The Belated Monday Minute
October 20, 2021
The Shelby Shake Returns!
Major Health Partners Vice President Heather Ross said she was impressed with students' ability to give their own off-the-cuff retirement speech at a reception featuring balloons and "retirement" party favors. "I was pleasantly surprised at how specific they were in what career they were 'retiring' from," Ross said. "At least half said that after retirement, they would stay busy by giving back to the community. Many of them did such a great job of maintaining eye contact and spoke confidently. It was very rejuvenating getting to interact with them and to leave with such a positive impression."
This year's Shelby Shake included 47 seventh-grade English Language Arts Honors students. Seventh-grader Luke Coomes told local media that his favorite part was connecting each scenario to his planned career in meteorology. "I loved meeting new people, learning what they do and how that connects to what I want to do in the future."
Thank you to Kristiaan Rawlings who coordinated the event and wrote this narrative, and principal Ryan Mikus, who shared it with us.
Digital Citizenship Week
Resources from the Indiana Learning Lab
Be Internet Awesome Lessons from Google
Keep Indiana Learning Resources
Free DigCit Lessons from Nearpod
Free Lessons from Common Sense Education
Would You Rather DigCit Questions from Dr. Kristen Mattson (can lead to great discussions)
K-12 #DigCitWeek Ideas from Michelle Green (formerly of IDOE, now a Virtual School P)
And if you're not already on overload, the Texas Computer Education Association has this list.
Halloween Resources
- Richard Byrne's Updated List of Halloween-themed Activities and Resources
- Frightful Fun: Halloween Podcasts for Middle Schoolers
- Halloween Podcast Lists from Jeff Glade
- Scared Out of Your Mind: Halloween, Fear, and the Brain-Free Stories from Actively Learn
- Halloween Magnetic Poetry with Google Drawings
- 20 Halloween Ideas for Spooky Science Fun
- Spookiest Children's Books of 2021
- ELA Halloween Activities for Middle & High School
Photo by Taylor Rooney on Unsplash
Want to Attend an AMLE Viewing Party?
Realizing Your Dream of an Empty Email Inbox
Integrate Multiple Subjects with Sea Turtle tracking
A Thank You to Teachers from Michael Shaffer
Share with Your Librarian!
Edumatch Grants
EduMatch began as a dream of Dr. Sarah Thomas, a tech integration specialist from Maryland. Dr. Thomas has spearheaded efforts in podcasting, publishing, and more. EduMatch is one of my most active Voxer groups. You can apply for a grant up to $1500 for a classroom project. Deadline: November 1.
Submit Student Work to AMLE
Middle School Journal highlights the voices and perspectives of young adolescents through a student column each issue. They can respond in a written or artistic format of their choosing (e.g., written narrative; poetic; story map; drawing/sketch) to one of the prompts found here. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
Stay in Touch with Us!
Learning Opportunities (all times EDT)
October 21: Fall into DigCit LiveStream Mini-Summit, 1-4 pm
October 21-24: Teacher Summit (quite a lineup!)
October 22: Dr. Drew & Dr. Lisa-How Are Kids Doing? 1 pm
October 26-28: Adobe MAX: The Creativity Conferencer
October 28: KIL-How to Build Equity-Focused Family Engagement, 4 pm
October 28: Make Learning Magical: Innovative Strategies to Inspire, Immerse, and Empower with Tisha Richmond, 7 pm
November 1: Summer of Learning Grant Application Due
November 1: EduMatch Foundation Grant Application Due
Nov. 3: Future Reading Schools- Addressing Systemic Trauma w/ Jimmy Casas & Tom Murray, 12-2 pm
November 4-7: AMLE Virtual Conference
Keep Indiana Learning Live Events (many free) Archived Events
PATINS Trainings for Accessibility for All
Teachers First/OK2Ask Virtual Workshops
Please note: Webinars and events mentioned in this space are not an endorsement of commercial products; on the contrary, we try to avoid listing events that appear to be commercial in nature. Every effort is made to strip social media/tracking data from provided URLs. In many cases you can register and receive a recording later.
You can access past Monday Minutes via this link on our webpage Principals and others: Feel free to forward this newsletter to your staff, and email us at any time.
And don't forget, you can join both IMLEA and AMLE in a joint membership!
Indiana Middle Level Education Association
Susie Highley, Executive Director
Shirley Wright, Schools to Watch State Director
Location: 11025 East 25th Street, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317.894.2937
Twitter: @IMLEAorg