tumbling
- Sean Linehan (2010), Basketball, Baseball
- Jack O’Brien, Basketball Coach, 1986-93
- Antonio Reyes (2011), Football, Basketball
- Tania and Edward Skeffington, Meritorious Service
For more information, contact the SHS Department of Athletics at (978) 740-1123 or rchristie@salemk12.com.
Athletic Department
Salem Beats Stoneham 38 -14, Super Bowl Bound
Salem News Article: https://www.salemnews.com/sports/on-football-salem-rides-mystery-machine-all-the-way-to-super-bowl/article_331debe2-85c0-11ee-8448-0b28c7cf3e2a.html
Salem News Article: https://www.salemnews.com/sports/party-like-its-1999-salem-handles-stoneham-punches-super-bowl-ticket/article_097f7cf0-85b7-11ee-ab6d-e32eaaddf5c3.html
Salem News Slideshow:https://www.salemnews.com/cnhi_network/slideshow-the-salem-witches-advance-to-miaa-division-6-super-bowl-after-beating-the-stoneham/collection_688c6cf0-85ba-11ee-8154-4f4c412f5875.html
Large Photo Credit: Salem News
All information in regards to date and time of Super Bowl will be released when Salem High School receives that information which should be in the next day or two. #GoWitch
Flag Football Game
Salem High School Fall All Stars
College and Career Counseling Corner
Meet with Your College and Career Counselor
How to Access your College and Career Counselor:
1) Scholars can ask for a pass from their teacher to see a counselor
2) Scholars can email their counselor regarding a concern or to make an appointment.
3) Scholars can also use the counselors' YouCanBookMe Links below
Kerry McHugh - https://kmchugh.youcanbook.me
Alice Ryan - https://msryansalemhigh.youcanbook.me
Maureen Beaudet - https://maureen-beaudet.youcanbook.me
Rachael Kozlowski - https://mskoz.youcanbook.me
Claribel Paulino - Coming Soon
Grade 9 Counselors
Maureen Beaudet Last Names A - K
Alice Ryan Last Names L - Z
Grade 10 Counselors
Kerry McHugh Last Names A - K
Rachael Kozlowski Last Names L - Z
Grade 11 Counselors
Maureen Beaudet Last Names A - L
Alice Ryan Last Names M - Z
Grade 12 Counselors
Kerry McHugh Last Names A - K
Rachael Kozlowski Last Names L - Z
Multilingual Learners Newcomer - Intermediate Counselor 9-12
Claribel Paulino
Meet your counselor! No matter where your scholar is on their journey in high school, their counselor can help provide valuable and useful information to guide them to post secondary success. Your scholar’s counselor will meet both individually and in groups to create a high school and postsecondary plan that meets your scholar’s unique needs. Please feel free to make an appointment anytime to get to know how this department can help your family and scholars in any way!
Scholarship Highlight
AFL - CIO Scholarship Awards Program
We are pleased to announce the 66th Annual Massachusetts AFL-CIO Scholarship Awards Program. All graduating seniors in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts who are seeking a college degree or job training are eligible to compete. Scholarship awards this year total over half a million dollars.
To qualify, students must be a senior in high school, fill out the online application and then take our exam. Applicants must register in advance at www.massaflcio.org/scholarships. We will be accepting applications through Friday, December 22, 2023.The deadline is firm, and no late registrations will be accepted. The exam consists of 30 multiple choice questions and one written essay. All questions will be selected from the information in the study guide.
Exams will be administered online, and should be offered to registered students between Monday, February 5, 2024, and Friday February 9, 2024. Once again, we will be using Classmarker to administer the exams online. Paper tests will be available upon request. Students will need access to a computer or tablet and all testing should be taken in school under supervision from an exam proctor.
All study resources including the study guide, flash cards and quizzes are available by visiting www.learnlaborhistory.com.
College Visits in the C3 Conference room are now available!
Salem High School has many college representatives to meet with prospective students during the Crew block Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday during the school year. This is a wonderful opportunity for scholars to learn more about specific colleges that may align with their interests and post secondary career plans. Any junior or senior is able to sign up through Naviance or at the C3 desk to meet with a representative. A full list of schools are available on Naviance under the College Tab - Visits.
Upcoming colleges are:
Salem State University: Monday November 20th
Massachusetts College Pharmacy Health Sciences: Tuesday November 21st
FAFSA ID Support
The 24-25 FAFSA will not be available until sometime in December versus being available in October in previous years. This is definitely going to affect colleges and institutions across the board in regards to their admissions process and their financial aid process. The North Shore EOC is prepared to adapt to these various changes and we want to offer some services and events leading up to the debut of the new application to make this a lot easier for students and parents.
EOC has partnered with Salem High School to offer in school appointments to begin the process to create FSA IDs in advance of the application! On NOVEMBER 30TH students can get support to create FSA IDs with support from our community partner!
Next steps? Sign up in C3 with Ms Grateaux AND complete the google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5WlPDv83N0ddsjHKyA9J6f_JKgDfrO4KNIAd4maXLL-4QRg/viewform
Pick Your College
College and Career Highlight
McGill University
McGill University
Location: Montreal, QC Canada
Mascot: Marty the Martlet
Enrollment: 34,840
GPA Average: 3.3
SAT Score Average: 1250
ACT Score Average: 30
McGill University soon rose to become one of the best educational institutions in the world. Currently, it offers degrees and diplomas in over 300 fields and has 11 faculties. McGill University was the first university in Canada to award a medical degree. In the academic year 2013-14, it awarded 8930 degrees in various fields.
12 Nobel laureates, 128 Rhodes scholars
Since its inception, McGill University has produced 12 Nobel laureates and 128 Rhodes scholars. There’s more- 3 astronauts, 3 Canadian prime ministers, 13 justices of the Canadian Supreme Court, 4 foreign leaders, 28 foreign ambassadors, 9 Academy Award winners, and 3 Pulitzer Prize winners.
Virtual and In-Person Tours: https://www.mcgill.ca/undergraduate-admissions/visit
Website: https://www.mcgill.ca/
Typical Tasks Associated with This Career:
- Notify others of emergencies, problems, or hazards
- Communicate with others to coordinate vehicle movement
- Respond to transportation emergencies
- Coordinate flight control or management activities
- Monitor vehicle movement and location
- Adjust routes or speeds as necessary
- Plan flight operations
- Choose optimal transportation routes or speeds
Expected Income: Average $122,990
Job Growth: 1% over next 10 years
Related High School Coursework
- Computer Technology
- AP Computer Science
- Probability and Statistics
- Physics