4-H Friday News Blast for 8.30.2019
Office Closed Labor Day
State Fair App
This year’s app contains many helpful features for 4-H families, staff, and the general fair-goer. An interactive schedule, results, map, and social media components continue to help prepare and educate our audiences about Nebraska 4-H at the State Fair.
Thank-you Notes
Write your Thank You notes if you have not done so!
The Friends of 4-H, other donors, and Cake & Livestock Auction buyers generously donated money and the auction buyers took time to come to the sales, so we need to follow-up and send a thank you for their support. Please take a few minutes to do this very important task.
If you have already written your thank you(s) and sent them, THANK YOU! If not, do it today! Thank your donor, tell about your project and what you learned, and be sure to sign your name! Receiving Thank You notes this year may determine if a donor wants to donate next year, plus saying thank you is the right thing to do!
Note to the livestock people ...blank thank you note cards are still coming ... they will in with your check when it arrives in the mail.
If you need some blank thank you note cards, stop by the Extension office. Pick up what you need - they are free!
Pick up State Fair Exhibits
"Best of the Rest" Husker Gameday Swine, Sheep and Goat Show
Equine Webinar Series
The next Equine Webinar Series will be September 9th, through Zoom at 6:00 p.m.
This webinar will be over the Miniature classes offered at the 4-H State Horse Show, what advancement levels it takes to pass in order to attend the horse show, and additional information about Miniature classes on a state level. This will also be a great time for leaders, youth, and families to ask any questions they have about showing Miniatures in 4-H!
Link for people to Register for the Zoom Webinar Series: https://4h.unl.edu/horse/webinar-series
4S Goat Expo Scholarship
Application deadline is September 10. Applications are available in the Extension Office.
4-H Youth in Action
National 4-H Council is looking for 4-H'ers with a great story to tell and a passion for Agriculture, Citizenship, Healthy Living or STEM to tell their stories through the 2019 4-H Youth in Action Awards.
Through these awards, 4 youth will receive a $5,000 scholarship for higher education as well as all expenses paid trip to Washington D.C. for the National 4-H Council's Legacy Awards.
The application is open August 1 - October 21. More information is available on the website, www.4-H.org/youthinaction. Click on the "How to Apply" tab to find the application guidelines as well as a link to helpful resources for 4-H educators to use.
State Fair Results
4-H Static Exhibits: http://www.nebraska4hresults.com/
Fashion Show: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmGvuJ2s*******
Individual Point Sheets due September 15th
It's time for the year-end counts!
County point sheets are now available for each individual 4-Her! These are in a new format this year – fill out the correct form based on if you exhibited:
- Only Livestock at the fair,
- Only Static (non-animal exhibits) at the fair, or
- A combination of Livestock and Static.
Please apply for the County Awards as well! Located on the back of the point sheets, these awards generally require a short essay telling about your 4-H experience. See the sheet for specific information and requirements on each award.
All sheets and awards are judged out-of-county, and prizes are given to the winners in each category at the annual Achievement party. Please note the new due date is September 15th for all submissions!
Club Point Sheets due September 15th
Each 4-H club can also complete a year-end club point sheet. Please note that the club point sheet has a separate application section that allows for state-level recognition, and overlaps in most areas with our county point sheet! Apply for both awards! Due date is September 15th.
Website page for all Point Sheets
Diamond Clover Awards due September 15th
Diamond Clover is another way to plan and achieve growth through 4-H. There are 6 levels that 4-Hers can progress through as they accomplish goals throughout the year. See details and find all the forms here: https://4h.unl.edu/diamond-clover.
If you have completed levels in the past, your 4HOnline profile should show which levels have been previously completed (under Participation, then Awards tab). Final reports are due September 15th.
County Fair Items to pick up ...
These 4-Hers have items from the county fair to be picked up at the Extension Office. The office is open 8:00 to 4:30 pm.
Abigail Masonbrink
Abigail Pankonin
Ayzlee Haertel
Bella Peterson
Brady Bornemeier
Brian May
Brooke Goudie
Brooklyn Justus
Brylee Peterson
Charlie Korytowski
Conner Flanagan
Emery Stohlmann
Gabrielle Langley
Haylee Roberts
Hill Brothers
Hudson Reierson
Jakob Hannum II
Joslyn Stamp
Kendall Murdoch
Kinley Dorr
Layton Bornemeier
Lily Berggren
Madison Lambert
Micah Langley
Miciah Price
Nataley Freel
Peyton Lutz
Selea Rikli
Tanner Ahrens
Tatum Backemeyer
Thank you to the Cake Auction Buyers!
