Downtown Dispatch
News and Updates From the Office
August 14, 2024
Thank you for a wonderful first few weeks of school! Thank you for all you do getting your students to school on time, helping with dresscode and remembering their ID, and establishing routines after-school for homework time. This will be our bi-weekly newsletter where we share important information and highlight some amazing things happening on our campus! Please be sure to read it every other week to keep informed about what's going on at Franklin Downtown. -Principal Merritt
Three Points from Principal Merritt
Parent Info Night! Thursday, August 29th.
Please join us on Thursday, August 29th for Parent Information Night. From 5:00-5:30, Mrs. Taylor will be sharing information about Title 1 and answering questions from parents. From 5:30-6:30, Kinder parents will be meeting in kinder rooms to learn more about Spalding and our Franklin Program. New and Veteran parents of our 1st-6th graders will stay in the gym as we go over Spalding, our Franklin program, and answer questions you might have in order to help your child be successful at our school.
Important Band and Orchestra Dates
4th-6th grade students who are interested in band and orchestra this year need to be registered by this Friday, 8/16. Links to sign-up forms are below.
On Tuesday, 8/20 we would like to invite all parents of our band and orchestra students to attend an informational meeting in the gym from 5:30-6:30. Meet your child's music teacher and learn more about our wonderful music program!
Student IDs
Getting into a new routine can be challenging and take time. Student IDs are now a part of our students dress code requirements as they come on campus. We understand that time to time students will forget their IDs and have given time for students to get used to wearing them to school everyday. Starting next week, when a student forgets their ID, teachers will address it as a dress code infraction and communicate home three times before it is communicated to the office. Teachers wil also provide a temporary ID to the student to wear throughout the day on campus.
Franklin Downtown Highlights
Student Council Elections this Friday!
Spirit Day: Wear a college shirt!
Kindergarten Color Days!
Upcoming Important Dates
Friday, 8/16: Student Council Election Assembly, 8:45-9:15
Tuesday, 8/20: Band and Orchestra Parent Night, 5:30-6:30
Monday, 8/26: First Day of Band and Orchestra
Thursday, 8/29: Parent Information Night, 5:00-6:30
Monday, 9/2: Labor Day, No School
Tueday, 9/3: FPO Meeting, 6:30-7:30
Friday, 9/13: End of 1st Grading Period, Early Release at 12:45
Franklin Accelerated Academy- Downtown Campus
Location: 236 South Sirrine, Mesa, AZ, USA
Phone: 480-472-5400
Tamara Merritt
Tamara is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters