Back to school FOCUS 2023-24

August 2, 2023
Anoka-Hennepin Schools is excited to welcome students and staff back for the 2023-24 school year. In addition, the district welcomes new superintendent Cory McIntyre, who began his service July 1. Watch his video message for families and staff to learn about plans for students and schools.
School supplies
School supply lists are on school websites and available at ahschools.us/bts.
Complete back-to-school verification forms online
It’s important that each family completes the back-to-school verification process before the first day of school. Verification ensures that each student’s school has access to accurate emergency contact information and releases to ensure the safety of each student.
Back-to-school verification may be completed online. Even if families’ contact information has not changed, it’s important to log in to access a variety of other student information in the coming weeks, including class schedules and teacher assignments, attendance, school handbooks, progress reports and grades for middle and high school students. High school students will not be able to enroll in fall activities until the back-to-school verification process is complete.
Log in to A-HConnect at ahconnect.anoka.k12.mn.us to complete your student’s back-to-school forms for the upcoming school year:
- Parents/guardians can access the forms by clicking the lock icon and logging in at the top right corner of any district or school website.
- Then, select “my student information.”
- Next, choose "Online registration."
- Select "Back-to-school annual verification."
School handbook
The handbook covers the basics from school to activities to homework, and key policies approved by the School Board explaining on how the district handles matters of conduct and discipline consistently and fairly. Digital copies of the publication are currently available under “Policy Handbook” on the district’s Document Center website at ahschools.us/documentcenter.
Please contact your child’s school if you have any questions about the handbook’s content.
More back-to-school information
There's only so much room in this publication, and while we hope we included what parents and guardians need to start the school year, you may have other questions.
Visit ahschools.us/BtsNewsBits for additional information and mandated notifications.
Subscribe to Backpack Online, a district e-newsletter
Backpack Online is an e-newsletter highlighting district and school news, and links to events and district publications - delivered at no-cost straight to your email inbox. Delivered each week during the school year, Backpack Online will keep you informed of the latest events affecting the Anoka-Hennepin School District, your students and your communities.
Free school meals and Educational Benefits
Starting Sept. 5, 2023, every student may receive one breakfast and one lunch at no cost during the school year. The state’s Free School Meals program will cover the cost of one breakfast meal and one lunch meal for every student daily, however the cost of a la carte items, such as an additional milk, other drinks, or extra meal items will be the responsibility of the families. Students will need to have funds in their meal accounts to purchase any additional food items.
If your family needs access to any other educational benefits available to your student, please visit ahschools.us/freereduced to complete an application.
The enrollment window for the 2023 Applications for Educational Benefits is now open.
Anoka-Hennepin Schools asks that all families complete an online application to provide additional school funding to support all students in the district. By filling out this application, your school can earn funding and you can save money.
Educational benefits include:
- Athletics fees: Eligible students may qualify for fees to be waived or reduced.
- SAT, ACT, AP fees: Students may be eligible for discounted fees for academic tests and some lab fees.
- Other high school activities: Students may qualify for discounts on speech, debate, theater, band and others.
- Additional benefits and cost savings: Chromebook device protection, Comcast Internet Essentials discount, Amazon Prime membership discounts, discounted bus fares with Metro Transit, Xcel Energy account assistance, discounts at museums and theaters.
View the application, instructions and information. Meal prices for ala carte items.
Special dietary needs
Lactose reduced or soy milk is available to students with a written request from a parent or guardian. This request must be given to the school cafeteria supervisor.
All other modifications require a completed diet modification request form signed by a licensed Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), Clinical Nurse Practitioner, Osteopathic Dr. (D.O.) or Physicians Assistant (P.A.C.), and a parent or guardian.
The form can be found at ahschools.us/dietform. Fax the completed form to the CNP office at 763-506-1253 or mail it to 2727 N Ferry St., Anoka, MN 55303. Requests may take up to 10 days to be accommodated.
All menu and nutritional information is available online at ahschools.us/menus. You can print daily, weekly, or monthly menus, as well as check allergen information. To keep up to date on what’s for breakfast or lunch at your student’s school, download the SchoolCafé app through Apple or Android devices.
Safety is our first priority
Anoka-Hennepin’s transportation system is nationally recognized as a leader in the industry with innovative solutions, using the latest technology for bus routing and discipline issues. The safety record of our fleet is well above the national average thanks to dedicated, well-trained bus drivers, paraprofessionals, crossing guards, and traffic control staff. Our mission is simple, it’s to provide safe, reliable, and efficient transportation so when all students arrive at school, they are ready to learn.
Bus information cards mailed, available online
Bus information cards are mailed to homes approximately one week before school starts. The information on the bus card will include the student’s name, address, bus route number, bus stop location and bus arrival time. Please make sure your child carries this card every day. Keep this information written down at home in case of an emergency. If you do not receive the bus information card in the mail, check with the school office at open house or in the days prior to school starting.
Student bus information is also available online at A-HConnect. Each family will have an A-HConnect account established for them at the beginning of the year. Login information will be mailed before school starts. If you do not receive your information or have questions, call the A-HConnect help line at 763-506-HELP (4357).
