Wolf Call
An e-newsletter from Island Lake Elementary School
Friday, February 2
A message from the principal
Greetings Island Lake Families,
I hope this short note finds each of you in good health and good spirits. One part of my life that I havenāt shared much about is my experience living in other countries. I was very fortunate to find the study of world languages appealing, as it opened up the world to me. I had opportunities in high school to visit Europe three times, and during college I studied at a university and worked at a bank in Germany. After college, I lived in Chile for a year, teaching English language classes to adults. I took several years off from international travel until last year, when Liz and I hiked in Iceland. I rekindled my love for travel and am passing it onto my children. Perhaps you too are fostering this love of exploring different cultures and languages with your Wolves. Our International Night, hosted by the Island Lake PTA, will be a fantastic, family event, showcasing the diverse cultures of the families who attend our school. Please join my daughters and me next Thursday, February 8, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the gym. International Night is free and all are welcome!
Additionally, our phenomenal PTA is in search of parents/guardians interested in supporting our Run with the Wolves event, slated for June 1. Without additional parent/guardian support, this fun, fitness event will not take place. I know our Wolves love it; might you be willing to lend us a hand?
Finally, our celebration of Black History Month began yesterday. We simply cannot tell the story of the United States without honoring the roles that African Americans have played. Black History Month is a celebration of Black history and culture, and this yearās theme is āAfrican Americans and the Arts.ā We will spend this month learning about the contributions African Americans have made to the arts, as well as other places in our society. I invite you to engage your Wolf in conversations about their Black History Month classroom learning!
Have a lovely and warm weekend!
Pack Pride Meeting - WEAR YOUR PACK PRIDE SHIRT on Thursday, February 8!
Our next Pack Pride meeting is Thursday, February 8. The goal of the Pack Pride meetings is to create connections that foster a positive school community and support our work with social emotional learning. Students meet together in cross-grade level groups, with each group representing one of our C.A.R.E.S: Cooperation, Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy and Self Control.
Our pack meeting will focus on "E" for Empathy. Make sure to wear your Pack Pride t-shirt on Thursday. Go Wolves!
Work sessions for Science Fair participants
- Students who are registered and want a time and place to work on their projects are welcome to come to the library after school from 4:00-5:00 p.m. on the following dates: February 8, 15, and 22.
- Basic supplies such as markers, construction paper, glue, and scissors will be provided. Students can also make color prints at this time if needed.
- No need to register for this, just show up! However, students must share a permission slip with their homeroom teachers in order to be sent to the work session. (Parents: Please write a note to the homeroom teacher.)
Island Lake in Photos - 2nd & 4th Grade Buddies
Learning About Positive and Negative Space in 5th Grade Art
Join Us For International Night -- Next Thursday!
The Island Lake PTA is hosting International Night on Thursday, February 8, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Island Lake Elementary!
International Night is an evening of fun for all where we can celebrate the diversity of cultures and nationalities making up the Island Lake Community. It is a wonderful opportunity for our families to share different cultures with the school community in a celebration of internationalism and intercultural awareness. Island Lake families represent a country or nationality with a table or display to highlight the unique aspects of that country or nationality. This may include food, clothing, decorations, items, and games.
The event is FREE and open to all family members. We hope to see you there!
Island Lake Student Directory
New year, new you! Take a moment to update the Island Lake PTA Student Directory.
The Island Lake PTA is happy to offer this directory through Membership Toolkit for the exclusive personal use of Island Lake families. It is a confidential list, and information is not to be used for solicitations, advertising, or mass emails.
New or returning user? Go to https://islandlakepta.membershiptoolkit.com/home to create or update your family information. For more information about the site and accounts, please see this document or email mike.kinsella@gmail.com.
Run With the Wolves -- We Need You!
Do you love our annual Run With the Wolves event? Want to volunteer and be a vital part of your community and student's school activities? We are looking for a group of volunteers to lead planning for this year's Run With the Wolves, which is scheduled for Saturday, June 1. If interested, please reach out to the PTA at contactilpta@gmail.com for more info.
Upcoming PTA Events
General PTA Meeting -- (UPDATED date/time) Monday, March 4 at 6:00 p.m.
Carnival Committee Planning Meeting -- Monday, March 4 at 7:00 p.m. (following PTA meeting)
Kindergarten registration
Kindergarten registration information for fall 2024 was mailed last week. If you or someone you know has a child who will be entering kindergarten and has not received enrollment information please call our office at 651-621-8000.
In addition, we have limited open enrollment for the coming school year. If you know someone who may be interested, more information can be found here.
Island Lake Calendar
For up-to-date information on events happening at Island Lake, visit www.moundsviewschools.org/islandlakecalendar.
Monday, February 5
4th & 5th Grade Choir, Large Group, 8:05-9:05 a.m.
Tuesday, February 6
5th Grade Band, Large Group, 8:05-9:05 a.m.
Chippewa Orchestra Visit, 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, February 7
5th Grade Orchestra, Large Group, 8:05-9:05 a.m.
1st Grade FT, Children's Theatre, 9:30-11:15 a.m.
Thursday, February 8
4th Grade Orchestra Combined, Large Group, 8:05-9:05 a.m.
Pack Pride Meeting, Wear Your Pack Pride T-shirt, 9:30 a.m.
Science Fair Work Session, Library, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
PTA International Night, Main Gym, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Friday, February 9
1st Grade Dentist Visit
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Yog xa tau kev pab thiab hais ua lus Hmoob thov hu rau Bao Thao: 651-272-0972. Haddi aad ubaahantahay faahfaahin dheerad-ah ama turjamaad, fadlan kala soo xidid Zeynah Abdulrazak lambaraka 651-262-4577. Para asistencia o preguntas en EspaƱol por favor contacte a Angel Toro: 651-724-2854 o Carmen Bender: 612-494-3895.