Miller School Family News
Friday, January 31, 2025
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This week's family news includes:
- RISE Students and Staff of the Week
- February Theme: Kindness
- Parent/Guardian Webinar- Registration Link Now Available!
- PTO Update: Raise Craze
- Important Dates- February
- Lunch Menus- February
Thank you and have a great weekend!
RISE Students and Staff of the Week
February Theme: Kindness
The Culture and Climate Committee will meeting on Monday, 2/3 after school to review the Culture and Climate Calendar for February, but we want to be sure you know that the theme for February is Kindness. We will finalize the events planned for the month at our meeting and share out more details in next week's Family News. The PTO fundraiser, Raise Craze, connects nicely to our theme!
Parent/Guardian Webinar- Save the Date!
Webinar Title: Curriculum & Connection: Building Partnerships Through Learning
To register for this webinar please use the following link:
When: Feb 5, 2025 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Miller School Parent/Guardian Webinar
Register in advance for this webinar:
We’re thrilled to invite all Miller parents and guardians to an engaging and informative webinar! On Wednesday, February 5, 2025, from 6:30 PM to 7:15 PM, join us to explore resources and strategies that support your child’s success in literacy and math. You’ll also discover the wide array of online tools available through Clever, empowering families to enhance learning at home.
During this workshop, our curriculum specialists and school administration aim to meet the following objectives for attendees:
Learn how to access and utilize online resources at home.
Receive practical tips for supporting literacy and math skill development.
Have the opportunity to ask questions and connect with our curriculum specialists and school administration.
The resources below will be discussed and are being shared to help answer any initial questions you might have prior to the webinar:
Eureka Math Squared Parent Resources
We appreciate the opportunity to partner with you to ensure your child’s academic success.
Miller's Curriculum Specialists and Webinar Presenters,
Ashley Bouchard, Math and Science
Allie Curley, Digital Learning
Ilse O'Brien, Literacy & Social Studies
PTO Raise Craze Fundraiser
Here's what you can win in our First Prize Raffle on Wednesday!
1. Huge Squishmallow!
2. Dave & Busters Power Card Gift basket
3. $25 Fiske’s Gift Card
4. Lego Set
5. $25 TC Scoops Gift Card
How Do You Enter the Raffle? Click Here For Details and to Register Now. Good Luck!
And Don't Forget... the grade with the highest percentage of students registered at the end of the day on Tuesday (2/4) will earn Pajama Day & Teacher Comfy Cozy Day on Friday, 2/7! Will it be 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 3/4 Montessori?!? You can keep tabs here.
PTO PreK-12 Family Service Night is Tuesday!
PreK-12 Family Service Night
Date: Tuesday, Feb 4th
Location: Holliston High School Cafeteria
Time: 6-7:30 pm
Cost: Free! If you can, bring along a can of dog food, cat food, or people food for our Baypath Humane Society and Holliston Pantry Shelf donation bins
Read more details about this monumental night here ---> Family Service Night 2025
As a bonus, all these activities would be perfect as Acts of Kindness (AOKs) for your Raise Craze goals! They have all been added to the AOK dashboard pick list.
Extended Day Enrollment
Important Dates- February
4- PTO PreK-12 Family Service Night
5- Miller School Parent/Guardian Webinar
7- 100th Day!
17-21- No School- February Vacation
24- 4th Grade Field Trip
25- 4th Grade Field Trip & Curriculum Meeting
26- Student Advisory Council @7:45am
28- Food Pantry Collection Day
Lunch Menu - February
January Theme: Be Your Best Self!
The January theme at Miller School is "Be Your Best Self" which connects well to the the start of 2025 and also to the focus for our RULER & RISE lessons in January, too!
Students will be identifying 4 or 5 words that describe their "best self" and they'll be learning how to visualize their best self when they face challenges.
This week our student advisory council members watched the video below to learn more about "best self" and we're sharing it with you so you can view it, too!
We will share more details about our theme when we return from winter break.
RULER "Reset" Stations are Popping Up in Our Hallways!
Library Lunch Volunteers: January & February (There are a few more openings!)
Thank you to all volunteers who have already signed up to support Miller's Library Lunch. There are still a few more openings available, so if you are able, we would greatly appreciate your participation!
Miller School is seeking volunteers to supervise a “Library Lunch” option for students who are interested in reading in a quiet spot after they finish their lunch. We are seeking volunteers on the identified days below to get us to February Break. Volunteers are needed from 10:20am-11:35am.
Important Information for Volunteers:
We need 2 Volunteers to supervise library lunch at a time.
Volunteers will greet the students in the cafe and walk them to the multipurpose room. Please note that lbrary lunches that take place on Wednesdays will begin in the hallway outside of the cafeteria and the last scheduled group will be in the multipurpose room.
Volunteers should monitor the lunchtime and be sure students are ready to go to class at the end of their scheduled time.
All volunteers must have an active CORI on file.
Please review the schedule below and click here to sign up.