Panthers News
June 4th, 2024
Thoughts from Mr. Narum and Mrs. Morrell~
Welcome Back!
Greetings Pioneer Families!
I hope this finds you doing well and enjoying summer. I am extremely lucky to have the opportunity to serve as Pioneer’s Principal. I know this is not my first year but some of you may be new to Pioneer so I thought I would include some information about me. I am first and foremost a family man. I have three kids of my own and a wife named Jen who keeps us all organized. I have been an instructional aide for BPS, school counselor for nine years, an assistant principal for two years, and Pioneer’s principal for 1 year.
I got into this profession to help promote positive mental health for students, help students learn from mistakes, and support teachers. I made some of my own mistakes as a student, so I want to help students use those mistakes as learning moments. After knowing someone who had experienced trauma in their past, I also felt called to help students who may have experienced similar things. I believe our Pioneer team and you as caregivers all have the same goal which is to help our students be as successful as possible and we can do that through working together. I look forward to getting to know you and working with you!
New Pioneer Staff Members
We have several new staff members that we are welcoming this year.
Mrs. Bitz will be a 4th grade teacher and she previously taught in Mandan.
Mrs. Sam Ward will be one of our specialists and recently moved here from South Carolina.
Mrs. Jill Buchholz will be our reading specialist and previously taught at Myhre Elementary.
Mrs. Becky Seime is our new head secretary, but you know her as she started in April. She has held a number of different positions for BPS over the course of her career such as a cook, instructional aide, and sub secretary.
Mrs. Lauren Skarsgard will be an instructional aide and was formerly a preschool teacher at the YMCA. We are excited for them to join our team!
Mrs. Amber Morrell will be the new Instructional Coach and Assistant Principal. She was previously a 2nd grade teacher and the reading specialist heer at Pioneer.
Class Assignments
You will receive notification on August 9th when you can go into Powerschool to review who your student’s teacher is. If you experience problems logging into Powerschool please call our school office and our secretary Becky will help you 323-4220. Please know much thought is put into class placements to make sure classrooms are balanced for academic and behavior needs so students and teachers can be as successful as possible.
Important Dates and Information!!
School Supplies: Please see the website that lists the supply items for each grade level – Link Here. If any needs arise, we can assist.
School Day: School starts at 8:30 and dismisses at 3:05. You may drop off students at 7:30 but no earlier! The door does not open until 7:30 and we do not have supervision before that time. Our school is lucky enough to have breakfast in the classroom so all students can have breakfast after morning recess. Each class goes together to pick up their breakfast and brings it back to their classroom to eat. Breakfast and lunch at our school are free for all students. Please also be cognizant of the 3:05 dismissal time so that all students are picked up 3:15, on the bus, or at ESP so staff can resume their duties. We know situations come up so please let the office know if you are delayed.
After School Program: For after school program information, visit CREA's Extended School Program page, or call 701-751-4041.
Pioneer Website:
Fresh Fruit and Veggie Snack Program: Pioneer is a school-wide Title I building which gives benefits to families and students and one of them is a provided snack. You will not need to send snack again this year as it will be given to all students.
Chrome Books: Each student will be assigned their own computer again this year. Teachers will let you know when/if they send them home for at home assignments or projects. Our Library Media Specialist, Mrs. Jenny Morrow and our library assistant Mrs. Beth Ulvestad, work closely with each teacher and class on acceptable use of technology, reviewing how to use the technology safely.
This is a good resource for parents, so I am including the link here.
Elementary Student and Parent Handbook: This is a good resource for parents, so I am including the link here.
Kindergarten Open house!
Open House for Kindergarten students is from 5:00-6:00 August 8th. Kindergarten families are still welcome to attend our all-school open house as well.
All School Open House!
Our all-school Open House is scheduled from 11:00-12:30 on Tuesday, August 20th.
Back To School Bash!
Mark your Calendar!
Pioneer will have an all-school event on September 12th from 6:00-7:30. Please look for more information to come!
Back to School Pop-Up
Message for families for Pop-Up:
As we start to gear up to school starting, Pioneer Elementary has been invited to join a “Back to School Pop-Up Shop” at Miller Elementary. Please check out the flyer below for more information.