Downtown Dispatch
News and Updates From the Office
September 11, 2024
This Friday is the end of the 1st grading period and early release at 12:45pm. On Tuesday, 9/17, we are having our first Family Fun Night at Peter Piper Pizza on Gilbert and Baseline! This is a great opportunity for our students and families to get together outside of school. Purchases made in person and by pick up will provide a donation to our Franklin Parent Organization. This event is happening from 4:00-8:00pm. I will be there ready to play some skeeball! Hope to see you there! -Prinicpal Merritt
Three Points from Principal Merritt
Early Release, this Friday, 9/17
This Friday marks the end of our First Grading Time. This time is dedicated to our teachers to prepare report cards. We will be releasing students at 12:45pm. Band and Orchestra will also be cancelled. Thank you in advance for making arrangements to pick up your child.
Parent Teacher Conference Week, 9/23-9/27
Parent Teacher Conference week is a few weeks away. Parent Teacher Conferences are an important part of our Franklin program as it is a way for parents and teachers to meet and discuss student progress. Every family is required to attend two in person conferences a year. This Friday, you will recieve a link to your child's teacher through Sign-Up Genious to sign up for your child's parent conference. Conferences will be held Monday, 9/23- Friday, 9/27. This week will also be early release at 12:45.
Book Fair is Happening Soon!
Our Fall book fair will take place during Parent Teacher Conference week. Thank you to our Franklin Parent Organization for organizing this event! Without our parent volunteers we would not be able to have it. Stop by and check it out with your child during the following times below.
Monday, 9/23- Thursday, 9/26: 1:00-4:00
Friday, 9/27: 7:15-8:15
Franklin Downtown Highlights
In library this week, students have doing activities in honor of Patriot Day.
Western Spirit Day!
Upcoming Important Dates
Friday, 9/13: End of 1st Grading Period, Early Release at 12:45
Tuesday, 9/17: Family Night at Peter Piper Pizza (Gilbert/Baseline), 4:00-8:00pm
M-F, 9/23-9/27: Parent Conference Week, Early Release 12:45
M-F, 9/23-9/27: Book Fair
Tuesday, 10/1: FPO Meeting, 6:30-7:30pm
Friday, 10/4: End of 1st Quarter, Early Release at 12:45
Monday, 10/7-Friday, 10/11: October Break, No School
Monday, 10/14: Professional Learning Day, No School
Tuesday, 10/15: Picture Day
Franklin Accelerated Academy- Downtown Campus
Location: 236 South Sirrine, Mesa, AZ, USA
Phone: 480-472-5400
Tamara Merritt
Tamara is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters