Stratford High Times
May 2022
From the Principal's Desk
Nau mai hoki mai ki te wahanga tuarua,
Welcome to Term 2! The days are getting shorter, but we have been very lucky to enjoy some glorious weather throughout autumn. I really enjoy term two, with the opportunity to be out and watch Winter Sport. We have already seen some wonderful performances from individuals and teams, and what is heartening to see is the fair play and sportsmanship I witness each week. Just two days ago I watched one of our basketballers stop playing and check that her opposite was alright, after they had fallen to the ground. Sport can bring out the best in people and it provides rich opportunities; learning to accept decisions, working with others, responding positively to defeat and giving one's best each week, that develop well rounded young people.
It was lovely to come together as a whole school last week in our Assembly. The lack of Assemblies over the past few months has had an impact. Assemblies provide a fantastic opportunity to build a strong sense of community. They help reinforce our school’s ethos, our values and our mission statement. They help develop our identity. Who we are and what we stand for. They are an important time that is valued and long may they continue, even in the current Covid space.
At the Assembly last week, I spoke about the importance of resetting, after a disruptive Term One. Heads down, bums up and working towards the end goal. I challenged the students to re-engage in the learning process and develop a plan that will support their success. Monitoring and reviewing the plan regularly will only enhance their ability to succeed. As adults in their lives, we need to guide our teenagers in this process by sitting down and working out what they need, how they will get it and who else is needed to support them in their journey. No one wants to look back in December and think 'what if..'
We know that regular attendance at school will have a positive impact on success for all students and is an important element to a learning plan. Not all teenagers want to attend school and sometimes a bit of tough love can positively help our tamariki be in class and engage in learning. If attendance is something you are concerned about, please feel free to make contact with your child’s form teacher, dean or our Pastoral Deputy Principal, Mrs Karla Ralph.
In staffing news, Ms Evgenia Kern is taking up a position at One Global School in Hawera and as a result we have welcomed two staff into the Maths department, one new to our school and one returning. Mrs Anna Charlie is teaching junior Maths until the end of the term, having moved to Taranaki from Whangarei. Mr Dirk Vermeulen returns to school in a full-time permanent capacity teaching Maths. He will also be our Principal’s Nominee. Ms Lucille Roodbeen also returns and will be teaching junior Maths as well as working as a Literacy Support Teacher.
I look forward to seeing you on the sidelines of the sports field in the coming weeks. Take care. Nga mihi nui.
Cameron Stone
Please find below a number of contacts for the staff at school. Your child will have their class teacher or form teachers email address on the Microsoft Teams pages.
Senior Leadership Team
Principal: Mr Cameron Stone -
Deputy Principal Curriculum: Dr Michael Taylor -
Deputy Principal Pastoral and School Organisation: Mrs Karla Ralph -
Principal's PA: Diane Lithgow -
School Board Secretary: Amanda Hill -
Principal's Nominee
For all enquires regarding NZQA or Te Kura
Mr Dirk Vermeulen: extension 707 or email:
Deans for 2022
Year 9: Mr Jeff Walker
Year 10: Ms Peta Apperley
Year 11: Mr Colin Franklyn -
Year 12: Mr Bill McGeoch -
Year 13: Miss Jodie Sullivan -
Academic Dean: Mrs Riejanne Campbell
Guidance Counsellor: Liza Albers –
Learning Support Coordinator: Lisa Dent –
For all other enquires please contact the school office 06 765 6039
MOE Teacher Only Day.
School will be closed for instruction on Friday 20 May due to the Ministry of Education teacher only day. The staff will be at school looking into the NCEA changes.
Events this week.
Tuesday 17 May: SHS Cross Country (if postponed will be held later this week)
Wednesday 18 May: Sports Assembly 11.45am
Thursday 19 May: Pink Shirt Day - Mufti day for students $2.
Thursday 19 May: Loves Me Not programme for all year 12 students.
Friday 20 May: Staff Professional Development Day.
Sheliah Winn Competition
Congratulations to Jack Linton and Charlotte Frazier for winning the 5-minute division at the Regional Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Competition!
Charlotte and Jack performed as Iago and Roderigo from Shakespeare's tragedy Othello. They will represent Taranaki at the National Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Competition in Wellington next month and have the chance to win a trip to the Globe Theatre in London!
Front of School Upgrade
We are excited about how the front of the school is taking shape. The recent heavy rains showed that the redesign has made the drainage from this area better. Students are enjoying using this space. There will be seating, planting, bike racks and school sign will be installed in the next couple of months.
Kamar Access
We have been having a number of calls regarding access to KAMAR. Below is a step by step instruction to access the KAMAR website:
- go to SHS (Stratford High School) website
- click on KAMAR blue button at bottom of front page
- this will take you to website -
- logon at top right hand corner using your Kamar login
- click on Details - this is a drop-down box which has various options (including financials)
You can go directly to the website without going through SHS website.
By using the website portal you will have access to financials, reports, subject selection, and other important information. The app will only give basic contact information.
