Principal's Message

🏔️BGVA News for the Week 🏔️
December 13th, 2024
Hello BGVA families,
The Winter holiday season brings joy, fun, nostalgia and a little stress all blended together. In schools; we often see an uptick in absenteeism and behaviour changes in our students. Adults also can feel overwhelmed by a calendar of events, activities, to-do lists, family gatherings, etc.
I would like to encourage you to embrace the hustle, the bustle and find ways to enjoy it. But also remember to take time to reflect on realistic expectations for yourself and others in your life.
I believe the best gift I can give to my friends, family and associates is to be a fully engaged person who cares for everyone I come into contact with. What do you say, during this Holiday season, we practice this together?
Replacement Levy Information
You’re invited: Learn about the levy and ask questions
You are personally invited to attend a special presentation for our school. Get details on the replacement education and operations levy that will appear on the ballot on Feb. 11. If approved; the levy will provide funding for programs and services which will affect students at our school, as well as students at every BGPS school.
Date: Jan. 6th
Time: 5:30-6:30
Location: River HomeLink Gym
Everyone is welcome. All presentations are open to the public. Childcare and light refreshments will be provided. Please bring your ID if you need to access childcare.
In the event of a weather-related school closure, the presentation will be canceled. However, anyone may attend a different presentation at another school or find information on the district website.
End of Semester is in sight
First semester for BGVA students ends January 24th. As we near the Winter Break where students can make great strides to get caught up or move forward in their courses. It is also important to note that BGVA operates on a semester model. This semester alignment is a much better model for 99.9% of our students, the other schools and internal logistics. As with any school consideration such as extreme illness, injury or death will provide opportunities for discussion with administration for exceptions. However, extreme circumstances are the exception not the rule.
BGVA is now a South School! With the possibility of inclement weather, moving forward; this means we will follow the BGSD South school schedule when there are snow days or changes in the regular school days.
Accessing BGVA: If you need access to BGVA please feel free to call the office at 360-334-5250 and we will gladly meet you at the front gates by the flagpole.
Check emails regularly: It is very important for students and families to check emails frequently. This is our main form of communication and we do not want you to miss any important details your family may need.
Here are a few other important items for you to consider:
Weekly student/Teacher contact: According to State policy, weekly student/Teacher contact is required. This can include direct emails or through the online classroom platforms. Please make sure you are responding to emails and class prompts weekly to ensure we are all in compliance with Alternative Learning Education (ALE) requirements.
Accessing BGVA: If you are wanting to access a BGVA teacher, classroom or lab, please call the BGVA office at 360-334-8250 or email our teacher/advisor so we can let you into the campus.
Chromebooks: BGVA students can get Chromebooks and Tech support by contacting Julie Mehr either by email mehr.julie@battlegroundps.org or by phone at 360-334-8291.
Advisory Contact: At BGVA, we have an extra layer of support for our students in the form of staff advisors. Be sure to do your monthly check-ins to ensure you are getting everything you need to be successful here at BGVA
Good Happenings at BGVA
Trekkers, grades 3-5: Here is the link to my newsletter this week Karlsen News Trekkers grades 3-5, December 9 - 13 Highlights include a field trip permission form, fun December learning links, information about accessing monthly progress reviews on the School Data platform, Semester 2 updates for required reading books for grades 4 and 5 and third grade level reading assessment explanation. Have a nice week! Rachel Karlsen
Explorers - Middle school messages are being delivered through Skyward, make sure to check your emails regularly. Keep up the good work!
High School
Hey Mountaineers - The end of first semester is fast approaching, It is time to be diligent and work in your classes for the allotted time needed to complete them. Also, be diligent in checking your email daily. This is not the time to procrastinate, this is the time to be proactive!
We will continue working together to “Foster the Joy of Learning”.
Mr. Stanfill
BGVA - Principal
BGPS Levy Information
Replacement Levy Information
You’re invited: Learn about the levy and ask questions
You are invited to attend a special presentation for our school. Get details on the replacement education and operations levy that will appear on the ballot on Feb. 11. If approved; the levy will provide funding for programs and services which will affect students at our school, as well as students at every BGPS school.
