Pirates Post
Week of November 21st
Message from Principal Drew...
Congratulations to our football team on an outstanding playoff run to end this season. Also congratulations to our swim team for a fantastic start to their season this past week. Finally, congratulations to our competitive cheer team on their successful event this past Saturday.
We have a short week this week as there will be no school on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Let's take advantage of the two days of school this week to continue to prepare for a successful end to the first semester. We have 15 school days left until final exams.
There are some important dates to put on your calendar as we approach the end of the semester:
11/24 - Thanksgiving Day
12/3 - Hertford Christmas Parade - The PCHS Marching Pirates will serve as the Grand Marshal for the parade.
12/8 & 12/9 - PCHS Drama presents "A Christmas Story". Get your tickets now for this classic Christmas story.
12/12 - 1st and 3rd Period Teacher made exams
12/13 - 2nd and 4th Period Teacher made exams
12/15 - 3rd Period EOC/CTE Exams
12/16 - 4th Period EOC/CTE Exams
12/19 - 1st Period EOC/CTE Exams, Early release for PCHS only
12/20 - 2nd Period EOC/CTE Exams, Early release for PCHS only
12/21 - Make up for all EOC/CTE Exams, District wide early release
12/22-1/4 - Christmas Break
1/5 - First day of school for the second semester
Thanks for listening and thanks to each of you for your support of our students and staff. We are thankful for you. Go Pirates!
Toys for Tots: Help Us Help Sergeant Murray
Rotary Students of the Month
PCHS Highlights...
Drama Club: Congratulations to the new Drama Club Treasurer Ben Lowther. If you would like to join Drama Club feel free to come to the Auditorium during WIN each Thursday.
Math Department> Students of the Week...
Bridgers - Mattison Winslow - Honors Math 1
Carver - Reagan Charlton - Math 4
Jacox - Kaylee Smithson - Math 2
Riddick - Rihanna Rascoe - Math 1
Spruill - Shane Holbrook - Math 2
Social Studies Department> Students of the Week...
American History/Castle: Hannah Cooper
Civics/Kajca: Kemora Felton
World History/Jackson: Xavier Spellman
First Quarter Grades>
- 79% of our students earned all A's & B's!
- 71% of our students earned all C's or better!
NCVBCA All-State Team
Counselor's Corner: Student Services...
Are you interested in Governor's School?? Or want to know more about what that looks like? Check out the information below. If this is something you are interested in, please let Mrs. Thomas or Mrs. Stallings know as soon as you can. Thanks so much!
The Governor’s School of North Carolina is the oldest statewide summer residential program for gifted and talented high school students in the nation. The program began in 1963 as the brainchild of several North Carolina educators and leaders with the goal of providing the gifted students of the state with an experience that would broaden their educational horizons by presenting them with cutting edge ideas and theories.
Each summer, selected students are invited to Governor’s School to help build a learning community during a four week session. Students are encouraged to explore and ask questions, with the purpose of learning for its own sake and discovering new possibilities that complement their high school instruction, without the regular pressures of tests, scores and grade point averages. The Governor’s School emphasizes collaborative efforts in all disciplines.
The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) will be offered on the following dates during the 2022-2023 school year for 10th through 12th grade students:
January 26, 2023
March 28, 2023
Please see Mrs. Thomas to sign up for one of these sessions.
Reasons to take the ASVAB:
- It is FREE!
- You need it for military entrance (although you do not have to enter the military if you take the test)
- It is a career assessment tool which helps identify which careers are best for you
- After taking the test, you will have access to a variety of excellent career and college search tools that are not available to other people
Meet the Pirates @ PCHS
Mrs. Sutton
Position: OCS Teacher
Career: 20 yrs. / 3 yrs. @PCHS
Born: Camden, NJ
Food: Chicken
Movie: Save the Last Dance
Actor: Sanaa Lathan
Singer: PJ Morton
Song: I Will Trust in the Lord Until I Die
Vacation: Home
Mrs. Mountjoy-Riddick
Position: Family & Consumer Science Teacher
Career: 3 yrs. / 3 yrs. @PCHS
Born: Spain
Food: Pizza
Movie: Wizard of Oz
Vacation: Mountains