Unite Oregon City
January 2023
Happy New Year!
Creating Connections for Kids of Color -Lunar New Year
The next meet up is a Lunar New Year Celebration!
There are plans for another Lego Build, indoor rock climbing, and nature hikes in the upcoming months.
Contact Anna or the Facebook group from more details.
Kids, Grownups and allies all welcome!
Community Service-The Father's Heart
We made over 600 lunches for The Father's Heart in 2022. Plan to join us on February 22nd at 6:30 for the next group opportunity!
Group Outings- Where should we go in 2023?
We would like to plan quarterly fields trips to sites with cultural significance throughout the Metro area, let us know your thoughts!
About Us
UOC envisions Oregon City and surrounding areas as being a welcoming and safe space for historically marginalized, disenfranchised and oppressed peoples to share their experiences and voices. We envision a community that accepts and appreciates those including, but not limited to, race, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, national origin, socioeconomic status, documentation status, culture, sexual orientation, religion, age and ability.
Mission Statement
Unite Oregon City is a non-partisan group that strives to make Oregon City and the surrounding area a more welcoming and safe place by working collaboratively with other formal and informal community groups to create and support programs, practices, and policies that lead to a just, equitable, diverse and inclusive community that accepts and appreciates the uniqueness of all.
Email: uniteoregoncity@gmail.com
Website: uniteoc.weebly.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uniteoc
Unite Oregon City Monthly Meeting
If you plan to attend, please, RSVP as space is limited in the upstairs meeting room at the Oregon City Library.
Sunday, Jan 8, 2023, 01:00 PM
Oregon City Public Library, John Adams Street, Oregon City, OR, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Clackamas County Equity Coalition
Clackamas County Equity Coalition
Unite Oregon City is part of the Clackamas County Equity Coalition.
Email clackcoequityco@gmail.com for more details or to submit calendar events.
Visit their website for more information
The West Linn Alliance is pleased to support the Women’s BIPOC Speaker Series in collaboration with Mary’s Woods, Respond to Racism, LO for Love, West Linn Public Library, Lake Oswego Public Library, and African American Women of Lake Oswego.
The speaker series continues on January 12th at 7:00 pm with Oregon Representative, Tawna Sanchez.
This free community event will be held at Mary's Woods in the Dunn Community Center, Cascade Hall, 17520 Mesnard Street, Lake Oswego. Living steaming will be available. Click here for more information
LO for Love and partners invite you to a celebration Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. on Sunday, January 15th at 2:00 p.m. at Lake Oswego High School Auditorium. Visit https://www.loforlove.org/upcoming-events/honoring-dr-martin-luther-king-jr for additional details.
"Can We All Get Along?" is an intentional dialogue event being supported by the Wilsonville Alliance for Inclusive Community and Oregon Humanities Conversation Project.
The event is scheduled for January 18 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Clackamas Community College-Wilsonville Campus. Room W155. RSVP to connect@wilsonvillealliance.org by January 10. RSVP is not required but preferred.
Clackamas Community College is working to expand their community connections and has requested information about any metro area culturally specific chambers of commerce/business alliances in order to extend invitations about events and celebrations the college is hosting/sponsoring. Please contact Casey Layton, Chief Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion officer to share information. She can be reached at 503-594-3008 or casey.layton@clackamas.edu