Miller School Family News
Friday, January 10, 2025
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This week's family news includes:
- RISE Students and Staff of the Week
- Cold Weather Reminders
- Request from the Health Office
- Important Dates- January
- Lunch Menus- January
- Reminders: Be Your Best Self (January Theme), Library Lunch Volunteers & Lost and Found
Thank you and have a great weekend!
RISE Students and Staff of the Week
Cold Weather Reminders
It has been very cold this week (as you know!). Below is a "cold weather reminder" !
Winter Weather Clothing: Please encourage your student to wear appropriate clothing to school. Have them bring a hat and gloves just in case the weather changes during the day! If there is snow on the ground, elementary students need to wear snow pants and boots in order to play in the snow. If you are in need of any of these items, please reach out to our counselors, Brielle Chadsey at chadseyb@holliston.k12.ma.us or Erin Shea at sheae@holliston.k12.ma.us.
Arrival: A reminder that staff begin monitoring arrival beginning at 7:10am and we ask that students are not dropped off prior to 7:10am as they will be left unattended. We also do not want students waiting outside unattended in the cold.
Request from the Health Office
Please send students to school with a snack and water bottle when possible. We have disposable cups and extra snacks available for "emergency" situations only. Thank you!
Important Dates- January
1- No School (New Year’s Day)
8- RISE Celebration: Tropical/Beach Day
14- Grade 4 In-School Band Rehearsal (7:35-8:25)
15- National Hat Day (Everyone is invited to wear a hat!)
17- No School for Students- PD Day for Staff
20- No School- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
22- Student Advisory Council @7:45am
23- UA Switch Day (Monday Schedule) & Grade 4 In-School Band Rehearsal (7:35-8:25)
27- Grade 4 In-School Band Rehearsal (7:35-8:25)
28- Band Concert at HHS
30- Snow Date- Band Concert at HHS
31- Chris Poulus Assembly in the gymnasium- 8:25-9:15 (Grade 4 & ½ of Grade 3) & 9:19-10:09 (Grade 5 & ½ of Grade 3)
Lunch Menu - January
January Theme: Be Your Best Self!
The January theme at Miller School is "Be Your Best Self" which connects well to the the start of 2025 and also to the focus for our RULER & RISE lessons in January, too!
Students will be identifying 4 or 5 words that describe their "best self" and they'll be learning how to visualize their best self when they face challenges.
This week our student advisory council members watched the video below to learn more about "best self" and we're sharing it with you so you can view it, too!
We will share more details about our theme when we return from winter break.
RULER "Reset" Stations are Popping Up in Our Hallways!
Reminder: Lost and Found!
Thanks to a very special parent volunteer, our lost and found items are organized and will be on display in the connector hallway from January 13th - January 16th.
All unclaimed items will be donated to charity on Thursday afternoon, January 16, 2025. Thank you!
Library Lunch Volunteers: January & February (There are a few more openings!)
Thank you to all volunteers who have already signed up to support Miller's Library Lunch. There are still a few more openings available, so if you are able, we would greatly appreciate your participation!
Miller School is seeking volunteers to supervise a “Library Lunch” option for students who are interested in reading in a quiet spot after they finish their lunch. We are seeking volunteers on the identified days below to get us to February Break. Volunteers are needed from 10:20am-11:35am.
Important Information for Volunteers:
We need 2 Volunteers to supervise library lunch at a time.
Volunteers will greet the students in the cafe and walk them to the multipurpose room. Please note that lbrary lunches that take place on Wednesdays will begin in the hallway outside of the cafeteria and the last scheduled group will be in the multipurpose room.
Volunteers should monitor the lunchtime and be sure students are ready to go to class at the end of their scheduled time.
All volunteers must have an active CORI on file.
Please review the schedule below and click here to sign up.