RES Newsletter #2!
September 5th, 2023
RES Newsletter #2!
The First Few Days...
Our classrooms and hallways are buzzing with joyful and curious learning! Our teachers and staff welcomed our kiddos with open arms and we are coming together as a Ripton Elementary School community swiftly and seamlessly!
A new year often brings with it some new changes, yet what will always remain the same is the care that we have for each other, our child-centered community, and the excitement we all share for learning and growing together!
Please see below for a few “nuts and bolts” items.
As always, please reach out with any questions/thoughts!
I am so grateful to be a part of this amazing community.
Thank you.
Nuts n'Bolts:
After School Playground Use:
Our playground is open to the public starting at 3:45, after the second bus leaves and all students are dismissed from RES.
All students who have signed-up and are staying for the late bus will be under staff supervision on the playground from approximately 3:00 - 3:40. Any other children who want to remain on the playground after 3:00 are welcome to do so, but must be accompanied by an adult who is responsible for their supervision.
To ensure that all students are able to exit the building and be accounted for, we will be modifying our dismissal procedure slightly.
Bus riders will board the bus first.
Students who are picked up will be met by their care-giver at 3:00 at the entrance. Students who walk home will also be dismissed at this time.
Students who have signed up for the 3:40 bus will be dismissed to the library and signed-in by a staff member, and take a bathroom and water break before we start their outside time.
Friendly reminders:
Our school day ends at 3:00
The 3:40 Bus is available for folks whose schedule is such that it would be a hardship for the student to take the 3:00 bus.
Prompt pickups are essential for our staff to be able to leave on time and attend after-school meetings. (and we also understand that once in a while, emergencies happen!)
FORS: Friends of Ripton Elementary School
The Friends of Ripton School, Inc. (FORS) is a non-profit organization comprised of volunteers from the community who work together to support the Ripton Elementary School community in making the school the best it can be. Funds generated by FORS, Inc. are used to support and broaden Ripton Elementary’s academic program through extra curricular activities and events. FORS organizes fundraising projects throughout the year, as well as specific school and community related events.
The group meets regularly during the school year to plan events and approve funding requests. FORS is also a forum for discussion on a variety of school and community related issues. Typically, FORS members are parents of students at Ripton Elementary, however, any interested community member is invited to join. FORS has an active and committed core of parent involvement. Please contact Erin Robinson, 388-2208/779-4134 or, if you are interested in volunteering or getting involved with FORS in any way.
We hope that you will please take a moment to fill out the Information Release for FORS.
The Maybe-Poisonous-Caterpillar: What would you have done?
At recess on Thursday I walked over to a group of kiddos who were looking at a yellow and white caterpillar. “Don’t touch it, it’s poisonous!” one kiddo warned. Another said, “We should kill it. It’s dangerous.” There was a pause. The group considered what was said. Another young person responded, “Well, it’s outside” and another suggested, “Let’s move it with a stick so it’s safe and we’re safe.” A conversation about safety, respecting our natural world, and consequences of our actions all took place within a short and beautiful window of time. All outside. All coming from the minds and hearts of children.
Outside play is such a beautiful time for our children to explore, to learn - about themselves and others, and to practice what it is to be mindful members of a community.
Our young people come to us with so much wonder and wisdom. When we stop to listen, and to guide with a question or two, we help shape our future and that makes me feel incredibly hopeful and grateful.
Wednesday Afternoon Bus
We are so grateful for everyone’s flexibility as we work through the challenge of our Wednesday afternoon bus temporary-solution. Here is the “in a nutshell” explanation:
Bet-Cha does not have a driver for the afternoon (3:00, or 3:40) Ripton bus route. This does not affect the Hancock-Granville bus; that bus will leave at 3:40 as usual.
Wednesday after school, families have the option of either:
Picking up their student(s) at 3:00
Students may take the bus home at 4:15.
Why? Bet-Cha is working to hire and train a substitute bus driver for the Wednesday afternoon bus route.
Ken has kindly volunteered to come after his afternoon route to drive our Ripton students home. This bus leaves at 4:15 as it occurs after his regular route.
We know this is not ideal, and it makes for a very long day, but we are grateful to Ken for allowing us to offer a way for our students to take the bus home on Wednesdays.