The Weekly Family Update #1
September 3, 2023

April Family Newsletter
Empowerment; Fidelity; Humility; Kindness
- April 8, 2024: Solar Eclipse Day, No School for Staff and Students
- April 8, 2024: OST Testing window opens.
- April 11, 2024: PAC meeting
- April 15-May 3: Ohio State Tests (OST)
- April 19, 2024: PK/K PD Day, No School for PK/K Students
- April 22, 2024: Earth Day
- April 24, 2024: Parent Teacher Conferences (Early Release)
Important Announcements
- OST Testing starts tomorrow: Make sure your child comes to school on time and gets enough sleep the night before.
- K-12 School Choice Portal Is Open: If you have questions on how to log in, please call (216) 838-3676
- PreK School Choice Portal is Open: Click on PreK School Choice for more information
- SUMMER CAMPS 2024: Check out all the amazing summer camps being offered in the Greater Cleveland Area at https://www.clevelandmetroschools.org/Page/21407
- Attendance Matters: Please get your students to school on time and allow them to stay for the full day. The state counts hours and not days. When your student leaves early or arrives late that time is counted and it accumulates. When they are not in school they are not learning. If you need help or there is a barrier preventing you from getting your child to school on time, please reach out to our Family Support Specialist, Nikisha Russ at (216)645-8671 or email her at nruss@SayYesCleveland.org.
- Parents, please talk to your child about social media and internet safety. Checkout the resources created by our Upper Elementary teachers below. We have noticed an increase in conflicts between students that start in social media chatrooms and group chat text messages.
- Mayor Justin Bibb wants you to know that the City of Cleveland’s Neighborhood Resource & Recreation Centers (NRRC’s) provide resources in the neighborhood for recreational, social, cultural, and other support services. A list of programs and services are available to members of the entire family across the city’s 22 Neighborhood Resource & Recreation Centers. You can click here for a copy of the guide or contact the registration hotline at 216-664-2241 or email your questions to Recinfo@clevelandohio.gov.
- Please make sure Emergency Contact information is always up to date for your student. We need all up to date phone numbers, addresses, and emails turned into the school office as soon as possible or call to update your student's contact information.
- SPRING BREAK: NO SCHOOL March 25-29, 2024
Author Tim Roberts Visits Tremont Montessori School!
African American author, Tim Roberts, has written four books entitled, I know a Hero, each based on different career fields different jobs. He came to Tremont Montessori last week and read to our second and third graders from Ms. Potts and Mrs. Schinder's classes. The students enjoyed the reading and asked Mr. Roberts a lot of questions. He also read to our middle school MD/AU classes, and they also enjoyed learning about different careers and jobs. Mr. Roberts told us that some of the proceeds off the book go to "Autism Speak", because he has a sister who is autistic. Mr. Roberts received his bachelor's in political science from Lake Erie College and is now in law school in Chicago. This was a great opportunity for our students to learn about different careers and hear that they can be a Hero too by following a career that interests them.
Our halls were also graced ASAS cast dressed as characters from the Cat in the Hat. Together they performed a dramatic reading of the book to students from 240 and 241!
Ohio State Testing Season Is Here!
Tremont families, as we approach testing season, it is important to help your child prepare at home. Things like ensuring they are getting adequate rest, utilize resources at your local libraries, math practice sites, and reading time every night for at least 30 minutes can be very helpful. The Ohio State Testing Portal also has a Student and Families section with information about the test, testing calendar, a practice test portal, and other resources.
Middle School Students Serve Pie and Present Their Research Projects On National PI Day
Middle School students researched, collected, and analyzed data about topics like: what is the most popular social media site, student loan debt, and safety in schools. They presented their findings to our school community.
Staff Spotlight:
Seena Shanoof Recieves CMSD Heart Award
Children's House para-professional Seena Shanoof receives the CMSD Heart Award for outstanding service. CMSD staff came to Tremont Montessori School to present Mrs. Shanoof with the award.
Family Resources:
Parent Advisory Committee
Become a Volunteer!
Tremont Montessori School and the Parent Advisory Committee are looking for volunteers. All volunteers will have to complete a background check and volunteer orientation. You can find out about becoming a volunteer by emailing emailing Brittany Bray
If you are the parent/guardian of a child who attends Tremont Montessori School you can join the PAC (Parent Advisory Committee). Pickup a form in the school's main office or contact Tremont Montessori's PAC Parent Ambassador is Brittany Bray.
Say Yes Cleveland
There’s a Say Yes Cleveland Family Support Specialist (FSS) in every Cleveland school building to connect students and families to the free services they need so that students can be provided with supports to overcome barriers and stay on track for success. Each FSS has years of experience helping Cleveland families overcome challenges. Contact Nikisha Russ, our Say Yes Cleveland Family Support Specialist at (216)645-8671 or email her at nruss@SayYesCleveland.org.
Families can ensure strong support from Say Yes Cleveland by filling out our Parent Survey once each school year. To access this survey please use this link https://cleveland.sytepps.org.
Say Yes Cleveland support services can include:
- Afterschool programs
- Legal assistance for every student and family
- Academic tutoring
- Food assistance
- Behavioral and mental health services
- Medical and dental services
- Vision testing and services
- Clothing and home needs
- Technology access and help for remote learning
- Housing assistance
And much more!
Afterschool All-Stars
Need an afterschool program for your child? Well you are in luck, Tremont Montessori School has a free afterschool program on site at our school. See the brochure below for more information.
How to Stay Connected
Remind Instructions for Parents
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:
Pre-K: Parent/guardian park on W. 10th St. and escort child to side door near cafeteria – Preschool students need to be escorted and signed in by an adult each morning.
Kindergarten – 8th Grade: Enter through main entrance on Jefferson Ave. – they do not need to be signed in.
Pre- K: Students need to picked up and signed out by adult each afternoon (only those18 years old and over). Dismissal will be at marked door:
- Door A: Urbas/Traxler (140) Johnson/Abuasi (138)
- Door B: Conrad (122) McCandless (124) Pollard (131)
- Door C DiBacco (132) Ewert-Krocker (133)
Kindergarten – 8th Grade : will exit from the main entrance on Jefferson and walk to car independently – no sign out required. All students and adults must use the cross walk at the corner if they need to cross the street.
Family Handbook: Please review the Family Handbook for school information and procedures by clicking here.