Principal's Message

🏔️BGVA News for the Week 🏔️
February 7th, 2025
Hello BGVA families,
When you're in a situation, you can complain about it, you can feel sorry for yourself, you can do a lot of things. But how are you gonna make the situation better?
Tony Dungy
I had the pleasure of meeting Tony Dungy at a book signing event a few years ago. This is a man I have admired and looked up to for many years; partially due to his many accomplishments as Superbowl Champion, a father and a coach. While the accolades of public life, money, fame and all of its trappings can often distract and derail people; Coach Dungy has not fallen into that trap.He is truly an admirable man of character.
Through the years coach Dungy has kept a true north star in his life, allowing so many people, including myself, to draw from his experience and advice to recenter and recommit to the important things in life. I have re-read several of his leadership, motivational and leadership books. They are always a good read and I would encourage you to pick up a digital or hardcopy of any of his books They continue to inspire.
Below is a photo of Coach Dungy and I at his book signing. We enjoyed a great conversation sharing about our families. I came away from our short visit on a first name basis; he called me Matt and I called him sir!
Thank you Coach, it was an honor to meet you.
At the beginning of our 24-25 second semester, BGVA processed over 1,000 student intakes, enrollments, course changes and add/drops. I would like to personally thank each of our students and families for their patience during these first days of the semester and to the BGVA staff who worked diligently to ensure each student had the courses to meet their need for academic success. There may still be the need to make minor schedule adjustments. Please reach out directly to your advisor right away so we can assist you.
Student Advisory Contact: New students attending BGVA: it is very important for you to contact your advisor to set up your advisory appointments. Your advisory check-ins ensure you are getting the essential support you need to be successful at BGVA.
Replacement Levy - for learning - Tuesday, Feb. 11th, please remember to vote
Battle Ground Public Schools is running a replacement levy February 11th. More information regarding the levy can be found at this link.
In a nutshell; the replacement levy will help close the financial gap from the state and the actual cost of running the school district. It is our hope that you will take the time to vote on February 11th.
Online Success Family Workshop - click to join
Thursday, February 13th from 5:00-6:00 PM.
This workshop is intended for our newest students and families with information to successfully navigate the new world of online learning.
This workshop is very valuable for continued success at the online school of BGVA. The Online Success Workshop will have breakout sessions with specific grade band teachers who will discuss in detail grade level expectations, tips & tricks and best practices for success.
Please, mark your calendars and plan on attending this valuable Online workshop. Feedback from our September and November Workshops have been very positive with families getting information they found very helpful. You will also be receiving additional information from your teachers and advisors these next weeks leading up to the Workshop. I look forward to seeing you there!
Attention all BGVA Students - Chromebook Power Washing
ALL BGVA students must bring their Chromebooks in person to the River Homelink campus. A Digital “Power Washing” MUST be completed before State testing in April. If a BGVA student does not have their Chromebook Power washed, it may affect their ability to access and engage with their online courses and services.
Please contact our technology specialist on the River Homelink campus, Julie Mehr at mehr.julie@battlegroundps.org or by phone at 360-334-8291
Seniors - This message is for our 24/25 seniors. There is detailed information at
the bottom of this newsletter with specific information and tasks every senior needs
to complete.
While graduation may seem to be a distant date on the calendar; we are already planning for this special event. Caps, gowns and invitations need to be ordered. School work needs to be completed and finals need to be taken. Our diligent advisors and school counselor are very willing to help you navigate the important deadlines in the coming months. All BGVA Senior graduation need are at Jostens.com
Parking at Maple Grove, River HomeLink and Battle Ground Virtual Academy
Please remember to park only in designated spots in our parking lot. The bus lane is not a designated parking area, and accessible parking spots are reserved for people with a valid disabled parking permit. It’s important to note that the Battle Ground Police Department can issue a citation for vehicles that are improperly parked in accessible spots without permits.
The west exit gate by the Battle Ground Cinema has had the crash bar removed and can no longer be used as an exit. Students and families will need to enter and exit via the campus front gates by the flagpole.
We continue to evaluate our options for a long-term solution to parking. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
BGVA is now a South School! With the possibility of inclement weather, moving forward; this means we will follow the BGSD South school schedule when there are snow days or changes in the regular school days.
In the event of a weather-related school closure, the presentation will be canceled. However, anyone may attend a different presentation at another school or find information on the district website.
Accessing BGVA: If you need access to BGVA please feel free to call the office at 360-334-5250 and we will gladly meet you at the front gates by the flagpole.
It is very important for students and families to check emails frequently. This is our main form of communication and we do not want you to miss any important details your family may need.
Important items for you to consider:
Weekly student/Teacher contact: According to State policy, weekly student/Teacher contact is required. This can include direct emails or communicating within the course platforms. Please make sure you are responding to emails and class prompts weekly to ensure we are all in compliance with Alternative Learning Education (ALE) requirements.
Chromebooks: BGVA students can get Chromebooks and Tech support by contacting Julie Mehr either by email mehr.julie@battlegroundps.org or by phone at 360-334-8291.
