Byron Area Schools
High School and Middle School News
Welcome Second Semester
Encourage healthy habits of getting enough sleep, proper food and beverage choices and preparing for each day. Also as the weather is constantly changing, double check that students are dressed correctly for the weather of the day. We have had a few cancellations due to the weather. If you have not been receiving those calls or alerts, please check that you are signed up correctly.
24/25 SCHEDULING-All 8th-11th grade students should have received scheduling books for next years classes. They need to select their classes by the end of the day on Monday. If you need help from Ms. Smith please contact her for an appointment at smith@byron.k12.mi.us.
Spring sports will start before we know it. Please make sure that your son/daughter has a physical on record at the school if this will be their first sport of the year.
Middle school dance February 9th 2:45-4:30. Permission slips have been sent home.
Senior parents, please order the cap and gown for graduation. As of today there have only been 19 ordered and the deadline is February 29. https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productDetail/1064907/BYRON-HIGH-SCHOOL/Cap-and-Gown/2150125786/CATALOG_REPOSITORY/Cap-and-Gown-Unit/2150125789
Ms. Murray would appreciate it if you were able to donate pencils, small baggies for ice packs and tissues to the Middle School. Thanks for any help that you can provide.
Thanks for everything you do to help Byron Schools, I am looking forward to the second half of the school year and all the growth and development we see with our students.
Don McLennan
Recently the Byron National Honors Society and the Byron Student Council teamed up at the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan. The efforts by the students of the two organizations, Mandi Davis, Jay Schmitt, and Steve Riddell were commendable! The team packaged 12,000 pounds of food, good for generating 10,000 meals for 28,755 people! Excellent job by all involved!
Travel March 2025
Mrs. Passig is organizing a trip to England, Scotland, and France for March 2025. Please look at the link for information and email Mrs. Passig at clpassig@gmail.com if you have questions.
Positivity Project
Byron High School and Middle School will continue to use the Positivity Project this year. This is a valuable resource for us that is used in a variety of ways. Please look at the link provided and explore the program. https://posproject.org/
Upcoming dates
February 16 and 19th-No school, President's weekend.
February 28-Our last virtual day of the year.
March 25-29-Week off for Spring Break. Return April 1st.
Impressive information I am leaving on here from last month
As we are getting near the scheduling time of the year, I am going to leave this for another month. There are a lot of options out there to explore.
Did you know that Byron High School is partnered with FOUR area colleges to offer high school students the opportunity to earn direct college credit? Byron was one of the first schools in the area to partner with the University of Michigan Flint! This semester, students are set to earn 214 college credits at Mott Community College, Lansing Community College, Baker College of Owosso as well as UM Flint. Five of these students are 5th year Early College students and are currently taking between 12 and 15 college credits. All this in just this semester! Students will be enrolled in different classes second semester earning even more credits.
As we get to this point in the year, it might be a good time to review attendance policies for absences and tardies. The numbers are increasing and this has an impact in many areas, like grades, discipline, truancy, and credit for classes.
Please consider helping the Athletic Boosters in any way that you can. It is very good to see them active again. Their efforts make a huge difference in Byron Athletics.
- Contact-Don McLennan mclennan@byron.k12.mi.us
- 810-266-4620
The mission of Byron Area Schools is to educate all students
to become productive members of society.