Orana Catholic Primary School
Week 3, Term 4, 2020
Respect is an attitude of caring about people and treating them with dignity. Respect is valuing ourselves and others. We show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy.
We come to you today and give thanks for all our teachers.
Thank you for the way in which they give of themselves each day in the classroom, Serving and instructing the next generation of this land.
We thank you for them all now.
Father, please fill their hearts with courage now by your mighty Spirit.
Fill them with your strength, so they may rise to every challenge and not grow weary.
Fill them with your wisdom, so that they may be able to make good judgement when guiding and helping others.
Fill them with your peace, so that when stress and anxiety comes it would not overwhelm them. Fill them with your joy, so that the passion they have for their subject may become an infectious passion that spreads.
We ask all this in the wonderful name of Jesus.
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Carers,
Today we celebrate World Teacher's Day. A teacher is someone who imparts knowledge, competence and virtue, someone who inspires, motivates, encourages and educates. Given this definition of teacher, we acknowledge all staff who work at Orana Catholic Primary School for their dedicated service to the young people and families who attend our school. We recognise the deep knowledge and professionalism our classroom and specialist teachers bring to the formal teaching of curriculum and we recognise the dedication of our education assistants who nurture the love of learning and who support the acquisition of knowledge and skills in our students. We are grateful to all other staff members who play such an important role not only in ensuring the smooth running of the school from an administration and management of grounds perspective, but also in terms of the social interaction and life skills that these staff members impart and model to our students too. I am sure all parents and carers in our school community will join me in thanking and recognising the dedicated and devoted service from all staff in providing a high standard of excellence in education.
A special thank you from the staff to the wonderful parents who provided us with a feast of a morning tea in acknowledgement of World Teacher's Day.
Drink bottles filled for school
It has been lovely to experience a few warm days this week and this warm weather is a timely reminder that all students need to come to school with a drink bottle filled with water. Students are able to fill their drink bottles but not drink from the water fountains running due to Covid restrictions. It is vitally important that children remain hydrated in the warmer summer months, so please check to ensure that your child has a drink bottle and that they remember to bring it to school.
School opens at 8.30am
A final housekeeping reminder is that children should not be arriving at school before 8.20am. There is no supervision of children prior to 8.30am. It has been noticed that children are arriving as early as 7.45am. We have our OSHC facility that you can make use of if you are finding dropping your child to school at the appropriate time difficult.
Proposals were presented to the P&F on Wednesday evening for an upgrade in Science of new resources, furniture and funding for an outdoor garden. Mrs Hogan is super excited and so grateful to the P&F for approving her proposal for extra funds to support the Science program at Orana.
I presented on behalf of a dedicated Sensory Room committee seeking approval for funding for a chill out space in our school. It is envisaged that a Sensory Room at Orana will provide a safe de-escalation area for students who need to regulate and manage anger, over-stimulation and stress, without feeling isolated or that they are in trouble. The proposed model would see the Sensory Room also being utilised by our Social Worker, Kath to continue supporting students and families of the Orana community. A range of therapeutic and sensory equipment will be used in the room to tailor support to individual needs. The P&F warmly welcomed this idea and again agreed to provide funds for the development of this space.
We will be having a Busy Bee in the coming weeks. If you are a member of our Orana community and would like to help the staff on our Busy Bee day, please contact me.
More details to follow regarding dates and times of the Busy Bee.
On behalf of the staff of Orana, I would like to thank the Orana P&F for the generosity and support you have shown the learning area and wellbeing programs we run at our school. We could not do this without you!
Please keep the Year 3 children in your prayer intentions over the coming week. The children participated in this Sacrament last evening and were ambassadors for our school in the way they reverently participated and reflected during the liturgy. The children will be attending mass this coming weekend to receive their Reconciliation certificates.
SAVE THE DATE - Volunteers Sundowner - Wednesday 25 November 5-6pm
The 2020 AGM will be held on Wednesday, 25 November at 6.30pm.
TERM 4 DATES to REMEMBER for the coming weeks
Year 4- 6 Swimming Lessons - 26 October - 6 November
Junior Assembly Music theme - SPECIAL TIME 2.30pm - 30 October
Penance Certificates and Celebration at St John and Paul Parish - 31 October 6.30pm
Penance Certificates and Celebration at St John and Paul Parish - 1 November 10.30am
Outdoor Education Day - 5 November
Confirmation Commitment Mass 7/8 November
Orana Athletics Carnival - 10 November
Remembrance Day Service - 11 November - 10.40am
Cuppa and Chat - Friday 13 November
Come join Kath, Emma and Erin on Friday 13th provide some feedback on the Social and Emotional Wellbeing workshops and programs (such as Highway Heroes) that we have run over the past year. We would love to know what you thought of the information provided and any areas of interest you have for workshops in 2021.
Hope to see you after assembly (approx. 9.30am) in the staff room.
Every kind act is a prayer, Blessed Mother Teresa
God bless,
Emma Bell
Short-term Principal
Well done to all our Year 3 students who competed in their first Field Day Carnival on Tuesday 27 October. The students represented their faction in a 400m race, Turbojav, Shot Put and Long Jump. All students demonstrated wonderful athleticism and sportsmanship by cheering their faction and competitors on. A special thank you to all staff and parent helpers and supporters who attended the event. We look forward to our whole school Athletics Carnival coming up in Week 5,Tuesday 10 November. Please see the results below:
2020 Faction Placing:
Salvardo (Red)- 238 points
Ward (Green)- 156 points
Francis (Yellow)- 126 points
Mackillop (Blue)- 132 points
Jealousy happens in childhood-it's a normal human emotion. Click the link below to read more about how to support your child in this space.
The Week That Was!
P & F News
We have had a very productive P&F meeting last Wednesday, thank you to all who have taken the time to come in and present their projects.
We have celebrated the work we have done last term in wall mural project and the Busy Bee – we are looking to make the Busy Bee an annual tradition – so we are on the lookout for other projects we can do next year.
In the meeting we have also discussed and supported a few school-led initiatives in building a Sensory Room facility, and upgrade works for the Science Classroom furniture and equipments.
Please join us at the wider school community gathering for our Volunteer Appreciation Event and Annual General Meeting which will be held on 25th November 2020. More details to follow, but save the date!
The School Disco is to be held on 13 November 2020, so get your permission form and tickets sorted quick! Information have been provided to the Facebook pages of each year group, and venue posters have been posted. If you have any queries, please contact either your class reps, or contact oranapandf@gmail.com. Please see flyer below.
We are looking for Orana dads/granddads/father figures to come and join us for an evening lawn bowling on Saturday, 7th November 2020 from 5pm to 8pm. Please use the link below to register and purchase the admission fee ($10), this covers the bowling cost. Venue is Rossmoyne Lawn Bowling, 35 Tuscan Street, Rossmoyne.
Note: Please disregard last week’s link and use this one instead.
From our Parish of Sts John & Paul
Please visit the Parish website for the latest information on weekend Masses.