Good Happenings at BGVA
Trekkers, grades, 3, 4 and 5. Here's our classroom newsletter! Please notice the links with information for students in grades 4 and 5 to complete. https://secure.smore.com/n/usxwk. Thank you! Rachel Karlsen
K-2 Sarah Harrier’s Newsletter
Adventurers - Family Success workshop Thursday, February 13th 5:00-6:00PM
Parents - please see the email from the district on 2/6 referring to CSHE. Middle School students will have these lessons starting in mid-May
High School
Hey Mountaineers - Welcome to the new semester. Hopefully, you are setting new goals and are ready to "jump in" with both feet and focus on completing your semester 2 classes. A good goal would be to stay on track in all your classes which would help eliminate stress and set you up for success. Please check all your classes to ensure they are correct and ready for you to work on. If not, contact your advisor via email so they can help get it straightened out for you. Have a great week! HS Smore
We will continue working together to “Foster the Joy of Learning”.
Mr. Stanfill
BGVA - Principal
BGPS Levy Information
Know the facts about the replacement levy
We're counting down the top 10 facts about the upcoming replacement education and operations levy.
Fact #2: The replacement education and operations levy would begin January 2026 and continue through December 2029.
Fact # 1: If approved by voters, the proposed levy would replace the expiring education and operations levy, which ends in December 2025.
Visit our website to learn more about the replacement levy, create a personalized cost estimate for your property and view a video presentation. Ballots have been mailed to everyone who is registered to vote. Remember to return your ballot by Feb. 11. If you are eligible to vote but are not yet registered, you can still do so in person at the Clark County elections office until 8 p.m. on election night.
February 11th @ 1pm - Virtual BGVA Running Start Meeting
February 25th @ 3:15pm, BGVA Computer Lab - Running Start In-Person Meeting
February 8th - Central WA University Free On-Campus Preview Day!
Clark College Running Start 2025/26 Virtual Running Start Information Nights:
Tuesday, February 25
Wednesday, March 12
Wednesday, April 9
Thursday, April 24
February 14th - Junior High School & Beyond Plans Due
March 28th - Last Day to Register for Credit via Challenge Exam
SENIORS Did you apply for the College Bound Scholarship in grades 7, 8, or 9th Grade?
Senior High School & Beyond Plans Due NOW!
ASVAB Testing Feb 19 RHL Registration 8:30 AM
ASVAB Testing Apr. 25 BGPS at BGHS Registration 8:00AM (Sign up by Apr. 18, 2025)
Here's The Full Counselor Newsletter
Quick Links:
Testing Dates Quick Links:
Graduation date is June 11th at 7:00pm at Prarie High School.
Jostens is ready for your senior order. BGVA at Jostens link for ordering.
Tech Q & A
Attention all BGVA Students - Chromebook Power Washing
ALL BGVA students must bring their Chromebooks in person to the River Homelink campus. A Digital “Power Washing” MUST be completed before State testing in April. If a BGVA student does not have their Chromebook Power washed, it may affect their ability to access and engage with their online courses and services.
Please contact our technology specialist on the River Homelink campus, Julie Mehr at mehr.julie@battlegroundps.org or by phone at 360-334-8291
Platform Links to your courses:
account # is bg119
Battle Ground Community Education - Martial Arts with Isaiah | Zumba classes (ages 18 and up)
LAST CHANCE: Enter the National Civics Bee essay contest (Grades 6-8)
Spring Youth Rugby league for 2-6 grade (co-ed) - Practices start 2nd week of March
Girls who Code: Every other Wednesday until 3:45 p.m.
Captain Strong Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (Progama Asistencia y Educación Temprana)
BGVA Office 1-360-334-8250
- Principal Matt Stanfill stanfill.matt@battlegroundps.org
- Registrar / Head Secretary is Dawn Hunt hunt.dawn@battlegroundps.org
- Online Learning Specialist is Kelly Farah farah.kelly@battlegroundps.org
- Online Learning Specialist is Kim Lohnes lohnes.kimberley@battlegroundps.org
- If your looking for additional support our online Support Para's Mercedes Mehr and Kathleen Klein are available by email or in the Digital Learning Lab.
- Please visit the new Battle Ground Virtual Academy Website. We are constantly updating and adding new information all the time.
Linked here is the weather-related school information from BGPS
BGVA Nurses Office Information
Please stop by the health room at RHL and Meet Erin McFarlin, our new LPN who comes with a wealth of experience!
Her current hours are 7:30am-4pm Monday through Friday.
Ph# 334-8253 (health room)
Need CPR? Here are some options:
Vancouver Fire Department Station 5 (one of our parents is an EMT and teacher here)!
American Heart Association (AHA)
Address: 7110 NE 63rd St, Vancouver, WA 98661
Phone: (360) 487-7212
Cascade Training Solutions--Phone: 1-877-277-6778
Various Portland locations
Wendy Gahan, BSN, RN
School Nurse
Ph# 360-334-8240 RN / Fax (360) 334-8223
office hours: Mom/Tues & Thurs/Fri--off Wed
The Battle Ground Public Schools is an equal opportunity employer and prohibits discrimination in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Information about the district’s nondiscrimination and sex-based discrimination policies and grievance procedures are located on the district’s website at https://www.battlegroundps.org/notice-of-nondiscrimination/. The following employees have been designated to receive and respond to questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Title IX Coordinator: Tom Adams, Director of Student Services, Battle Ground Public Schools, PO Box 200, Battle Ground, WA 98604, adams.tom@battlegroundps.org, 360.885.5415
and/or U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Title IX inquiries may also be referred to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html
Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator/Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Michelle Reinhardt, Executive Director of Human Resources, Battle Ground Public Schools, PO Box 200, Battle Ground, WA 98604, reinhardt.michelle@battlegroundps.org. 360.885.5481