The Weekly Update #4
September 10th, 2023

Week of October 17, 2023
Important Dates
-Tuesday, October 17th: Second Grade Field Trip to the San Diego Zoo
-Tuesday, October 17th: Author Matt Heagerty Assembly *Parents Welcome
-Wednesday, October 18th: Third Grade Field Trip to Western Center Museum
-Thursday, October 19th: Great California Shake-Out Earthquake Readiness Drill at 10:19 a.m.
-Sunday, October 22nd: Walk of Hope for Michelle's Place at The Promenade Mall
-Thursday, October 26th: Kindergarten Field Trip to Peltzer's Pumpkin Patch
-Tuesday, October 31st: Spooky Science and Annual Family Pumpkin Showcase
-Thursday, November 2nd: Sixth Grade field trip to San Diego Old Town and Balboa Park
Message From Miss Angela
Thank you to all the families that came out last Friday for our Third - Fifth Grade Soc Hop. Seems like everyone had a great time dancing, snacking, and socializing.
Fall portraits were distributed last week. If your child was absent on picture day, make-up portraits will be taken on Tuesday, November 14th.
Author, Mat Heagerty is coming to our school tomorrow! Parents Welcome
Mat Heagerty is a comic book writer, rad dad, and all around chipper dude living in Boise, ID. He writes awesome comics like 'Lumberjackula' (Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers), ‘Martian Ghost Centaur' (Oni Press ), ‘Unplugged and Unpopular' (Oni Press) & the forthcoming graphic novel 'Indoor Kid' (Oni Press 2024). Mat is currently adjunct professor at Boise State University where he teaches a course on Writing for Graphic Novels. Mat is dyslexic, and struggled in school, now he often travels the country talking to elementary and middle school students about the strengths of learning disabilities and creative collaboration.
We are excited to welcome Mat to our campus and invite parents to join us.
Tuesday, October 17th
Middle School: 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
Third-Fifth Grade: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Kinder - Second Grade: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
*If students would like to purchase any of his books ahead of time, he will sign them the day of the assembly.
Middle School iPad Distribution Day is Approaching
In order to be assigned an iPad, each student/ family must complete the following two tasks.
1.) Read the Van Avery Prep iPad Handbook on Policy, Procedure and Information along with your student and complete the Google Form acknowledging that you have done so. Both the Handbook and Form can be found here.
2.) Obtain a case for the iPad.
*The case should include a bluetooth keyboard and provide sufficient protection of the fragile device.
*The iPads' specifics are as follows: iPad 9 with a 10.2 inch screen.
*There are many options available on Amazon for you to choose from.
Congratulations to Our VAP Debate Team
The debate team competed in a tournament this past weekend at Telesis Academy of Science and Math in West Covina. Team members (left to right): Eddie Cardoso, Eli Vo, Lilien Winiger, Shreya Costanza, Isaac Vo, and Charlotte Rivera.
Monday Night Parent Basketball will resume next Monday, October 16th, at 6:00 p.m. Parents are invited for some friendly games in our gymnasium. Reach out to Mr. Josiah for more details (josiah@vapeagles.com)
Red Ribbon Week begins on Monday, October 23. The week's activities/spirit days are listed below.
NFL Flag Football League (K-5): Look for information regarding our flag football league later this week.
Cheer Club: Cheer club will be starting on 10/25.
Garden Club Seeking Donations
-Empty and clean 2 liter soda bottles with lids
-Empty and clean plastic milk or juice containers that have built-in handles
-Empty and unbroken planting pots: nursery style, terra cotta, plain, pretty, or anything you have that you aren't using.
*If anyone is a wood worker or interested in donating a bench in your family's name, we are looking for at least three long, sturdy benches.
Please contact Miss Dolly at missdolly@vapeagles.com or 951-234-1940.
Volleyball Update
Van Avery Prep volleyball season is coming to an end. This Saturday, the JV A, JV B, and Varsity volleyball teams will be playing in the end of the season tournament. All three teams have shown some great growth in their skills this season in trying to reach the main goal of putting three touches together and try to serve consistently. All three teams have posted wins this season against the public middle schools in the valley. Varsity volleyball has finished the regular season with a 5-3 record.
Holiday Programs and Performances
Our annual shows will take place on Wednesday, December 20th.
8:00 a.m.: Middle School
9:00 a.m.: Fifth Grade
10:00 a.m.: Fourth Grade
11:00 a.m.: Third Grade
12:00 p.m.: Second Grade
2:00 p.m.: Kindergarten
3:00 p.m.: First Grade
Morning Drop-Off Location
If you drop students off before 7:30 a.m., please park and enter gates B or C. The gymnasium is used for middle school volleyball practice from 6:45 to 7:30 a.m.
Eighth Grade Washington, D.C. Trip Info
Our eighth grade will be traveling to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. in April. For more information please visit Worldstrides for more details. Our trip ID# is: 207925.