Easter Eggs Hunted Down
We thought the students of the school deserved a little treat. So with the help of the Arts Council and Mr Stone (with the prizes), we had an Easter Egg Hunt to celebrate the end of term and Easter. Together, Sereima and I printed and cut out 100 eggs and hid them around the field for students to find. After finding an egg, you got to cash out for a prize, consisting of chocolate. We both had great fun organizing this and hoped the students had fun finding and eating their prizes.
Sereima and Elysse
Change to school day for term 2, 2022
We will be changing the timing of the end of school during term two as a trial to fit in with the early close for the primary schools. This means that the buses will be leaving Stratford High earlier each day.
Regular timetable
Period 1: 8.45 - 9.45 am
Period 2: 9.45 - 10.45 am
Form time, lunches are provided: 10.45 - 11.00 am
Interval: 11.00 - 11.30 am
Period 3: 11.30 - 12.30 pm
Period 4: 12.30 - 1.30 pm
Lunch: 1.30 - 2.05 pm
Period 5: 2.05 - 3.05 pm
Wednesday only
Period 1: 9.00 – 10.00 am
Period 2: 10.00 – 11.00 am
Form time, lunches are provided: 11.00 to 11.15am
Interval: 11.15 to 11.45 am
Period 3: Utility period, every Wednesday 11.45 am to 12.30 pm
Period 4: 12.30 - 1.30 pm
Lunch: 1.30 - 2.05 pm
Period 5: 2.05 - 3.05 pm
PB4L - HEART Assembly
At the first assembly this year students were introduced to the updated HEART value posters for the school. The student leadership team took great pride in showing these to the school and a video will be put onto the school website. Students will be seeing these posters around the school, in classrooms and public spaces.
These values are now linked to the My Mahi website which all students have access to.
Cross Country reminder
The 2022 cross country was to be held today, Tuesday 17 May. Unfortunately due to the weather this has now been cancelled. We will advise when the cross country will be run.
Volleyball Success
Kauby Ngatai-Northcott has been selected for the Under 17 Secondary Schools Volleyball team for Taranaki. Ryan Bain has been selected for the Under 19 Secondary Schools Volley ball team and Kayden White will be a non travelling reserve for this team.
These boys will be attending the NZSS competitions later this year. Congratulations to all.
Students wishing to play volleyball for the school can talk to Ms Tobin in the main office. The school girls team plays on a Wednesday afternoon and Sunday evening at the TET Stadium in Stratford.
Sports Report
Term 1 has been and gone already!! We started off our school sporting events with Tabloid Sports for the Year 9 and 13 students which was a great day. We were fortunate to be able to hold our school swimming and athletics days prior to yet another outbreak of Covid. Photos of these events are on the foyer screen.
Awards for these events will be handed out at our School Summer Sports Assembly this week. A list will be posted on the school website after this event.
Many TSSSA events were cancelled earlier in Term 1 due to Covid restrictions, but by the end of the term with restrictions lifted we were provided with a bit more normality.
We were able to attend TSSSA Athletics in March and just this week had four teams at TSSSA Netball.
Winter Sports are now all under way and I will endeavour to post the weekly draws on our school Facebook page each Friday.
Thankyou to all parents, caregivers and members of our community who have offered their services to coach, manage or help out with our sports teams. Please ensure you support them, both on the sidelines and with your students.
Thank you
Philippa Smith
Moana Jr Production
Remember this is an event for all students to participate in.
School Uniform
As the colder weather approaches please ensure your child has the correct uniform to keep them warm during the winter. If you have not already purchased a school jacket these are available from the student office.
It is important that shoes are polishable to keep out the rain. Our school black trousers must be formal dress attire and this does not include tracksuit pants, cargo pants or jeans. Please see the uniform guide below and if you have any further questions, please talk to Karla Ralph, our Pastoral Deputy Principal.
New Parents Information
Please click on the link below to go the start of school information for 2022.
Within this link you will find information titled "Jan-New Parents Information" which will give you an outline of key organisational information at Stratford High School. This information is also useful for any students who are still starting at our school.
Have you moved recently? Have you changed your phone number or email address recently? Please contact the school office and update your details.
It is very important we have the correct information for your child in case there is an emergency and we need to contact you immediately. If any contact details change throughout the year please let the school office know.
2022 School Policy Reviews
This year the policies for review are our Health and Safety Management policies. See below for instructions to provide feedback on this policy.
- Visit the website Stratford HS Policies and Procedures (
- Enter the username (stratfordhigh) and password (swansearoad4332)
- Click on the tab for current review and it should show you the latest policies for review.
- Read the policy.
- Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Select the reviewer type "Parent".
- Enter your name (optional).
- Submit your ratings and comments.
- If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.
COVID Safety Action Plan and Important Reminders
Please find below the link to the 2022 COVID Safety Action Plan which is on the school website.
These must be worn indoors by all students and staff (except those with an official exemption). You are expected to have your own mask and wear it properly (up over your nose).
- Mask wearing has been mandated by the government. It is not optional.
- Make sure you have spare masks with you at school each day.
- Masks are NOT to be shared. They are to be washed regularly.
This is to be observed where practicable. We know that in some learning contexts this is not ideal. Please respect this and if a teacher reminds you about this, please comply willingly and graciously.
Stratford High School
Location: Stratford High School Swansea Road, Stratford, New Zealand
Phone: 06-7656039