Date: Jan. 6th
Time: 5:30-6:30
Location: River HomeLink Gym
Everyone is welcome. All presentations are open to the public. Childcare and light refreshments will be provided. Please bring your ID if you need to access childcare.
Know the facts about the replacement levy
Each week, we’ll be counting down the top 10 facts about the upcoming replacement education and operations levy for Battle Ground Public Schools.
Fact #10: The levy will appear on the ballot on Feb. 11, 2025. Remember to vote! Every registered voter who lives within the district is eligible.
Head over to the district website for lots more information about the levy.
Please join us for Holiday Spirit Week!! If your on a google meet or stopping by to see us on campus, show us your holiday spirit!!
📟 BGVA Introduces School Data
Recently, we informed you through our weekly newsletter and a specific dedicated email of our new School Data platform. The new School Data platform is a robust tool that parents can use to stay fully connected with their students' academic progress. Check your email for a short video demonstrating the process of creating your account and getting connected with your students' learning.
Click here for the link to begin the login process with our new School Data platform.
A new opportunity this spring is the PSAT 8/9. It is only available to 8th and 9th graders. This session will be held April 26th 2025 at BGHS Gym 8:00am. Here is the registration link for students. The BGPS testing page also has more information available.
Quick Links:
SENIORS Did you apply for the College Bound Scholarship in grades 7, 8, or 9th Grade?
All Senior High School & Beyond Plans To Be Turned In
Testing Dates Quick Links:
Graduation date is June 11th at 7:00pm at Prarie High School.
Jostens is ready for your senior order. BGVA at Jostens link for ordering.
📻🎧Tech Talk Q&A
NEWS FLASH!! BGVA joins Facebook
Platform Links to your courses:
account # is bg119
Right At School winter break camps
Looking for something to keep your youngster(s) busy and engaged over the winter break? Right At School, the district’s before- and after-school childcare partner, will be holding winter break camps at Glenwood Heights Primary School starting Dec. 26. The cost is $50 per child, per day.
Battle Ground Community Education - Winter break camps | Martial Arts with Isaiah | Cheerleading with Miss Jeanna | Zumba classes (ages 18 and up)
Clark Public Utilities Solar Car Challenge (register by Dec. 21)
NOAA Marine Debris art contest: Submission deadline is Friday, Dec. 13
Girls who Code: Every other Wednesday until 3:45 p.m.
BGVA Office 1-360-334-8250
- Principal Matt Stanfill stanfill.matt@battlegroundps.org
- Registrar / Head Secretary is Dawn Hunt hunt.dawn@battlegroundps.org
- Online Learning Specialist is Kelly Farah farah.kelly@battlegroundps.org
- Online Learning Specialist is Kim Lohnes lohnes.kimberley@battlegroundps.org
- If your looking for additional support our online Support Para's Mercedes Mehr and Kathleen Klein are available by email or in the Digital Learning Lab.
- Please visit the new Battle Ground Virtual Academy Website. We are constantly updating and adding new information all the time.
Linked here is the weather-related school information from BGPS
BGVA Nurses Office Information
Wendy Gahan, BSN, RN
School Nurse
Ph# 360-334-8240 RN / Fax (360) 334-8223
office hours: Mom/Tues & Thurs/Fri--off Wed
The Battle Ground Public Schools is an equal opportunity employer and prohibits discrimination in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Information about the district’s nondiscrimination and sex-based discrimination policies and grievance procedures are located on the district’s website at https://www.battlegroundps.org/notice-of-nondiscrimination/. The following employees have been designated to receive and respond to questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Title IX Coordinator: Tom Adams, Director of Student Services, Battle Ground Public Schools, PO Box 200, Battle Ground, WA 98604, adams.tom@battlegroundps.org, 360.885.5415
and/or U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Title IX inquiries may also be referred to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html
Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator/Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Michelle Reinhardt, Executive Director of Human Resources, Battle Ground Public Schools, PO Box 200, Battle Ground, WA 98604, reinhardt.michelle@battlegroundps.org. 360.885.5481