Let us know if you don't need transportation
The Anoka-Hennepin transportation department coordinates routes for thousands of students in cooperation with First Student, Kottkes and Northstar Bus Service. Knowing with increased accuracy who is planning to ride the bus to and from school leads to higher efficiency and effective use of district resources.
The option to opt-out of transportation services is currently available for students enrolled in Anoka-Hennepin schools and private school students. If your student will not need transportation this school year, please complete the Transportation Opt-out Form no later than August 11, 2023.
Bus stops
There are more than 17,000 bus stops in the Anoka-Hennepin School District. If everyone had a bus stop at their home, the number of stops would more than double and the number of school buses needed to transport students would dramatically increase, along with the time students would spend on the bus. Bus stops are designed to be collector points for the neighborhood and to safely serve the students in each area, as well as any students who move in during the course of the school year.
Why aren’t house-stops used for the vast majority of regular transportation students?
There are two primary reasons:
- The motoring public is familiar with seeing school buses and anticipates they will slow down and stop at intersections, so they adjust for that practice and are more cautious. The car behind, or approaching the school bus does not anticipate it will stop in the middle of the block. When the bus driver slows mid-block, many motorists try to pass the bus, putting students in serious danger.
- Most primary-age student fatalities in the metro area that occurred at the bus stop happened when the bus stopped at the student’s house in the middle of the block. In reviewing the reports, many times the student saw mom or dad, the family dog, or a favorite toy, and ran to it with no regard to traffic around the bus and/or the “danger zone” that surrounds it. Experts have commented that children have a sense of security when they recognize family or familiar objects and all the training they have received on school bus safety is forgotten. Please make sure to review school bus safety rules with your child prior, but also frequently, during the school year.
For more information about buses and transportation, visit ahschools.us/transportation
Bus app: FirstView bus app
Anoka-Hennepin families have access to their students’ bus routes through the FirstView bus app. The app monitors regular school bus routes in real-time. And, it’s free for parents/guardians and students.
While Anoka-Hennepin buses have an excellent on-time performance record, inclement weather, traffic delays, and driver shortages may impact routes. The FirstView bus app provides bus arrival times, anticipated length of any delay, an estimated arrival time and if a substitute bus is being used on the route. Email, push and/or text notifications can inform families of such information instantly.
Go to ahschools.us/busapp to learn more or download FirstView from the Apple or Android app stores.
Late bus alerts
Anoka-Hennepin’s Transportation Department also uses text messaging and email for reporting bus route delays. Please make sure to have your most current email address and mobile number updated in A-HConnect to allow for these updates. When bus drivers or bus companies report a route as being at least 10 minutes late or more, an email and text message is sent out listing the length of expected delay.
Chromebooks/device protection plan
Technology plays an important role in preparing students for life, and Chromebooks are utilized as a daily learning tool in Anoka-Hennepin middle and high school classrooms. Students in grades 6-12 are assigned a Chromebook from the school district to ensure access to technology systems that support classroom learning.
As careful as students and schools are, accidents do happen each year - and hundreds of Chromebooks are returned at the end of the school year with damages. Optional Technology Protection Plans are available to families with students assigned a Chromebook. Families can opt-in when completing their back-to-school verification, and pay for the coverage in SchoolPay. Visit ahschools.us/TechProtect to learn more.
A-HConnect - The Anoka-Hennepin parent portal
A-HConnect is Anoka-Hennepin's parent portal where parents/guardians can access the My Student Information portal, AHlert, activities registration, school meal accounts, community education registration and more.
To access A-HConnect, go to ahschools.us and click on the lock icon at the top of the page.
Forgot your password or need help with accessing your A-HConnect account? Call 763-506-HELP (4357), or email 506HELP@ahschools.us. New families will receive an A-HConnect username and password via a mailed letter within five days of enrolling at a school.
Student data privacy notice
The Anoka-Hennepin School District utilizes a variety of technology-based systems for the purposes of classroom instruction, assessment, and to perform services such as report cards, transcripts and communications with parents and/or guardians. When contracting with companies, the district carefully examines data security provisions in contracts or agreements as well as the terms of the company’s privacy policy to ensure student data is protected. The safety and security of student data is of utmost importance.
Schools are required to provide annual notice of the technology-based products and services used for curriculum, assessment, or testing purposes, that contain student data elements. The district is also required to provide information about inspecting contracts or receiving further information regarding student data privacy safeguards. Additional information is available at ahschools.us/dataprivacy.
If your child requires medication at school, connect with the school nurse at your child’s open house or by calling the main office at your child’s school. Together, you can make a plan for administering medications on a regular basis or in case of emergency. Download the medication request form.
Vision, hearing screenings provided
Health services staff screen children for possible vision and hearing concerns every two years through seventh grade. Parents/guardians are notified if there is a need to follow up with private healthcare providers. More detailed information about screenings is available in the Anoka-Hennepin School Handbook.
Immunization information
State law requires proof your student has been immunized
The Minnesota School Immunization Law (MS 121A.11) requires all students to provide proof of vaccine preventable disease immunizations to enroll or remain enrolled in school. There are exceptions to the immunization rules. The state law does allow a process for parents/guardians to file a legal exemption to immunizations for medical reasons or conscientiously held beliefs. The conscientious objection must be notarized and turned in to the student’s Health Service office at his/ her school. The form is available on the district website or from the health service office at your student’s school. More detailed information about immunizations is available in the Anoka-Hennepin School Handbook.
Visitor information
Anoka-Hennepin Schools utilizes a multi-layered approach to protect the safety of students and staff. Parents, guardians and volunteers are welcome to visit the school, most commonly with a pre-determined appointment. Plan to bring your driver’s license with you when visiting the school or picking up your child. Children are only allowed to visit with or leave school with the parent/guardian or emergency contact provided when each family completes the back-to-school verification forms.
High school registration
If your family needs access to educational benefits, please visit ahschools.us/freereduced to complete an application. The enrollment window for 2023-24 applications for educational benefits began Aug. 1. Anoka-Hennepin asks that all families complete an online application to provide additional school funding to support all students in the district. By filling out this application, your school can earn funding and you can save money.
View the registration pages:
Required physicals
Students must have a sports qualifying physical (valid for three years from the date of the exam) on file to participate in middle and high school athletic programs or may be picked up at your school’s community education or health office.
Game/practice schedules
Specific activity schedules are available to view on any middle and high school athletics and activities calendars. Visit ahschools.us/calendar for links to view.
Community Education
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education coordinates programs to support students after-school, in the evening and on the weekend. These programs provide fun, hands-on opportunities for children to meet friends, develop skills and explore new interests.
- Enrichment classes/activities: Each elementary and middle school coordinates a wide variety of classes and activities.
- Middle school athletics: Community Education coordinates athletic programs at each middle school to emphasize skill development, participation, teamwork, leadership, social growth, sportsmanship and respect for others.
- Open swim, swim lessons: Roosevelt Community Pool offers swim programs for all ages and skill levels.
- Youth service: High school youth service programs provide students with meaningful service opportunities that positively impact the community.
View all opportunities online at discovercommunityed.com or visit the Community Education office at your child's school.
Anoka-Hennepin Schools are grateful that each year, more than 11,200 dedicated volunteers contribute thousands of hours of their time, energy and talents to support our schools, students and staff. You can make a difference as a school volunteer.
It's easy to apply online to volunteer!
The online application system is quick and easy to complete, and saves time coordinating our resources - which means that we can spend more time and talent serving our students, staff and schools. Visit ahschools.us/volunteer to find and complete the application form for your school, or to be assigned to a school with a specific need. All volunteers must complete:
- An online volunteer application form.
- An online criminal record history release form for each school at which they volunteer.
Work at your child's school
Our staff members make a difference in the lives of students, and you can too! Anoka-Hennepin Schools is a great place to live, learn and work. Eligible employees may elect to enroll in a comprehensive benefit package:
- Health, hospitalization, dental insurance.
- Life and supplemental life insurance benefits.
- Long-term disability plan.
- Opportunities to participate in flexible benefit plans such as health savings and dependent/child care savings accounts.
- Professional development opportunities.
The district and its schools are always looking for professionals, parents, volunteers or community members to join our team! View openings and apply online at ahschools.us/jobs.
Attend a school and district hiring event
Anoka-Hennepin will host an in-person hiring event for non-teaching positions on Thursday, Aug. 3 from 1-5 p.m. in the Erling Johnson Rooms A and B at the Educational Service Center (ESC), located at 2727 N Ferry St. in Anoka (enter Door 7). Learn more about the upcoming hiring event.
Special education services are provided for students from birth until their 22nd birthday who have been evaluated and determined as meeting one of the 13 disability categories identified by federal law:
- Developmental delays (birth to age seven).
- Autism spectrum disorders.
- Blind/visually impaired.
- Deaf-blind.
- Deaf/hard of hearing.
- Developmental cognitive disabilities mild-moderate.
- Developmental cognitive disabilities moderate-severe.
- Emotional or behavioral disorders.
- Other health disabilities.
- Physically impaired.
- Specific learning disabilities.
- Speech or language impairments.
The district offers a full continuum of services for students identified as meeting special education criteria. An Individual Education Planning (IEP) meeting is held following a special education evaluation. District staff work with the student’s parents/family to determine what goals and objectives are appropriate to meet the child’s needs. The team determines what specialized instruction is required and what related services might be appropriate. Students who are identified as having special education needs will receive instruction from a special education teacher. Some students may require additional support in the area of motor, speech/language, vision or hearing needs.
While the goal is to have students taught in their neighborhood school, it is not always appropriate based on a student's individual needs. Students with specific needs may be placed in a program that best addresses her/his needs. Academic, functional, and behavioral needs addressed in these programs can vary, and can operate in conjunction with general education, with increased mainstreaming as the goal. Some students demonstrate needs that surpass what can be offered at a traditional school/site, and may be serviced at River Trail Learning Center, which is a special education site.
Learn more: ahschools.us/specialeducation
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The Back-to-School FOCUS is published by Anoka-Hennepin Schools. It's sent to families of all Anoka-Hennepin Schools students prior to the start of the school year. Questions, comments or concerns? Contact us.