Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, March 2023
Public Hearing on the eLearning Plan
A recommendation was made for the eLearning Plan (to be enacted in case of an emergency rather than adding days to the end of the school year). The plan was later approved through March 2026.
Regular Board Meeting
Emily Rose, President, called the meeting to order. She noted that the evening’s staffing plan would reflect the needs of the students and community, and is responsive to the ambitious goals, rigorous academic standards and the supportive learning environments valued in The Winnetka Public Schools. She also wished the community a safe, restful Spring Break.
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, recognized several recent academic and service-related highlights within the District, including the recent Dance Marathon, led by 5-8th grade students and resulting in over $80K raised for Lurie Children’s Hospital. She thanked the parents and staff who have worked to support opportunities like this for students.
Construction 2023-2025
To inform the community on the timeline and progress toward projects approved as part of the 2022 Referendum, this webpage has been launched on the District website with a message from Dr. Tess.
Highlighting Progressive Education in Action:
Ms. Zaia’s Kindergarten students, along with Ms. Ross’ fourth grade students, shared their experience as part of the Buddy Program, and the unique opportunities it has presented within the Greeley School community. From packing lunches for the homeless, to baking Gingerbread Cookies together, to studying birds and other creatures on a joint field trip at Lincoln Park Zoo, the students reflected on how the program has supported shared empathy, creative collaboration, as well as built their confidence. Thank you to the Winnetka Public Schools Foundation WPSF for helping support the particular activities that the students enjoyed at Lincoln Park Zoo.
Beverages with the Board
Beverages with the Board, is an opportunity for community members to connect with Board Members on a regular basis.
April 12 from 11 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Peets Coffee
817 Elm Street in Winnetka
Winnetka Voices
The latest episode of Winnetka Voices a recently-launched podcast by The Winnetka Public Schools:
Episode #5: Progressive Education: 100+ Years Strong in Winnetka
Dr. Kelly Tess speaks to School Board President Emily Rose, Crow Island Kindergarten teacher Melissa Brody (both of whom are alumni of The Winnetka Public Schools) and Tom Flemma, Head of School at North Shore Country Day, a private school in Winnetka with a unique shared history in progressive education. Throughout the episode, learn about the unique legacy of Progressive Education in Winnetka, and how our public and private institutions uphold our commitment to experiential learning. “I hope we continue to push ourselves to be a lighthouse of a District….the future is bright,” says Ms. Rose.
Jeff Knapp, Assistant Superintendent for Professional Learning and Human Resources, presented the Proposed Staffing Plan for the 2022/2023 School Year. Staffing priorities are reflective of four key areas: Student Enrollment, Special Education, Programmatic Adjustments, and Financial Considerations. The plan, as presented, falls within the parameters of the Board’s 3% cost per pupil target. The staffing models include reductions in areas where enrollment is in decline, additions where enrollment is growing, as well as recommended reallocations that will continue to support the District’s priorities for early literacy and Social Emotional supports. The plan has a net zero FTE impact on certified staff and a net impact reduction of 2.0 FTE classified staff. Despite this reduction, the plan does include the addition of : 2.0 FTE Special Education teachers (CI and SK), 2.0 FTE Skokie Classroom teachers, 0.5 FTE EL Teacher, and 0.5 FTE MTSS teacher, all based on student need. The District will continue to closely monitor enrollment and student needs in order to effectively plan for the 2023/2024 school year.
Informational Items
Advancing the Educational Master Facility Plan
The Board was updated on the hiring of a structural engineer for the evaluation of cornice work and water infiltration issues at The Skokie School. The selection process will conclude in the coming weeks.
The Board was presented with public bids for the contract to perform construction work related to the Downsized Capital Improvement Plan during the summer of 2023 and 2024 as part of Bid Period 3. This work is to be completed at Hubbard Woods and Greeley Schools. This period included 12 trade packages: selective demolition, masonry, general trades, roofing & sheet metal, aluminum storefronts & windows, resilient flooring & carpet, acoustical ceilings & finishes, paint & coatings, fire protection, plumbing, electrical, and ceramic tile. The Board awarded these packages to the lowest qualified responsive bidders.
This monthly memo included updates on the following initiatives underway in the District: Literacy Curriculum Review, Project Based Learning, the Washburne Schedule, RULER Implementation, Professional Development for Special Educators, and Portrait of an Educator.
February Institute Day Summary
The Board received an update on the February Institute Day. After gathering critical feedback from staff in the Fall and early Winter, adjustments were made to the schedule/sessions to better meet the needs for advancing development in the following key areas:
Science of Reading Levels 1 and 2: 2.5 hour training (Kg-4th grade teachers)
RULER/SEL: 2.5 hour training (All staff)
Behavioral Intervention/Functional Behavior Assessment: 5 hour training (Student Services option for SW/Psych/SpEd/SLP)
Curricular Review and Articulations: half day collaborations (World Language/Visual Arts/Music/Drama/Kinetic Wellness/Nurses/Secretaries)
Project Based Learning (PBL): half day training (5th-8th grade teachers)
Kindergarten Connection Fall 2023
“Kindergarten Connection” has been scheduled for Monday August 21, 2023 and Tuesday August 22, 2023. In the spring, parents will receive an email with a link to sign up for a time to visit their home school to meet select staff members. During this time, incoming kindergarten students will participate in small group activities and work one-on-one with teachers. This is helpful to building relationships to ensure the creation of balanced homerooms that can support all students. Due to summer construction at Greeley and Hubbard Woods, Kindergarten Connection will take place at Crow Island. Each school team will have a dedicated space and parents will receive more logistics in late spring.
Right at School Program Fees 2023-2024
An update on the Right at School Program for the 2022/2023 school year was provided. This is the second year that the District has partnered with Right at School to provide before and after school care. Enrollment increased from 58 registrations in 2021/2022 to 69 registrations in 2022/2023. Parent satisfaction surveys are conducted twice annually producing a net promoter score (NPS) which signifies level of satisfaction (0-100). The NPS score from the fall survey was 62 in fall 2021 and 90 in fall 2022. Fees for the 2023-2024 school year will be unchanged.
Approval of Owner’s Representative
The Board approved Terry Fielden, Vice President/Director K-12 Education from International Contractors, Inc., as an Owner’s Representative for the upcoming construction in the District. Mr. Fielden will serve as a consultant to the Board, the Administration on the upcoming construction related to the Downsized Capital Improvement Plan.
Renewal of Rival 5-Telephone Contract
The Board approved the renewal of our telephone contract with Rival 5. They have served as our telecommunications provider since 2017. This is a 5-year agreement.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
- Adoption of E-Learning Program Renewal & Resolution
- School Year Calendar 2023-2024
- Staffing Plan 2023-2024
- Approval of Bid Packages
- Owners Rep Agreement Between WPS and International Contractors, Inc.
- Rival 5-Telephone Contract
- Intra-District Transfer Request on behalf of Student 20230321A
- Intra-District Transfer Request on behalf of Student 20230321B
To view the entire Board Packet from the March 21, 2023 Meeting, click here.