Wildcat Weekly
December 8, 2023
Contact Information
Website: https://www.ksb.kyschools.us
Location: 1867 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40206
Phone: (502) 897-1583
Fax: (502) 897-2850
Facebook: facebook.com/KYschoolfortheblind/
Twitter: @KSBWildcats
Principal's Message
Congratulations to our students of the week for December 1: Jose E. (Middle School), Korbyn S. (Elementary), and Christian G (Athlete).
Inclement Weather Plan
With the approaching colder weather, now is the time to share the inclement weather plan. KSB will be in session when students are in the dorm (Sunday-Friday). When Jefferson County Public Schools cancels in-person classes due to weather:
- KSB will operate on a two-hour delayed schedule, with classes starting at 9:35.
- Day student parents are responsible for transportation.
Families of day students who utilize their home district bus transportation, please pay attention to announcements regarding whether their home district has canceled in-person classes. In these situations, the home district for day students will not be providing transportation. This includes Bullitt, Jefferson, Hardin, Mercer, Nelson, Oldham, and Trimble. Transportation will be the parents' responsibility. If a lack of transportation is the reason for absence, the absence will be excused.
If inclement weather is predicted to cause a significant impact on the state, KSB will disseminate information (OneCall, Facebook, email, etc.) with the plan for the closure or delay of school.
Upcoming Eventsđź“…
December 12 & 13: Santa's Workshop
December 21: Elementary & 11th-12th grade Winter Concert 9:30AM, Richie Auditorium
December 22-January 8: No School, Winter Break
If you have any change in phone numbers, home address, a change in bus routine or you need someone added/removed from your child’s safe pick-up list; please contact Beth or Linda in the front office.
Are you signed up for OneCall? KSB uses OneCall to send school information, including our Weekly Wildcat. If not, please contact Beth Baker at beth.baker@ksb.kyschools.us or 502-897-1583
Tuesday December 12 & Wednesday December 13
Santa's Workshop is coming to KSB!
All gift items will be $1.00 and students can come shop for family. Also, if families would like to donate wrapping paper, bags, tissue paper and tags, it would be much appreciated. Thank you!
7 Tips to Manage Stress & Mental Health During the Holidays
- Plan Ahead: Have a plan in place for all your holiday tasks and activities.
- Be Realistic: Don’t stress yourself out by trying to create the perfect holiday.
- Stay Active: Exercise is a great way to deal with holiday stress and anxiety.
- Don’t Worry: Don’t feel obligated to complete every small thing on your list.
- Just Say No: If you have too much on your plate, let your friends and family know.
- Set Aside Differences: Enjoy other’s company and talk about topics that bring happiness.
- Acknowledge Your Feelings: Have a plan in place for all your holiday tasks and activities.
Greetings from the KSB Howser Dorm:
My goodness it has been a busy week here at the dorm on the campus of KSB. We kicked Sunday afternoon off with a welcome back to the dorm meal of fish and waffle fries with lemonade and Kool-Aid prepared by our dorm staff and discussed our weekend as we ate together with students and staff. After getting settled in we had some time in the Recreation gym to decorate for our KSB alumni Christmas party. After a busy Monday at school for the students we had a KSB Alumni Christmas Party at the Recreation Center with students, staff and former students and retired teachers as the Alumni provided pizza, cookies and soft drinks and we got to eat in the booths around the bowling alley while listening to Christmas music and enjoying the lights and decorations in the kitchen area. After supper and singing we had a few games of Bingo and had 2 different winners in those games. It was a joyous and festive gathering, and we are thankful for our KSB alumni. Tuesday night was another enjoyable evening at KSB dorm as the students got to spend time making and decorating their own Christmas ornaments and listening to Christmas music. Wednesday the dorm students and paraprofessionals were treated to a special music concert as Ms. DeAnna Scroggins played Christmas songs on the piano and some of the students joined in with a sing a long of We Wish you a Merry Christmas. After supper time the students and staff baked cookies in the Practical Living lab at school and worked on some life skills in the kitchen while baking. It was a busy and fun time working in the kitchen with students and staff. On Thursday night we ended a very busy and fun week here at Howser dorm with decorating cookies and celebrating the Holiday season with the North Oldham Lions Club members along with Mr. and Mrs. Claus who visited and brought food, snacks and gifts for the dorm students and set in front of the Christmas tree in recreation lobby and asked each individual student what they wanted for Christmas. The students had a wonderful time visiting with Mr./Mrs. Claus and took all their gifts and cookies back to the dorm before settling back in for a long winters nap. Very thankful for the continued support of the North Oldham Lions club.
We had a fun week at Howser dorm and look forward to seeing everyone next week and hope all have a wonderful and safe weekend.
Until Next Time
Newsletter background shows drawings of various pine trees with snow