Mustang Weekly
2024-2025 School Year Vol.1
Las Colinas Middle School
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Welcome to a New School Year!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am thrilled to welcome you to a new school year! My name is Mrs. Pomerantz, and I am honored to be your new principal. With 14 years of experience in middle school education, I am excited to join this wonderful community and work collaboratively with all of you to make Las Colinas Middle School an exceptional place for students to learn and grow.
I am eager to meet each and every student and of course their families. Your child's success is my top priority, and I believe that a strong partnership between home and school is essential.
We are excited to welcome several new teachers to our campus and a new assistant principal, Mrs. Griffith. Their fresh perspective and expertise will enrich our students' educational experience.
I can't wait to see what this school year brings.
Mrs. Pomerantz
Important Information
Summer 2024 Office Hours
Las Colinas Middle School Summer Office Hours
August 5 - August 20: 7:30 Am - Noon and 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
First Day of School
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Make-Up Photos September 5th.
Key Announcements
- Orientation Administrator Presentation: Parents and students must attend orientation together for an important presentation from the administration to share some necessary guidelines on behavior to ensure a positive and productive environment for everyone. Please review the code of conduct agreement with your child before attending the presentation. Our school is committed to fostering a respectful and inclusive atmosphere where all students can thrive.
- PVSD Website: The PVSD Website will have all the necessary district-level forms and information. Please make sure that you visit the site regularly. The website can be found by clicking here.
- Re-enrollment and First Day Forms: Must be completed in Q before students can receive their Chromebook.
- 7th Graders Must Have Immunizations Updated: If your students has not provided proof of TDAP immunizations they will not be able to receive a Chromebook or attend school until proof has been submitted. If you need to turn in proof of immunizations, please visit the Health Office station first at orientation. For more information please refer to the PVSD website at
- Chromebook Insurance: It is highly recommended to purchase Chromebook insurance to protect again accidental damage, loss, or theft. Caretakers have 30 days to purchase Chromebook Insurance. Click Here to purchase online.
- Textbooks: Students can access all of their textbooks online with their school issued Chromebook. For math and ELA, there are class sets to use in the classroom. If your student would like a physical textbook to use at home, please complete this Google Form. Requested textbooks will be issued during the first week of school.
- Student Norms: Link Parent Student handbook
- Communication: Families will received weekly updates.
LCMS Bell Shcedules
Office Hours
Beginning August 21st
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
School Calendar
Click the image to access the school calendar.
Moving Out of District
If you are moving out of the district over the summer and wish to continue with PVSD in person or through our Digital Learning Academy, please contact Martha
Vazquez at or call 805.389.2100 right away to save a spot. Yes, you can continue in the PVSD brand of schools in much of
southern California, including grades 9-12!
If you are moving within PVSD boundaries, please contact Martha Vazquez at or 805 389 2100 to discuss your options.
If you are leaving PVSD entirely, please be sure to fill out the Request to Un-enroll Form to ensure that records are delivered to your new school as efficiently as possible. This is not required for parents of 8th grade students.