Special Education and ELL
October 2023
Welcome Back
Hello and Welcome Back!
This year has been off to a spectacular start! I would like to thank everyone for your warm welcome as I have settled in as your new Director of Student Services. Although the title may be different, Special Education, English Language Learning, College and Career Readiness and Title IX fall under this department. Please do not hesitate to reach out if there are any questions that I may be able to assist with.
Many exciting things will be happening this year. The first will be the scheduling of our monthly Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC). These meetings were previously held remotely, however, I am open to holding them in person. The TEAMS meeting link is embedded in this newsletter for easy access, and will be posted to the district webpage as well. The FIRST Meeting WILL BE VIRTUAL through the link. I have a survey included in this newsletter, so please click on the survey to record your thoughts and provide any suggestions for monthly topics. This way I can prepare our meetings to meet the needs generated from our group. The results from the survey will also determine if we will continue VIRTUAL or shift to in person, so thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts!
Additionally, you are going to find many resources that have been linked within this newsletter that you may find helpful to keep you informed or provide you with any useful materials on topics that may be of interest. I will update these monthly.
I'd like to thank you all tremendously for making me feel so welcome. Thank you in advance for your partnership and ongoing commitment to your children(s) education.
Together In Education,
Dr. Ginger Coleman
Please join us for the 1st SEPAC meeting of the year. We will start this year virtually using the attached link. However, I am attaching a form HERE, and dependent upon interest, in person will be an option also, so please fill out your preference.
Our Meeting schedule on Thursday's will be as follows: Start Time 6:00 pm
October 19th
November 16th
December 14th
January 18th
February 15th
March 14th
April 11th
May 9th
June 6th (Last meeting)
Special Education Resources
Parents Notice of Procedural Safeguards-English
Parents Notice of Procedural Safeguards-Spanish
English Language Learners
MA English Learner Blueprint
Planning a Life Conference Family Opportunity
The registration page can be found here: https://fcsn.org/planning-a-life-conference-2023/
Please note, as well, that we have scholarships available for folks who cannot pay the full rate and who need this information. Those families should email us at transition@fcsn.org. Cost should not be an obstacle for families and youth to get this information and to have this experience.
Planning a Life (PAL) is a two-day transition conference for parents, caregivers, and professionals working with postsecondary transition-age youth (14 -22). PAL can provide parents and professionals with useful skills and information necessary to support youth as they prepare for full, productive lives during and after high school. We will discuss ways parents, caregivers and professionals can encourage independence and self-advocacy in their children.
This year, the Planning A Life conferences will be held on a Friday and a Saturday. On Fridays, all presentations will be virtual. On Saturdays, PAL will be in person at the locations indicated below. Youth participants are invited and encouraged to attend the in-person day of Planning A Life for fun, educational activities, and community building!
Cost: $95 - one parent/caregiver
$125 - two parents/caregivers
$125 – professional
Youth are free with any registered parent, caregiver or professional. Youth are welcome to attend any and all presentations on virtual Fridays and are encouraged to attend the fun in-person Saturday events!
Scholarships are available. We want families and youth to attend. Reach out if you need assistance at transition@fcsn.org
Register Here: https://fcsn.org/planning-a-life-conference-2023/
Planning A Life (College and Beyond) / Nov. 3rd and 4th
During this PAL, we will talk about the differences between high school and college and how to prepare for success in college. We will discuss making the choice to disclose a disability. Presenters include staff from Easterseals’ College Navigator Program and the Student Accessibility Services office at Quinsigamond Community College. Youth are encouraged to attend separate activities on preparing for college and preparing their vision of a fun, meaningful adult life!
Friday, November 3rd 8:30 to 4:30 (virtual)
Saturday, November 4th 9:00 to 1:30 (in-person at the Schrafft Center, 529 Main Street, Charlestown, MA)
Morning coffee and lunch are provided.
A chance for parents to meet other parents and professionals and to connect over a cup of coffee. Presentations and interactive activities around planning for life after high school for parents and youth.
Fun activities with local youth organizations (more info to come…)
Resources, resources, resources
Email transition@fcsn.org with any information about food allergies or accommodations needed.
Location: Schrafft Center, 529 Main Street, 1st floor, Charlestown, MA 02129
The Difference Between High School and College
Youth Voice in the IEP
Discussing Disability Stigma
Paying for College
Panel of young adults / parents discussing postsecondary transition and what they wish they had known.
Healthcare Transition and more!
More details to follow…
We hope to see you at a Planning A Life!
Warm regards,
Monserrate Somers, NextGen Careers Transitions Coordinator
(She/Her/Hers) (Why does this matter?)
Federation for Children with Special Needs
FCSN – Engage, Educate, Empower
800-331-0688 – Our Language Lines or Intake Form
FCSN is working with MRC on the NextGen Careers Initiative. Click here to learn more!