Brahma Briefing
Week 15 - November 16 - 20, 2020
Staff Appreciation Week!
Welcome to Week 15!
Hello Brahma Parents & Guardians,
Welcome to Week 15, November 16 - 20, 2020.
As we approach Thanksgiving, I am so grateful for our United Student Body (USB) for organizing our Staff Appreciation Week. Led by Activities Director, Janna Van Horn, our student-leaders created poster signs and hung them all over the front of campus, and they made virtual "thank you" backgrounds for staff. Later this week, USB will be writing thank you letters, providing gifts to all staff, and hosting an Ice Cream "Social Distance" Truck for all staff!
Also this week, our Brahmas continue to compete at the highest level in student competitions. Our Mock Trial team competes on Tuesday and our Math Team competes on Wednesday. See below for more details.
Best Regards,
Reuben Jones
Thanks to USB for the Staff Appreciation Signs!
Thanks to Maintenance and Administration
Go Brahmas!
Thanks Security for Keeping us Safe!
Math Madness!
Good Luck to our Math Team who is currently ranked #27 in the Nation! Our Math Team competes in the 2nd round of the MAA Math Madness competition on Wednesday, November 18.
Go to https://www.aretelabs.com/math_madness/51/brackets to see the brackets and follow our Brahmas! Special thanks to our Math Coaches Jeff Brose and Dena Lordi!
Go Brahmas!
Brahma Math Team
Brahma Math Team - Officers
Brahma Math Team
Attorney Hilal Balik
Attorney Crystal Tsao
Attorney Phillip Ma
DBHS Distance Learning Resources
SEL During Distance Learning
This Mindfulness site is dedicated to providing you with some resources to deal with any feelings you may have. Your GLCs want you to know that how you're feeling is valid, during this unusual time.
Calendar November 2020
Our Distance Learning calendar is subject to change as we respond to the Health Department guidelines and mandates.
Bell Schedule
According to State Assembly Bill 77, Distance Learning is 240 instructional minutes per day.
We meet everyday for six (6) forty (40) minute class periods.
NEED Tutoring? Free Tutoring from CSF!
CSF Peer (Virtual) Tutoring is here!
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM Monday – Thursday.
All students who plan to attend tutoring will need to fill out a waiver and RSVP 24 hours in advance.
Click HERE to sign-up! Also, links to tutoring are in the Grade Level Google Classrooms.
November 9 - 13, 2018
National School Psychologist Appreciation Week
Thanks to:
Stacy Woodward
Inger Tuner
Kelsey Compton
Collegeboard SENIOR Scholarships
Students and parents: We encourage seniors to sign up for the College Board Opportunity Scholarships program and start earning chances at scholarships. Students and parents can also take advantage of these resources this fall:
- View Collegeboard's recent webinar, Applying to College During a Pandemic, for seniors and their parents.
- Visit Collegeboard's Class of 2021 page for college planning resources in response to covid-19 to help your senior stay on track for college.
We encourage seniors to get ahead on the FAFSA® by visiting www.getfafsahelp.org to sign up early for Wyatt℠, a free FAFSA assistance chatbot that answers their questions by text.
You are invited to join us on Friday, November 20 at 7:00 PM for our Dance Company Virtual Concert, "Gallery Walk."
"Gallery Walk" is a showcase of student work inspired by various pieces of artwork. The Dance Company members created everything including: choreography, filming, music and video editing and more! It will be an amazing evening of dance!!
The concert will also feature our 2020 Youth Campers, which is an audience favorite!!
Approximate Run Time: 35 minutes.
Tickets for the virtual production are $15/stream. *Only one device will be able to access the show per ticket*
Tickets available at www.dbhspac.org.
Our Dance Company thanks you for your support!!
Enjoy the show!
NCAA Eligibility Center
NCAA Eligibility Center
Attention Senior Student-Athletes:
If you plan on participating in college-level athletics at the NCAA Division I or II levels and are in contact with college coaches, you must be certified as an eligible athlete by the NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER.
*Register online at www.eligibilitycenter.org.
Mr. Patterson, our NCAA GLC, will be notified by the Eligibility Center once you have registered. At that time, your transcript will be sent to the Eligibility Center by Mr. Patterson. Only students in the Class of 2021 should register at this time.
"Tell a Friend"
Dear Parents,
We are seeking your help to “Tell a Friend” about the opportunities to attend Walnut Valley Unified for the 2021/2022 school year. Walnut Valley will be hosting enrollment information meetings beginning this month to share information with prospective parents on how to enroll based on District of Choice, Inter-district Transfers, Allen Bill, or Caregiver applications.
Click HERE for the flyer and website information to share with friends interested in attending our District. The above website has the upcoming dates and locations of our meetings to any family interested in attending Walnut Valley. Current families enrolled in Walnut Valley do not need to attend these meetings.
Please click HERE to access the flyer.
Best Regards,
Reuben Jones
WVUSD Nutrition Services Continues Meal Services Mon - Fri 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Congratulations Yenny Ong!
August 2020 CSEA Cornerstone Winner
WVUSD Nutrition Services Supervisor Meeting
Castle Rock - Imelda Trihasto, CJ Morris - Jessica Frietze, Collegewood - Teresa Hernandez, Evergreen - Laura Ranieri, Maple Hill - Michelle Myers, Quail Summit - Margie Magdaleno, Vejar - Ana Guerrero, Walnut El - Izena Valenzuela, Westhoff - Isabel Mitose, Chaparral - Irene Master, South Pointe - Kevin Maldonado, Suzanne - Tracey Carr, DBHS - Yenny Ong, WHS - Julie Del Rio
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Click HERE to read the answers from last week's FAQ.
Still have questions about Distance Learning?
Please Click HERE to log your question and we will post the answer on the above Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) link.
Reuben Jones,
Diamond Bar High School
Reuben Jones, Ed.D
Email: rjones@wvusd.k12.ca.us
Website: www.dbhs.org
Location: 21400 Pathfinder Road, Diamond Bar, CA, USA
Phone: (909) 594-1405
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dbhsorg/
Twitter: @dbhs_principal