Lindsay Backemeyer
Alicia Ahrens
Andy Korytowski
Arc Etc
Bill Fleischman
Blitzen Express
Candi Rathe
Cody Knop/Krystal Knabe
Coleman Lenz
Corey Price
Corngrowers State Bank
Dave Lutz
Deborah Korytowski
Don Ahrens
DP Storage
Drake Farms
Duane Lutz
Erin Beth Designs
Extra Mile Mowing
Green Thumb
Grinder Pump Man
Heidi Warner
Jacie Fleischman
Jenette Freel
Jeni Guzloski
Jeremiah Malchow
John Knabe
Kenny Ahrens
Kenny Lutz
Lauren Stohlmann
Lawrence Vogler
Main Street Jewelers
Malenie Staben
Mark Meyer
Mary Cieslik
Midwest Equip Makers
Neumeister Show Cattle
Oehlerking Farms
Oehlerking Pumpkin Patch
Pinnacle Bank
Pinnacle Bank
Ron & Patricia Baxter
Rosanne Dobesh DeGraff
Scott Lubben
Steve Hauschild
Sweitzer Construction
Tracy Ensor
Trey & Leisha Ahrens
WBA Farms
Checks are in the mail. If you have questions, please contact the office at 402-267-2205 or cass-county@unl.edu
Cass County Volunteer Recognition
We are honored to recognize the valuable 4- H leaders and volunteers we have right here in Cass County! Adult volunteers may be nominated by other adults or youth, and may nominate themselves. Please send, email, or drop off your nomination form(s) at the Extension Office; due date is September 15th.The county level award winners will be selected by our local 4-H Council from the pool of nominations forms we receive, and will be awarded at our annual 4-H Achievement Program.
- The Olga J. Livers Outstanding 4-H Leader Award
- Meritorious Service Award
- Tribute of Leader Excellence Award
- Heart of 4-H Award
- Outstanding 4-H Alumni Award
You can read about each award at: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/cass/volunteer-recognition-nominations/
4-H Cat Club Revamped
Do you like cats? What about learning how to care for or show them? Maybe you have heard about the 4-H Cat Club in the past and wanted to join, but couldn't make the monthly meetings.
Do we have good news for you, or what? We are pleased to introduce this year's self-paced Cat Club! No more being bummed that you missed the hour long meeting every second Thursday. You will now have access to monthly lessons and activities that you can complete on your own time. The first lesson can be found here on September 5th: https://4h.unl.edu/companion-animal/cat-club
If you are interested, please stay tuned and register today!
Dr. Lisa Karr
Animal Science Department Undergraduate Teaching Coordinator
Companion Animal Specialist
My office has changed locations:
A214c Animal Science
Lincoln, NE 68583-0908
Phone: 402-472-6458
Fax: 402-472-6362
E-mail: lisa.karr@unl.edu
Website: companionanimal.unl.edu
School Year Camps!
Did you know there are 4-H Camps during the school year? Continue the fun with 4-H with one of these camps!
Fall Resident Camp- September 21-22, 2019
Winter Resident Camp - February 14-16, 2020
Spring Break Day Camp - April 6-10, 2020
For more information click on this link! https://4h.unl.edu/camps-centers/school-year-camps
2019 County Fair Results
County 4-H Calendar
- State Fair - August 23-Sept 2
- Pick up State Fair Exhibits at Cass Extension Office - September 4th
- AkSarBen pre-entry due - August 31
- Volunteer Recognition nominations due - September 15
- Point Sheets and Diamond Clover due - September 15
- 4-H Council Meeting - September 16
- National 4-H Week - October 6-12
- AkSarBen Stock Show - Sept 26-29
- 4-H Achievement Program - November 3
- Nebraska Youth Beef Leadership Symposium - Nov. 8-10 in Lincoln
- 4-H Council Meeting - November 18
Ag Information & Other Opportunities:
- Hort Update ... Update for August 19
- Gardening articles by Sarah Browning
- Recorded Webinar and info on "Hunting Leases" with vital information for landowners
- Nebraska Extension Publications ... online Library
Southeast Nebraska Diversified Ag Tour ... Friday, September 6, 2019 SE Nebraska
Community Food Systems Workshop and Certification ... September 12, 2019, Omaha, NE
Local Food Leader Workshop and Certification ... September 11, 2019, Omaha, NE
Cass County Extension Board Meeting ... October 14, 2019 at 5:30 pm
Become a Master Gardener ... for 2020 program, register by January 17, 2020
4-H Pledge
I pledge my Head to clearer thinking,
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service, and
My Health to better living,
For my club, my community, my country and my world!
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Lauren Stohlmann, Extension Educator and Unit Leader, lauren.stohlmann@unl.edu
Katie Kreuser, Extension Educator, katie.kreuser@unl.edu
Tracy Ensor, Extension Assistant, tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Sondra Buell, Office Manager, sondra.buell@unl.edu
General Mailbox, cass-county@unl.edu
Email: cass-county@unl.edu
Website: www.cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, 68463
Phone: 402-267-2205
Facebook: facebook.com/UniversityofNebraskaLincolnExtensionCassCounty
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty