Welcome Back to School!

Welcome Bobcats!
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year! I hope you had a fun and relaxing summer break. We are excited to begin the new school year.
Our theme this year is "Reach for the Stars!" The focus on California Common Core Standards in conjunction with engaging and innovative learning opportunities contribute to an academically enriching environment for all students. We pride ourselves in providing relevant learning opportunities that solidify skills that prepare students for the future. In addition to enriching academics our students have multiple opportunities to engage with their peers through participation in extra curricular activities such as sports and clubs. The BJH staff looks forward to working in collaboration with our students and their families to ensure that their social-emotional and academic needs are met.
We value the positive impact of a strong home-school partnership. Direct and open communication is one of the most important ways to ensure the continued success of your student. Our team is here to assist you and to ensure that each student has the necessary support to thrive academically and socially. Please contact a member of the Administrative Team if you have questions or need support throughout the school year.
BJH Administrative Team
Sheri Cole, Principal
Greg Lamp, Assistant Principal
Carlos Penilla, 7th Grade Counselor
Megan Jansen, 8th Grade Counselor
Important Dates to Remember:
August 14: First Day of School
August 16: First Late Start Wednesday (school starts at 8:30)
August 17: Lifetouch Picture Day (during PE class)
August 22: Back to School Night (6:00 p.m.)
Arrival/Departure Times
Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri
First Bell = 8:10 am First Bell
1st Period = 8:15 am
Wednesdays (Late Start)
First Bell = 8:30 am
1st Period = 8:35 am
Every morning at 7:45 a.m. and every afternoon at dismissal, our Campus Security and administrators are on duty to ensure the safe and efficient arrival and dismissal from school.
Students on Campus
Students should not arrive on campus prior to 30 minutes before the first bell. However, those who wish to access breakfast in the cafe, the library or have an appointment with their teacher or other staff may be on campus at 7:30 a.m.
After school all students need to exit the campus no more than 10 minutes after the dismissal bell. Exceptions to this expectation are participation in after school sports, after school club meetings, use of library, participate in tutoring, child care through the Teen Center, or other staff organized after school activity. Students who do not have a valid reason to remain on campus after the ten minute grace period will be spoken to by a staff member. Parents or guardians may be contacted should this become a regular occurrence. We love our students, but there is not enough supervision after the ten minute grace period to ensure their safety.
Click the link to access the BOUSD Food Services Website. You will have access to the monthly menus and free and reduced meal application and more! https://bousdfoodservice.com/
Back to School Night
Parking is available on the blacktop and parking lots for families. Additional parking can be accessed in the nearby neighborhoods.
Tuesday, Aug 22, 2023, 06:00 PM
Brea Junior High School, North Brea Boulevard, Brea, CA, USA
Stay Connected! Brea Junior High PTA helps parents get connected and stay involved and informed. Go to our school website at https://bjhs.bousd.us and click the Community tab on the website to see how you can join our PTA.